But the problem is, the person in front of him is an American.
If things get serious, he may be unlucky.
“Framing! This is the robber planting me! Police officer, you must believe me~! I am really innocent!”
“I was drinking with my friends nearby, because I didn’t have enough cash, so I went to the bank to withdraw money! My two friends can testify for me~!” Judy continued to explain.
“Oh? Then tell us their contact information.” Miyamoto Police Department said.
“Okay, their phone number is…” Judy could only say the contact information of his boss, James.
The police also contacted James immediately.
After finding James, Judy’s suspicion was basically cleared.
Because in addition to James, the waiter at the bar can also testify for Judy, proving that what she said is true.
Of course, this does not rule out the fact that she went to the bank to rob after drinking with her friends in the bar.
Next, just wait for all otherThe hostage woke up and asked the other hostages for their confessions.
Guan Zu woke up the fastest.
After he woke up, the other comatose people woke up one after another.
The questioning of Guan Zu has ended.
He just said the speech he had prepared in advance.
The police just recorded his answers and didn’t pay too much attention to him.
Just let him continue to rest in the ward and cannot leave the ward.
Not only him, but also the other hostages who woke up.
Only after the police confirmed that they were not robbers could they leave the hospital.
162. Identity Exposed, Akemi Miyano Arrested (Subscribe!)
In a ward, the police are questioning Conan and several people.
“What? You said the robber is the wanted criminal 9527?? Little brother, how do you know the identity of the robber??” The criminal police who made the record looked at Conan in surprise.
They also questioned other recovered hostages, but none of them knew the robbers.
All he knew was that the robber was wearing a black jacket and a mask, so he had no idea what the robber looked like.
Unexpectedly, other people didn’t know what the robber looked like, but the child in front of him knew the robber!
This surprised the criminal police who took the record for Conan.
“Well, I’m pretty sure that’s Wanted 9527. My uncle Mori Kogoro, so I know the robber,” Conan explained.
“Oh? You’re actually a child of the detective Mori Kogoro’s family? No wonder!” The patrolman looked surprised.
After hearing this sentence, I felt that it was reasonable for the kid Conan in front of me to know the identity of the robber.
The famous detective Mori Kogoro, it is normal for the children in the family to be smart.
After the criminal policeman asked some more questions, he quickly reported the robber’s 05 identity.
This is very important information!
Soon, this information reached the ears of the Miyamoto Police Department.
“What? The robber is Bandit 9527!??” Miyamoto was also shocked.
How could it be this guy! ? ?
The Miyamoto Police Department quickly called out information on the gangster 9527.
Good at making all kinds of bombs, accurate marksmanship, and strong fighting ability.
There is also the most important point.
That is, gangster 9527 is good at cross-dressing! !
It is also very good at hiding and transferring property.
Like the last hijacking of the Sally Beth.
Bandit 9527 took advantage of the 60th anniversary celebration of the Suzuki consortium and hijacked more than 500 guests on board who came to the celebration.
And those guests are all the elites of the upper class.
As a result, it was robbed by the gangster 9527!
The Sally Beth was also blown up, and it is still being repaired in the dock.
It is estimated that there will be no way to sail again within half a year.
Isn’t this fatal?
Thinking of this, Miyamoto’s hair was scratched off.
He felt that the robber this time might have escaped with the money!
Because when the other party hijacked the Sally Beth last time, they successfully escaped with ten bags of jewelry.
Until now, the police have not found the slightest clue.
I’m afraid he is also hanging.
Gangster 9527 is good at disguise. When they broke into the bank, a lot of smoke erupted instantly.
It is very likely that the robbers have already changed their disguise, mixed into the crowd and escaped!
How to find this next?
There is no way to find it!
Hundreds of rescued people stayed overnight in the hospital arranged by the police.
The police questioned everyone and made detailed notes.
All of the more than 70 hostages left in the bank had companions or acquaintances, and everyone could testify to each other.
However, those who left by bus entered the bank alone, without any acquaintances around them, and there was no way to testify against each other.
However, no evidence that they were robbers was found from them.
the next day.
“Officer, do you want to keep these people here? Dissatisfaction has begun to appear among these people. Many people are clamoring to go home.” A criminal policeman came to Miyamoto and said.
They can’t detain so many people all the time.
“…” Miyamoto propped his chin with both hands, lost in thought.
After careful consideration, the order to release him was issued.
“Let people go.”
“However, before releasing them, pinch everyone’s face first to ensure that the robbers are not among the hostages!” Miyamoto Police Department issued an order.
Before, Miyamoto didn’t know that the robbers would disguise themselves, so naturally there was no need to do so.
But now that the identity of the robber has been confirmed, it is Bandit 9527, so it is natural to guard against Bandit 9527’s disguise technique.
Although Miyamoto rationally believes that the robbers should have run away with the money.
But what if?
What if the robbers are still among the hostages?
The method of pinching the face was thought up by Ginzo Nakamori of the second investigation section to deal with Kaitou Kidd.
Didn’t expect them to use it.
Miyamoto even wondered if there was any relationship between the gangster 9527 and the Kaitou Kidd?
Otherwise, how could there be so many people in this world who can be easily tolerated?
the other side.
Neither Guan Zu, Makoto Asai, nor Akemi Miyano knew that the crisis was coming.
Guan Zu and Asai honesty are not a big problem.
Both of them used their real identities, their own faces.
But Miyano Akemi was different.
Miyano Akemi herself is a wanted criminal. After robbing the armored vehicle, she was identified by the police and wanted.
Although the pseudonym Hirota Masami was used at the time, the photo is her own photo.
In addition, she had to avoid the organization in black, so she wore a human skin mask for almost 24 hours.
This time, naturally, he couldn’t use his true colors to mix with the hostages.
The police went to each ward one by one to check everyoneOn the textured face, whether there is a human leather mask.
When the inspection team came to Miyano Akemi’s room, confirmed the identity of the person in the bed next to her, and pulled the other person’s cheek.
Miyano Akemi knew it.
It’s over, I’m going to be arrested.
Realizing this, she didn’t think about resisting or anything.
In order to perfectly disguise the hostage, she did not carry any weapons on her body.
In addition, she is not good at close combat, facing three criminal policemen, two men and one woman, it is impossible for her to escape.
Miyano Akemi directly resigned to her fate.
Get caught and get caught.
Miyano Akemi believes that Guanzu will definitely find a way to save himself.
Of course, even if Guan Zu didn’t come to rescue her, she wouldn’t confess Guan Zu or Asai honestly.

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