“It was given to me by a man with a big beard.” Mitsuhiko explained.
“He also said that this is a bomber~.” Yuan Tai said.
“Bomber!??” Conan quickly looked at the toy plane in the sky.
I saw something under the toy plane, as if it was tied.
Suddenly realized that it was likely to be a bomb!
This can explain what the guy who stole the explosives from the Dongdu gunpowder depot and then called him meant what he said on the phone!
This is to blow up Mitsuhiko and the others! !
“Mitsuhiko! Give it to me!!” Conan hurriedly threw the skateboard to snatch the remote control of the toy airplane in Mitsuhiko’s hand.
But as a child, how could Mitsuhiko give Conan such a simple toy?
Not to mention Mitsuhiko, even Yuan Tai didn’t agree.
To play remote control aircraft, there must be a first come, first served, right?
As the three fought, the remote control of the toy plane fell to the ground, and the antenna was directly broken.
“It’s over, it’s out of control!” Conan quickly picked up the remote control, but found that he couldn’t control the plane.
“Conan, that plane!” Ayumi quickly pointed to the sky.
I saw that toy plane flying towards them quickly.
“There is a bomb on that plane, run away!” Conan shouted quickly.
“Bomb???” The three kids of the Detective Boys immediately turned around and ran away when they heard this.
It’s just that the direction they were running was the direction the plane was flying in, so they couldn’t escape at all.
In the end, Conan had no choice but to use the broken remote control as a football and kick it towards the toy plane in the air.
The moment the two collided, the plane exploded directly.
The shock wave from the explosion overturned the three little ghosts of the young detective team.
The people around were also startled by the explosion.
Jingling bell~!
Conan’s phone rang.
“What on earth do you want!!” Conan answered the phone angrily, forgetting to change his voice.
“Why didn’t Kudo Shinichi come?”
When Conan heard it, he realized that he forgot to use the bowknot voice changer to change his voice.
“What he means is that it’s enough for a kid like you to be my opponent, right?”
Conan immediately looked around.
Is the bomber spying on himself nearby? ?
“Well, listen carefully. At one o’clock, another bomb will go off.”
“The location is the square in front of Mihua Station! Since Kudo Shinichi hasn’t come, it’s up to you to find it!”
On the roof of the Yidong Building across the river, the disguised Teiji Moritani is holding aSpyglass, watching Conan on the other side of the river.
He was going to compete with Kudo Shinichi.
But if Kudo Shinichi didn’t come, forget it.
Competing with Kudo Shinichi is only a secondary purpose.
The main purpose today is to blow up all the failed works that I designed before.
It doesn’t matter if I didn’t compete with Kudo Shinichi.
Anyway, today, he will make Kudo Shinichi feel the pain of losing his beloved! !
Let him feel the same pain as himself! !
After hanging up the phone, Conan quickly stepped on the solar skateboard and rushed to Mihua subway station.
It took some time and finally found the location of the bomb.
The bomb was hidden inside a cat cage.
But when Conan went to fetch the bomb, the bomb, the cat cage, and the kitten in the cage were picked up by an old woman.
After some chasing, he finally caught up with the old lady and got the cat cage with the bomb.
But when he finally brought the bomb to an empty space, he was blown away by the shock wave of the bomb explosion, hit his head on a tree and passed out.
the other side.
Guan Zu was still lying on the sofa, playing mobile games.
Before time travel, Guan Zu preferred to play video games, whether it was online games, stand-alone, or arcade.
Even after traveling to the world of Conan and becoming a gangster, these hobbies have not been thrown away.
When I have nothing to do, I will take out my mobile phone and play games for a while.
And he is not short of money now, he dares to spend money unscrupulously when playing games.
# Just ten minutes ago, explosives exploded outside the expressway.
#It is reported that the explosives were sent by a teenager from a residential area to an open space outside the highway.
#This teenager has been taken to the police hospital by the police and is receiving careful care from afar.
Hearing the news suddenly interrupted on the TV, Guan Zu shifted his gaze from the phone to the TV.
juvenile? explode?
I’m afraid this boy is Conan.
Tomorrow is Kudo Shinichi’s birthday. Two days ago, explosives were stolen from the gunpowder depot.
There was an explosion today.
Don’t think about it, the person who stole the explosives was definitely targeting Kudo Shinichi.
This has nothing to do with Guan Zu.
He doesn’t care how the prisoner and Conan fight each other.
He just needs to ensure that the night date will not be disturbed~! .
180. Yuanzi is not happy with Xinyi (please subscribe!)
Conan, who was blown away by a bomb and then knocked his head against a tree, passed out, and was sent to Lutai Police Hospital by the police.
Mori Kogoro, who was the guardian, was also notified and rushed to the scene.
And the juvenile detective team who were involved in the first bombing were also called to the hospital by the police.
Of course, the police will naturally not be absent.
After three o’clock, Conan finally woke up – come here.
The first thing Conan did when he woke up was to explain to Police Officer Meguro the cause-and-effect of the bomb explosion.
The police have investigated clearly that the bomb on the toy plane is an impact bomb with a detonator installed.
And the bomb in the cat cage is a time bomb with a timer installed.
The police also basically determined that the bombs used in the two explosions should all be stolen from the powder depot in Dongdu.
Regarding the identity of the murderer, the police temporarily determined that someone challenged Kudo Shinichi after seeing the news about Kudo Shinichi from the media.
Or, it was a prisoner that Kudo Shinichi had previously arrested, or a relative of a prisoner who retaliated against Kudo Shinichi.
Among them, the most suspicious person is the son of the former mayor of West Tama City.
Because it was Kudo Shinichi who resigned the former mayor of Nishitama City and was imprisoned.
As the opponent of the second generation of officials, it is very normal to have a grudge against Shinichi Kudo.
Officer Shiratori immediately rushed to investigate the other party.
The three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team, as people who have had close contact with the bomber, Officer Mumu will naturally not ‘let go’ of them.
The three of them worked together to draw the appearance of the bomber.
But anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it is a disguise.
He wears a hat on his head, sunglasses on his face, and a big beard.
No matter how you look at it, this is not normal.
After confirming that the three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team had no more useful information, Officer Meguro let them go.
Not long after the three little ghosts left, Conan’s phone rang.
It was the bomber.
Said that he had installed five bombs on the Dongdu Loop Railway.
And from four o’clock, if the speed of the train is less than 60 kilometers, the bomb will explode.
Also, if the bomb is not dismantled before the sun goes down, the bomb will go off too.
Hearing the news, Officer Mumu and the others became anxious immediately.
That’s a loop! !
Although today is not a working day, there are still quite a lot of passengers on the train on the ring line!
Once an explosion occurs, the consequences will be disastrous!
Police officer Mu Mu hurriedly contacted the headquarters.
Now this kind of thing is not something that a small police department like him can handle.

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