“Hattori? Kazuha? Why are you here?” Xiaolan looked at the two people who walked in in surprise.
“Oh, I heard that this kid was seriously injured, so I came here by plane~!” Hattori Heiji came to Conan’s hospital bed with Lily in his hands.
“How is Conan now?” He Ye also looked at Conan on the hospital bed.
“The doctor said that he could be discharged in two or three days.” Xiaolan said.
“Really? Great!”
“By the way, let me introduce you, Xiao Ai, this is Kazuha and Hattori…”
143. Hui Yuan Ai’s First Stage Experience (Please Subscribe!)
At noon, Hui Yuanai, Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Ye left the hospital together.
Met new friends, they want to go out to eat some delicious food together, to celebrate.
Hattori saidTo stay with Conan.
As for the three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team, they have to rush home to have lunch.
In the evening, Hui Yuan Ai separated from the others and returned home.
The morning of the garden party.
“Zu, today is Xiao Ai’s school fair~! And Xiao Ai will play the role of a prince on stage, you must be looking forward to it~?” Miyano Akemi asked with a smile.
“Well, I’m really looking forward to it.” Guan Zu nodded.
“But Machiko, I’m going to change my identity today, so I won’t be with you. Go on your own first.” Guan Zu said.
He was going to contact the school doctor.
At this time, the school doctor may have been replaced by Belmode.
Therefore, he cannot use the identity of his own deity.
Otherwise, Belmode will stare at him, and it will be troublesome in the future.
He himself doesn’t care, but Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai may have to change their identities again.
Miyano Akemi is also fine, she is basically a ‘housewife’ now.
During this period of time, that is to say, I have more contact with the neighbors around me.
Not even friends.
Xiao Ai was distressed.
She finally got to know Xiaolan and Yuanzi, two good friends.
If you want to give up your current identity, it means you have to give up the two friends Xiaolan and Yuanzi.
For the sake of everyone, it is better for him to go to the garden party of Di Dan High School with a false identity today.
“That’s it, Xiao Ai and I will go out first.” Miyano Akemi responded, saying that she already knew.
Now that Guan Zu has made a decision, she will not try to change it.
Because she knew that Guan Zu must have his own considerations.
Xiao Ai glanced at Guan Zu.
【You will indeed come today, right? 】
Then I went out with my sister.
Not long after the two of them went out, Guan Zu followed suit.
He went to a public toilet to change his clothes, and then rode his motorcycle to Didan High School.
Today, Guan Zu has become the punk youth Ito again.
To be honest, Guan Zu, dressed as a punk youth, usually walks on the road, and some timid people dare not approach him.
Because people dressed like him are basically not ‘good people’.
Only bad boys would dress like this.
Especially those tattoos on the body are representatives of Yakuza and bad boys.
But when he arrived at Didan High School, Guan Zu’s attire was not conspicuous at all.
Because in the garden party, there are people in all kinds of costumes, and there is nothing strange about him being dressed like this.
It’s just average.
In the open space of Didan High School, there is everything.
There are stalls selling snacks, a stage for singing, live paintings, haunted houses, maid cafes, etc. There is everything.
And these are all made by students.
At this point, it’s still quite powerful.
Guan Zu walked past the stalls one by one, and there were a lot of snacks in his hand.
On-site painting and sketching are pretty good.
The performing band is not bad, of course it is not as good as a professional one, and the songs they sing are other people’s songs, but as far as “hobbies” are concerned, it is already very good.
Haunted houses are meaningless, not scary at all.
On the contrary, the maid cafe is quite good, and the female students in it are all good in appearance and figure.
The most important thing is that everyone is wearing a maid outfit, which is really a plus for the guests who call “Master~” and “Master~”.
Guan Zu also went to the gymnasium to watch the stage performance.
But now it’s not Xiao Ai’s performance.
There are two stage plays, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.
Xiao Ai’s performance is the first performance in the afternoon, starting at two o’clock.
Guan Zu stopped watching the stage play after watching it. The stage play performed by these students is really childish.
The key is that they all have the background of a princess and a prince, and there is nothing new at all.
Guan Zu held a cup in his hand, a cold drink bought from a student booth, and wandered around Didan High School by himself.
Guan Zu really didn’t know what the school doctor looked like.
In the original drama itself, it is not a very important role, at best it is just a trick.
He could remember such a character because Belmode had pretended to be this person.
It is even more difficult to recognize when the two-dimensional dimension becomes three-dimensional.
Guan Zu came to the school infirmary, but saw that there was no one there.
Looking through the window and seeing the furnishings in the infirmary, Guan Zu couldn’t help thinking of some pictures.
Places like the infirmary often appear in some very distinctive movies.
By the way, the classroom is the same.
And the teacher’s office!
And a swimming pool! And the locker room! And the bathroom…
Heck, familiar scenes are everywhere.
But after turning around, Guan Zu didn’t even see the school doctor.
Or, saw it, but didn’t recognize it.
Before Xiao Ai’s performance started, Guan Zubian came to the gymnasium again.
No matter how you say it is Xiao Ai’s first stage show, you have to come and enjoy it anyway.
Here, Guan Zu also saw acquaintances.
Mori Kogoro and Conan, seeing these two, Guanzu was not surprised at all.
After all, Xiaolan is playing the heroine today.
But the woman next to the two of them, Guan Zu felt very familiar.
It wasn’t Ran’s mother, Princess Eri.
He has seen Fei Yingli before and knows him.
The girls beside Mori Kogoro and Conan are very young, they should be similar to Xiaolan and Xiaoai.
She occasionally chats with Mori Kogoro and Conan, so she knows them well.
Who is the one?
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Guan Zu’s mind, and a name popped out of his head.
“` 〃It can’t be Toyama Kazuha from Osaka, right? If it’s her, then Osaka BlackIs the chicken coming too〃? ”
“By the way, when did they meet?” Guan Zu whispered.
However, he didn’t see Osaka black chicken around them.
Instead, in the venue, I saw Miyano Akemi and Asai Makoto.
He didn’t go to look for them, but just found a place to sit down.
The show is about to begin.
Sure enough, within two minutes, the lights of the gymnasium were turned off and the curtains on the stage opened.
Xiaolan plays the princess who is going to marry the neighboring prince.
On the way, he was attacked by people who did not want the two countries to be friendly, and was finally rescued by another prince wearing black armor.
And the person who plays the role of the prince who saves the princess is Xiao Ai.
“He’s quite handsome.” Guan Zu watched the performance with great interest.
The script and storyline are old-fashioned, and the performance level is a little exaggerated, but considering that this is a stage play, it is still normal.

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