However, Hui Yuanai couldn’t say anything.
After all, she is not someone from Guan Zu.
And the reason why my sister met Guan Zu was also for herself.
Hui Yuan Ai is becoming more and more curious now, what exactly is the thing that her sister is going to give her.
After lunch, Guan Zu lay down on the sofa for a mid-morning rest.
In fact, in the country of cherry blossoms, office workers and students do not take lunch breaks because they have no time.
There is only one hour in between, and only housewives who don’t have to go to work have a lunch break.
For example, Xiaoxin’s mother, Meiya, often sleeps all afternoon.
However, Guan Zu is not an office worker, so he is naturally free to take a lunch break.
Lying on a soft sofa is as comfortable as a bed.
Lying on the sofa, Guan Zu’s consciousness sank into the system.
Because of creating a series of bombings and threatening the police to release Akemi Miyano, he was rewarded by the system again.
It’s just that this reward left Guan Zu speechless.
【Ding! Complete a threat to the police, reward [Unlock and Entry]]
Guan Zu was quite speechless when he saw this reward.
Does he need lockpicking skills? It is not necessary.
He has always unlocked with technology.
Whether it is a traditional mechanical lock or a modern electronic lock, he has high-tech unlocking keys.
Unlocking is done in seconds.
This 【Unlock・Entrance】is completely a decoration.
And this lockpicking skill can only handle mechanical locks with keyholes, not smart electronic locks.
So in the past two days, when Guan Zu saw the door lock, he felt like a resentful seed.
Getting a reward that is completely useless, isn’t it a kind of resentment.
But looking at this only entry-level skill, Guan Zu felt awkward.
The other skills are at least at the proficient level, but this lockpicking is at the entry level, which is a bit obsessive-compulsive.
(The previous aircraft piloting skill level is wrongly written. It should cost 1.1 billion to upgrade to the proficiency level, not the proficiency level. The proficiency level can skillfully fly supersonic fighter jets.)
Looking at the remaining available funds, there are still more than 9.5 billion.
Guan Zu thought for a while, and it took him 1.1 billion days to upgrade [Unlock·Introduction] to [Unlock·Master].
After the level was raised, a lot of information flooded into Guan Zu’s mind.
Among them are the knowledge and experience of unlocking.
Only now did Guan Zu know that he was shallow before.
The universal unlocking key and smart access control card he bought from the system can indeed open almost all door locks.
However, if there is no keyhole and no way to open it with an electronic key, he has no choice.
For example onlyA safe with a purely mechanical code.
Then what kind of master key, smart electronic card and the like can’t open this kind of safe.
And there is no fear of unlocking skills.
No matter what kind of strange lock it is, as long as it is a lock, he can basically open it.
No matter how complicated the mechanical combination lock is, as long as he is given time, he can open it.
Moreover, with proficient lockpicking skills, one can easily open the door locks of ordinary people with only a single wire.
And the time spent will not be longer than the time spent with the key.
There are also door locks and the like, all the same.
After the lockpicking skill was upgraded to an advanced level, Guan Zu discovered that this skill was not so unbearable.
In fact, it is still very useful.
In the evening, Guan Zu drove out.
He was going to help Akemi Miyano fetch things.
It can also be said to help Xiao Ai fetch things.
According to the navigation, Guan Zu soon arrived near the Dejima office.
It was just taking something, Guan Zu didn’t even bother to change his appearance.
I just took a mask and put it on myself to cover my face.
Soon, Guan Zu came to the door of Dejima Office.
The door of this house actually pulled a warning line with the words Metropolitan Police Department!
Is this a case? ?
But thinking about it carefully, it seems normal for cases related to Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai to happen.
It’s not normal if a case doesn’t happen.
Guan Zu seriously recalled it.
Miyano Akemi hid in the toilet tank of the bathroom, preparing something for Haibara Ai.
Could it be the tape that their mother, Miyano Elena recorded for Haibara Ai?
Guan Zu seems to remember that in the original plot, it was the tape that Conan and Xiao Ai came to get together, right?
Why did he come, Guan Zu no longer remembers, the tape seems to be a windfall.
As for the content, Miyano Elena seemed to know that she might die, so she recorded what she was going to say to Xiao Ai in advance.
It seems that a considerable part of the content is a birthday message to Xiao Ai every year in the future.
Guan Zu looked into the house.
The whole house was pitch black, and with the cordon at the door, there should be no one inside.
However, just in case, Guan Zu took out the infrared detector from the storage space and scanned the whole house.
Well, no one is in the house.
Guan Zu put on his mask and got out of the car.
Take out a thin wire and open the door very easily.
In fact, the master key he bought from the system store before can easily open the door of this house.
But Guan Zu wanted to try his skills, so he didn’t use the master key.
Then I found that the lockpicking skill is really easy to use.
A wire, a girl’s hairpin, can easily open the door lock.
Next time, Guan Zu is ready to give it a try.
See if the legendary instant noodles can also open the door lock.
If it can, then it’s really six.
Guan Zu walked into the bathroom.
Open the toilet tank, under the float of the tank, sure enough, I found something stuck with tape.
The stuff was sealed in a plastic bag, so no water got in there.
Opening the plastic bag, there were indeed several tapes inside.
“¨What age is it, and tapes are still used, isn’t it more convenient to use memory cards…” Guan Zu painted a groove.
But thinking about it, this is the voice of Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai’s mother, who recorded it many years ago, and it is not surprising to use a tape.
Instead, it is strange to use a memory card.
After all, there were no memory cards in those days.
After restoring the toilet tank to its original state, Guan Zu took the tape and left.
As for what happened here, it has nothing to do with him.
He wasn’t a detective after all.
Metropolitan Police Department.
A criminal policeman walked into the file room.
After searching in the archives for a while, I quickly found all the files about the gangster 9527.
The corner of the criminal policeman’s mouth raised slightly, he took the file and turned to leave.
174. Belmode Steals Information (Please subscribe!)
Hearing the sound of the sports car, Miyano Akemi and Haibara knew that Guan Zu was back.
Hui Yuanai hurriedly ran to the door to greet her.
Her sister had told her exactly what was to be given to her.
That was a gift prepared for her by her mother who had already passed away! !
It’s what mom told her!
Xiao Ai is naturally looking forward to it.

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