A box of 100 million, two or so is more than two billion days.
Including the more than 700 million outside, and the several hundred million inside the ATM machine, the harvest of this trip is estimated to be 3.78 billion days.
It’s not as good as the last time he robbed the Salibeth cruise ship, but it’s not bad.
Ordinary people can live comfortably for a lifetime with such a vote.
“Move all the money to the lobby.”.
158. Leave in the hostages (please subscribe!)
All the money in the vault was moved to the bank lobby.
The FBI investigator Judy was left in the vault by Guan Zu.
When Miyano Akemi leaves later, put her clothes on Judy’s body.
Of course, Guan Zu never thought about planting the robbery charge on Judy. As an active FBI investigator, she must have a way to clear the charge.
But it can bring her some troubles.
The bald president also opened several ATMs in the hall, and took out all the money inside.
Some of the money in each ATM cash machine has been withdrawn.
As a result, the sum of the devices in the ATM cash machine is less than 400 million.
“You, tie them all up! After you finish tying them up, I will do it yourself!” Guan Zu ordered a female bank teller to say.
“Yes…” The female teller onlyCan be obedient.
Soon, the bald president and several other female employees were all tied up, and their eyes were all sealed with tape.
Next, Guan Zu personally tied up the last female bank employee.
Now, all the hostages are out of sight.
Guanzu nodded towards Miyanoaki, indicating that she could start.
Miyano Akemi immediately took off the mask, wig, and full jacket. Put down all the weapons and backpacks on your body.
Guan Zu went over and sealed Miyano Akemi’s mouth and eyes with special tape, and tied her hands behind her back.
The tape she used was not very sticky.
This way, when it is torn off, it will not destroy the disguise on her face.
After everything was ready, Guan Zu asked her to squat in the crowd without companions.
She will leave with the hostages.
Guan Zu picked up the disguise that Miyano Akemi had taken off, and was going to go to the vault to ship Zhu Di who was unconscious in the vault.
The phone in the bank suddenly rang.
“Hello?” Guan Zu picked up the microphone.
“I’m Miyamoto from the First Search Section. The bus you requested is ready. When will the hostages be released?”
“Don’t worry! Prepare another barbecue for ten people. Don’t think about poisoning, I will let the hostages try it first.” After speaking, Guan Zu hung up the phone again.
It’s not that he’s hungry, but that he wants to delay for a while.
I have to go and change Judy who is lying in the vault into a kidnapper’s outfit first.
outside the bank.
The Miyamoto Police Department was furious, but had to meet the demands of the bank robbers.
“Go and prepare ten servings of barbecue!” Miyamoto Police Department ordered the opponent.
“Huh? BBQ?”
“That’s right! Hurry up and get ready!!” Miyamoto police department scolded.
“Yes!!” The subordinate quickly turned around and ran away, but after running a few steps, he suddenly stopped again.
“Officer, do you want to add something to it?”
This must have been given to the robbers, so they can add some sleeping pills or something like that in it!
“What the hell! The hostages have to eat too! If the robbers find us tampering and shooting the hostages, you will be responsible?” Miyamoto police department scolded.
“I see!!” The subordinate hurriedly threw it away.
Miyamoto felt a little headache, but he glanced at the SAT captain not far away, and he felt better again.
At least, he hasn’t made a mistake yet.
Unlike the SAT, which has been folded into two teams.
in the bank.
Guan Zu soon went to the vault and equipped Judy with Miyano Akemi’s ‘robber suit’.
Jackets, pants, wigs, masks, backpacks and guns were all thrown aside.
She also deliberately printed her fingerprints on every piece of equipment.
Inside the bank lobby.
At this moment, no one is guarding the hostages.
However, these hostages, whose eyes and hands were sealed, all sat obediently on the ground and did not dare to move.
They didn’t know whether the robbers left or stayed by and guarded them.
Soon, Guan Zu returned to the bank lobby.
Put all the money boxes on the counter into the storage space.
All hostages are ‘blind’, and there are no surveillance cameras in the bank.
Guan Zu doesn’t have to worry at all, his storage space will be exposed.
“In this group without companions, who will drive the bus?” Guan Zu looked at them and asked.
The police bus was ready and someone had to drive it away.
As a result, no one stood up at all.
Guan Zu was speechless, wouldn’t these dozens of people know how to drive a bus?
“I’m talking about you guys. Shouldn’t you actively show your own value at this time? People who are not worth using are not worth living…” Guan Zu said lightly.
As soon as he said that, five or six people struggled to stand up.
Guan Zu came to one of them and tore off the tape on the other’s mouth.
“Can you drive a bus?”
“I have never driven a bus, but my driving skills are very good! It should be fine!!” The man quickly explained.
So, even if this guy has no value, he still has to create value?
Guan Zu tore off the tape on the mouths of several other hostages.
As a result, everyone has never driven a bus, but they can try to drive it.
Guan Zu was speechless, this group of people was simply not as honest and useful as Asai.
But…forget it.
As long as you can drive the manual transmission, it shouldn’t be a big problem.
Just open slowly.
Guan Zu chose one of them as the bus driver.
At the same time, all the hostages without companions had their eye tape removed.
Among them, Miyano Akemi was naturally included.
Guan Zu took out dozens of metal collars from his backpack and put them on everyone one by one.
All collars are connected with a very thin wire, the length of the wire between each collar is about one meter.
“‘ 〃This thing is a bomb. Once this thread is broken, the side with a smaller number will all explode~!”
Guan Zu deliberately tore off one of the redundant metal collars.
The collar immediately sounded a beeping alarm.
Guan Zu casually threw the metal collar aside.
About three seconds.
The metal collar exploded.
Although the power is not very great, the neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Once the trachea, carotid artery, and cervical spine are injured, they will basically die or be disabled.
This hoop is hung around the neck, and once it explodes, it can kill a person.
These thirty or so people all turned pale with fright.
Guan Zu used a dagger to cut off the tape that bound the driver’s hands.
“Each collar has a GPS speed measurement function. After you go out, within five minutes, let your speed reach more than 60 kilometers per hour and last for more than an hour.”
“Otherwise, the bombs on your necks will explode too!”
“The lives of all of you are in your handsYou have it. Come on~! “Guan Zu patted the selected driver.
He could clearly feel that the man’s body was shaking.
“I…I know…” The driver swallowed.
Guan Zu came to the gate of the bank.
“Come here.”

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