Guan Zu didn’t approach them, but just watched that guy from a distance.
“Hey! Hey! Who are you?” Hattori Heiji was taken aback.
So is Conan.
The foreign woman in front of me is too enthusiastic!
And the clothes… so unrestrained!
The gazes of the two couldn’t help but look towards a certain place.
“Teacher Judy?” Xiaolan looked at the female teacher in front of her in surprise.
“Hmph…” Sonoko was a little upset.
She didn’t like this newly transferred English teacher.
When I have nothing to do, I like to wear some revealing clothes, and come to the school to seduce those 05 male students.
He simply didn’t pay attention to the girls at school.
Moreover, the teacher is usually taciturn and serious, even if someone invites her to drink tea after school, she looks like a rich young lady.
Not easy to get along with at all.
“Oh~ it’s Mori-san and Suzuki-san, and the new doctor is here too! Sorry, sorry, I didn’t notice you just now.” Teacher Judy looked at them apologetically and said.
Hui Yuanai was wearing the prince’s ‘knight helmet’, so even Teacher Judy didn’t recognize her.
“Hehe…it’s okay.” Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.
She hadn’t seen Teacher Judy before, as if she had popped up all of a sudden.
“Student Maori, are these two your friends?” Teacher Judy asked curiously.
“Well, yes. This child lives with Conan in my house. This is Heiji Hattori. He and Kazuha came from Osaka to watch our performance together.” Xiaolan explained.
“Oh~! Oh~! I see. Your two friends really looked like Sherlock Holmes and Watson just now~! The case was solved in a few moments~!” Teacher Judy said with great interest. Say.
“Hahaha~ The case just now is nothing more than trivial to me~!” Hattori Heiji looked proud.
Which boy doesn’t like to be praised by a beautiful opposite sex?
In particular, the beautiful teacher compared them to Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
To be clear, he is better than Shinichi Kudo~! and
Conan rolled his eyes.
He is not Watson!
Had it not been for not wanting to arouse Xiaolan’s suspicions, Hattori Heiji would not have been needed in today’s case.
Several people greeted each other for a while.
“Well, it’s getting late, we’ll go back first.” Xiaolan said.
Because of the murder case, it is already past five o’clock.
I have to go back to buy groceries, and thenJust prepare dinner.
“We have to go back too, and we have to catch the plane tonight.” He Ye also said.
After saying goodbye, the group separated.
Guan Zu followed the new doctor and left.
Xiaolan suddenly noticed Guan Zu who turned and left.
Suddenly the body trembled.
Why did this guy come to school?
Could it be… is he chasing after himself? ?
No way……
Xiaolan has a headache.
Since Shikishima left, she thought she would never have any interaction with this ‘Mr.
But who knows, later in Shenhai Island, I met this guy again.
Fortunately, when he was on Shenhai Island, he didn’t come to look for her, otherwise, she didn’t know what to do.
But not long after returning from Shenhai Island, I actually saw him again at the school celebration!
This is a coincidence? Or is that guy stalking himself on purpose?
Could it be that I can’t get rid of him for the rest of my life?
“Hey, Xiaolan, don’t you hurry up and change your clothes?” Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan suspiciously.
“Sister Xiaolan?”
“Xiaolan?” Hui Yuanai also turned to look at Xiaolan.
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure.
Looking around, he saw Guan Zu who had just left the gymnasium.
【That guy is still here. 】
“Oh, here we come.” Xiao Lan quickly caught up with Xiao Ai.
She didn’t dare to let everyone see the abnormality.
The two went to the backstage dressing room to change their clothes, and then left in Miyano Akemi’s car.
the other side.
Guan Zu rode a motorcycle and followed the new doctor’s car.
There are too many people in the school, so it is not convenient to do something to the school doctor. But it’s different after going out.
Belmode, who was pretending to be a new doctor, naturally noticed Guan Zu who was following behind him.
Although Guan Zu was wearing a helmet, she still recognized the student following him through Guan Zu’s clothes, which was the student who was looking for him to see a doctor in the school.
When she was in school before, she thought it was just a student of the school.
After all, Guan Zu was very young, and she was accompanied by female classmates, so she naturally didn’t think so much.
But now she is sure, that guy is definitely not an ordinary student!
Originally planning to go home, she changed her route and drove to a remote industrial area.
Guan Zu followed behind on a motorcycle. Seeing this increasingly remote location, he knew that he must have been discovered.
But that’s normal, after all, he didn’t hide himself at all, he just followed the school doctor’s car openly and aboveboard.
Finally, Guan Zu followed the new doctor to an abandoned factory.
Guan Zu stopped the motorcycle about ten meters away from the opponent and got off the motorcycle.
The new doctor had already got out of the car and was standing beside the car waiting for him.
“Hey! Who are you? Why have you been following me?” The new doctor asked fingerprints loudly.
Guan Zu didn’t take off his helmet, but opened the dark windshield on the front of the helmet.
This helmet is a bulletproof motorcycle helmet he bought from the system mall and modified.
Although it looks like a normal motorcycle helmet, in fact, it can completely block the shooting of pistol bullets.
The school doctor brought him to this remote abandoned factory, and Guan Zu basically confirmed that the school doctor should have been replaced by Belmode.
Otherwise, how could an ordinary school doctor drive to such a place?
Knowing that someone is following him, he should drive directly to the inspection station.
Driving to this kind of place, looking for death?
Only Belmode, who has confidence in his own strength and carries a pistol with him, would do this.
Guan Zu took out a dagger from his arms and walked towards the new doctor in front of him.
“Who am I? Ask your father when you go to hell!”
It’s normal for a new doctor’s family to practice medicine for generations, and there may be some doctor-patient disputes, right?
Just pretend to be a family member of a patient.
When Guan Zu was only five meters away from the new doctor, the new doctor, no, it should be Belmode, finally couldn’t help but took out a pistol.
“Don’t move!”.
148. Guan Zu: Chris, I’m your fan! (Please subscribe!)
As a core member of the Black Organization, Belmode actually has a certain combat effectiveness.
Although she focuses more on intelligence collection, she is considered an intelligence officer.
But still has a certain fighting power.
The strength may be worse, but the agility and reaction speed of the skill are relatively good.
Hitting two or three average adults shouldn’t be a problem.
But compared to melee ability, her marksmanship is much better.
She was able to blow up the gas tank of a car behind her just by looking through the rearview mirror of the car.
And Belmode doesn’t like to fight with people in close combat.
After all, close combat is not her strong point, and close combat is prone to injury.
Once you are injured, it will affect your next actions.
So when he saw the person in front of him slowly approaching him, Belmode immediately took out the pistol he was carrying.
Compared with fists and feet, guns are more convenient to use.
The factories in the industrial zone are relatively separated, even if a shot is fired here, there will be no criminal police coming in a short time.

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