151. Conan is injured again (please subscribe!)
dinner time.
“Xiao Ai, didn’t you get that guy Conan’s blood last time? How about it, did you find anything?” Guan Zu asked casually.
Last time Xiao Ai, Xiaolan, Yuanzi and the others went to the hospital to visit Conan who had been shot, and they even stole the needle for Conan’s injection.
Guan Zu was convinced.
A dignified scientist has also become a thief.
“There are too few blood samples, nothing was found.” Hui Yuanai said flatly.
I can’t hear any emotions, and I don’t know if it’s because doing research is like this, and no progress is the norm.
“Do you need my help? If I make a move, I can get you a hundred milliliters of blood.” Guan Zu said while eating.
“Not yet.” Hui Yuanai stopped his chopsticks.
“That kid in Edogawa seems to be very unlucky. Yesterday, Dr. Ali took him and a few of his friends to go skiing at the ski resort. As a result, he was hijacked on the bus (Liuli. ò ? ó. Starting) Kidnappers from the bus.”
“Huh? Could it be the bus that exploded yesterday?” Guan Zu asked in surprise.
He saw the news today.
It’s just that the boy Conan was not mentioned in the news.
“Yeah. The kidnappers were armed with pistols and bombs. They took passengers on the bus as hostages and asked the police to release their boss.”
“I heard from Xiaolan that it was that kid from Edogawa who, together with a few of his friends and the driver, subdued the gangster.”
“But when the driver slammed on the brakes, the kidnappers accidentally activated the bomb.”
“Then all the passengers fled out quickly, but before they could escape far, the bomb exploded.”
“No one was killed, but many people were injured, JiangThat boy Togawa was also injured. ”
“Because the leader of the gang of kidnappers is still at large, in order to protect Edogawa and his friends, the police concealed their affairs.”
“After school, I went to the hospital with Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and got some blood samples from him,” Xiao Ai explained.
After listening, Guan Zu was a little dumbfounded.
Is it true that Conan has been injured so many times?
Why didn’t you feel it when you watched anime before?
But it doesn’t matter, I don’t need his help, and it saves him a trip.
“All right. Whenever you need my help, just let me know.” Guan Zu said.
“En.” Hui Yuanai responded.
When she needed help, she naturally would not carry it and would not go to Guan Zu.
However, unless she really can’t get the biological samples of that boy Edogawa, it’s better not to bother Guan Zu.
She could imagine the method Guan Zu would use.
There is a high probability that Edogawa will be kidnapped directly, and then a tube of blood will be drawn from his body.
Or knock him out and take him away, and then draw blood.
But doing so means that you will scare the snake away.
Edogawa Conan is the high school student detective Kudo Shinichi, and his reasoning ability is really strong.
When he found out that someone had drawn his blood, he would probably think of the person who made his body smaller.
If that kid investigates deeply and really investigates the organization, it will be terrible.
The people in the organization will definitely kill that boy Edogawa, it doesn’t matter if he kills him, but Xiaolan will also be in danger at that time.
Even Yuanzi who has a good relationship with Xiaolan, as well as herself, will be in danger.
This is what Hui Yuan Ai does not want to happen.
Or, if that boy Edogawa was frightened and then fled abroad, then the research object that was so hard to find would be gone.
Therefore, it is better not to let Guan Zu take action if it is not necessary.
“Machiko, be honest, go to the study with me after dinner, let’s discuss the next action plan.” Guan Zu looked at the other two and said.
“Are you going to act again?” Hui Yuanai was taken aback.
It hasn’t been long since the last action.
The jewels that were snatched last time, not to mention tens of billions, billions are always there, right?
I didn’t see how much Guan Zu spent!
“Well, the development of the organization is very expensive.” Guan Zu said.
“it is good.”
Miyano Akemi and Asai Makoto responded one after another.
This is their job in itself, and they are also rejected by the method.
After eating, Guanzu, Miyano Akemi, and Asai Makoto came to the study together.
As a result, Xiao Ai also followed in.
“What are you doing here?” Guan Zu looked at Hui Yuanai.
“I’m also a member, aren’t I?” Haibara asked back.
“But what you are in charge of is scientific research, not action. Forget it, you can listen to it if you want.”
Now that she’s in, there’s no need to drive her out.
Xiao Ai is indeed their companion, so it doesn’t matter if they know the plan.
Guan Zu turned on the tablet and projected the screen on the screen.
Click on the map.
Then search for Mitsubishi Bank and zoom in on the map.
The map shows the gigantic Shinjuku branch of the Mitsubishi Bank.
“Our goal this time is here!!”
Guan Zu held the tablet in one hand, pointed at the projection with the other and said 0…..
Originally, he planned to set the target as the head office.
However, after researching in the past two days, I found that the head office has no external business.
It is only responsible for managing the business docking of various branches and so on.
It is not easy for them to get in.
So if you want to rob a bank, you still have to target the branch with foreign business.
However, the business volume of branches in each region is different, and the working capital they have every day is naturally different.
For example, some banks with small business volume may have only 10 to 20 million daily liquidity.
However, some banks located in prosperous areas with relatively large daily business volume can reach hundreds of millions or even billions of daily liquidity.
As one of the busiest business districts in Shinjuku, the daily business volume of the banks here is much greater than that of the banks in Mihua Town.
For example, the Mihua Branch of Mitsubishi Bank where Akemi Miyano worked before had only three or four counters in total.
If it wasn’t the banknote truck that was robbed that time, but the bank, I’m afraid it wouldn’t even be able to grab 100 million yuan.
This time, the Shinjuku branch of Mitsubishi Bank has more than a dozen counters for the public.
There are hundreds of waiting seats in the waiting hall.
No matter when you go in, there are at least dozens of people queuing up to handle business inside.
When it comes to wages, there are more people handling business in the bank.
People depositing money, withdrawing money, sending money, etc., can crowd the entire hall.
Therefore, such a bank with a large business volume must have a lot of daily liquidity.
Hui Yuan Ai was dumbfounded to see Guan Zu targeting the bank again.
Why did you choose such a target with a high risk factor? ?
Is it that the gold shop jewelry shop is not worthy?
“Hey, hello, is it really necessary to choose such a difficult target every time?” Hui Yuanai complained.
“You’re wrong, Xiao Ai. It’s actually not that difficult for a bank with a large business volume and a large number of customers at all times.”
“After the operation is over, we can completely blend in with the hostages and leave calmly,” Guan Zu said.
“Mixed among the hostages? What about the money? Don’t want it?” Xiao Ai said with a white look.
Guan Zu was suddenly at a loss for words, he forgot that Xiao Ai and the others didn’t know about the fact that he had a storage space.
“Of course I have a way to transfer the money away.” Guan Zu said pretending to be mysterious.
152. Robbing a bank is not a child’s play (please subscribe!)
Robbing a bank is no joke.
It’s the most stupid way to rush in with a gun without thinking.
Not to mention whether it will be successful or not, just say that the money robbed may not be much.
youYou need to know when cash is delivered and when it is shipped out.

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