If it was someone else in disguise…
Xiao Ai glanced at Kudo Shinichi who was sitting on the other side of Xiaolan.
Then she must confirm who this Kudo Shinichi is!
If it’s Guan Zu… Heh heh heh~!
Hair is the best biological sample to get, but without hair follicles, DNA cannot be detected.
Moreover, if this Kudo Shinichi was disguised by someone else, there is a high probability that the hair on his head is a wig, and the DNA will never be detected.
. . . . . .
Therefore, it is best to extract blood.As for how to obtain this Kudo Shinichi’s blood sample, Xiao Ai has already figured out a way.
She took off the brooch, bent its pins, and held the brooch in her hand.
She just had to pretend to go to the bathroom, and then passed in front of Kudo Shinichi.
Then pretended to be unsteady, staggered, and pricked Shinichi Kudo’s arm or thigh with the needle tip of the brooch, and his blood sample could be obtained!
In this dark environment, no one will find out what she has done.
Even Shinichi Kudo never knew she did it on purpose.
Although the amount of blood obtained in this way is very small, it is enough for a DNA test.
Xiao Ai took off the brooch and hid it in her hand, then stood up.
“Yuanzi, I’m going to the bathroom.”
“Oh, good.” Yuanzi shrank his feet.
But before Xiao Ai took the first step, all the lights in the auditorium suddenly turned on.
Movies on the big screen were also paused.
Immediately afterwards, a staff member ran in.
“Everyone! I just received a notification from the police that some gangsters planted a bomb in the building. Now everyone has to leave the movie theater and evacuate the building in an orderly manner!” the staff said loudly.
Xiao Ai was taken aback, and quickly hid the brooch in her hand.
Don’t allow people to see her small movements.
Guan Zu sighed in his heart, can’t he come later?
After letting him watch the movie, the atmosphere is probably about the same.
After driving Yuanzi and Xiao Ai away, he will be able to achieve the new achievement of the second brush Xi.
186. Don’t Dare to Expose Guan Zu’s Identity (Please Subscribe!)
Outside the Mihua Municipal Building, Teiji Moriya, who was handcuffed, looked at the building in front of him with a gloomy expression.
[Why didn’t it explode? ? 】
【why? ? why is that? ? 】
[Could it be possible that Shinichi Kudo dismantled all the bombs? ? 】
【impossible! In less than a minute, how could Kudo Shinichi find and dismantle all the dozen or so bombs? This is impossible! ! 】
Moriya Teiji couldn’t figure out what was going on.
There can be no problem with the dynamite, nor can there be a problem with the timer.
After all, he had tested it before, and those bombs were completely fine.
But now it’s already past ten quarters, but the Mihua Municipal Building is still standing here.
He can’t accept it!
Can Teiji Moriya accept what is happening in front of him? On the other side, Conan also has no way to accept what is happening in front of him.
He was waiting for Xiaolan to come out in the lobby of the movie theater, but he found that Xiaolan was not only alone, but there were other people beside him!
It’s fine with Yuanzi and Xiaoai, he can accept both of them.
But! !
What happened to ‘Kudo Shinichi’ who walked out of the screening room with Xiaolan and held hands? Hey! !
He is clearly here, why would there be a person who looks exactly like him appearing beside Xiaolan! !
Moreover, he was actually holding Xiaolan’s hand! !
First of all, one thing is certain is that the guy in front of him is absolutely impossible to be himself! !
And there are only two lists in Conan’s mind who can pretend to be another person so perfectly.
One is Kaitou Kidd!
The other one is Bandit 9527!
If it’s Kaitou Kidd, it’s okay, at least Kaitou Kidd never hurt anyone when he committed the crime.
And Bandit 9527 is terrifying.
He really killed someone!
“Sister Xiaolan!!” Conan hurriedly ran towards Xiaolan and the others.
Conan didn’t dare to expose the identity of the fake ‘Kudo Shinichi’ immediately.
If the fake Kudo Shinichi in front of him is pretended by gangster 9527, and he pierces the other party’s disguise, gangster 9527 will jump the wall in a hurry! !
Xiaolan, Yuanzi and others must be taken away from that guy without alarming the gangster 9527!
“Conan???” Seeing Conan appearing, Xiao Lan was also dumbfounded.
Isn’t Shinichi by his side? ?
So, how did Conan appear in front of his eyes? ?
Could it be that Shinichi didn’t become Conan at all?
Or is it that this Xinyi beside him is actually not Xinyi?
Xiaolan suddenly thought, it seems that some people are very good at disguising themselves as others!
One is Kaitou Kidd!
On the Sally Beth cruise ship before, Phantom Thief Kidd once disguised as her! !
There is one more person, that is Bandit 9527.
The Metropolitan Police Department had released news before that the bandit 9527 was very well disguised!
Thinking of this, Xiao Lan suddenly shivered.
When watching the movie just now, she was still interacting with Xinyi for a while.
If this ‘Xinyi’ is not actually Xinyi, then she was with a stranger just now…
Xiaolan couldn’t imagine it anymore.
If Xiaolan just suspects that the new one next to her is not the real one, then Xiao Ai is sure.
Before, she thought that this Kudo Shinichi might have found some way to restore his body.
Turns out it wasn’t the case at all!
Kudo Shinichi in front of him was simply disguised by others!
And there is a 1/2 probability that Guan Zu is in disguise!
“Conan! Why are you here!?” Xiao Lan quickly waved Guan Zu’s hand and ran towards Conan in front of her.
Although she realized that the Shinichi beside her might not be the real Shinichi, she didn’t dare to expose it.
If you take the initiative to expose it, isn’t that telling the real Shinichi that she actually knows about Shinichi’s body shrinking?
Moreover, she was also worried that if he directly exposed the fake Shinichi’s identity, what if he impulsively did something that would hurt Sonoko, Ai and Conan?
But don’t expose fake Shinichi’s identityI can’t keep getting too close to him.
“Uncle Maori caught a bomber and said he planted a bomb in the building, so I’m here to inform you to get out!” Conan said quickly.
He didn’t dare to mention Kudo Shinichi, for fear of being noticed by the guy pretending to be himself.
Xiaolan and the others must be taken away from him first!
“I said, now is not the time to chat, let’s get out of here first~!” Sonoko urged.
A bomb has been installed here!
At this time, don’t chat, right? The most important thing is to get out of here first, right?
“Yes, let’s leave here first…” Hui Yuanai agreed with Sonoko’s proposal.
Although, she is also very concerned about whether the Kudo Shinichi in front of her is a disguise of Guanzu, but curiosity is not as important as surviving.
After finally breaking away from the organization, I can now live with my sister again.
She didn’t want to be killed just like that.
“That’s right, let’s leave here first!” Guan Zu took Xiaolan’s hand again.
Then he dragged her towards the exit.
Xiaolan wanted to say something, but when she turned her head and saw Conan, Yuanzi, Xiaoai and others following up, she didn’t say anything more.
After all, leaving here is indeed the most important thing right now.
Soon, Guan Zu and his party ran out from the Mihua Municipal Building.
Seeing Xiaolan and others coming out of the building, Mori Kogoro immediately went up to meet them.
“Xiaolan!! Xiaolan!! It’s great that you came out safely!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…” Mo Li Xiaogoro was so excited that he cried.

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