If it is gold leaf, a wall of 17 or 18 square meters can only harvest more than 30 grams of gold.
But now, Guan Zu rolled the gold on this side of the wall into a gold stick, folded it twice, and it weighed about 30 to 40 kilograms.
Combined with a square area, there must be about two kilograms of gold!
This has a lot of gold! !
One square meter is two kilograms of gold. This villa is about fifty meters by fifty meters of foundation.
Guan Zu didn’t have a specific amount, but it should be similar by visual inspection.
The villa has only two floors, but the floor height is four meters, which is higher than ordinary buildings.
The two-story building is eight meters high, and there is a sloping attic on the top, which is at least two meters high.
Not counting the uppermost attic, one outer wall measures at least 400 square meters. Even if the windows cover 100 square meters, there are still 300 square meters left.
That is to say, there must be more than 600 kilograms of gold on one outer wall.
The four outer walls are almost two and a half tons of gold!
This villa is in the shape of a Chinese character, with a courtyard in the middle.
There are also four exterior walls inside the courtyard.
One outer wall is about 30 meters long, and the floor height is 8 meters, which is nearly 250 square meters. One-third of its area is windows, and there are about 160 square meters of walls.
Then the four outer walls are five or six hundred square meters.
This adds up to over a ton of gold again.
This is only the gold on the outer wall, not the gold inside the house.
A room has four walls, and the corridor has two walls. The area of ​​the interior is at least three or four times that of the exterior wall.
That gold has to weigh eight or nine tons.
And that’s not counting the floor and ceiling, and the uppermost attic.
There are also some items made of gold in the room.
The gold used in this Twilight Villa is at least fifteen tons! !
A ton of gold is worth almost six billion yen.
Fifteen tons of gold is 90 billion days away. �
And that’s just the least!
If there were more things made of gold in the villa, the gold value of this Twilight Villa would exceed one hundred billion days. . �
This trip is really worth it! !
Putting the gold that had been peeled off the wall into the storage space, Guan Zu continued to wave the iron pick in his hand and started the demolition work.
Guan Zu smashed the wall while muttering.
Every time this hits the wall, it’s a huge payoff.
One kilogram of gold is worth about six million days. Yao, each of these manuscripts can earn almost one million days. Shake.
This speed of making money, I am afraid that printing money is not so fast.
If a construction worker smashes a wall and earns so much money, he may be able to smash it until he dies.
Soon, another wall of gold was stripped off by Guan Zu.
Another wall, another wall.
All four walls were destroyed by Guan Zu beyond recognition, leaving only the cement inside exposed.
The decoration style of this room has directly changed from European style to Syriya style.
After the wall was finished, Guan Zu raised the iron pick in his hand and smashed it down on the ground under his feet.
The floor tiles on the ground were directly broken.
And under the floor tiles, it’s not gray cement, but golden gold! !
The Karasuma Renye family who built this Twilight Annex, since they like gold so much, how could they let the floor go?
Guan Zu estimated that there should also be gold on the ceiling!
Otherwise, I’m really sorry for this Twilight Annex!
Guan Zu started to work again with ‘ding~ding~ding~’.
He is a hardworking little bee, how can he touch fish?
Soon, Guan Zu also removed all the floor and ceiling, and removed all the gold inside.
This room allowed Guanzu to obtain more than 200 kilograms of gold! !
Two hundred kilograms of gold is worth more than one billion days.
This is faster than robbing a bank or cash truck!
Just when Guan Zu was about to go to the next room to continue demolishing the house, he suddenly heard the sound of a car coming from outside the window.
Guan Zu was a little curious. This room is near the back door. The window is in the direction of the back door. How could there be cars here?
Guan Zu looked out of the window curiously.
Sure enough, I saw a yellow sedan 820 parked outside the back door of the villa yard.
A young woman with short hair got out of the car, walked to the rear of the car, opened the trunk, and took out large and small bags of ingredients from the trunk.
“Emmm… Could this be the maid in this villa?” Guan Zu thought for a while.
He can’t remember all the plot of this episode, but what impressed him the most was the golden villa.
But I also remember such a maid.
It was the owner of the house, hired to serve the invited detectives.
This maid bought so many ingredients and came here, so today is the beginning of the plot?
Guan Zu thought for a while, and took out the anesthesia gun from the storage space.
Now that he has found theIf there is a treasure inside, then those detectives don’t need to continue to solve any puzzles.
Everyone, come one and bring down the other, come and bring down the other pair.
Don’t delay your demolition.
Guan Zu walked out of the room and stood at the top of the stairs.
Sure enough, after a while, I saw a young girl with a big bag of food coming in from the back door.
Guan Zu raised the anesthesia gun in his hand, did not aim at it deliberately, and shot instantly.
An anesthetic needle was shot in the young girl’s neck.
All the ingredients in his hand fell to the ground.
Before the young girl realized what was going on, she lost consciousness.
193. Don’t even try to leave! (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu went downstairs, picked up the maid who was unconscious on the ground, and threw her into the destroyed room that looked like the style of Xu Liya.
“Oh, it’s too early to start, I didn’t hear her voice.” After Guan Zu put the maid down, he patted himself on the head.
If you don’t know the maid’s voice, you can’t pretend to be a maid perfectly.
So as to reduce the vigilance of people who come here.
It’s okay if it’s a person coming here, just use an anesthesia needle to shoot it down.
But if several people came together, after he shot one person, the others would probably react.
After all, famous detectives in this world are somewhat unreasonable.
“Forget it, just be reckless. Anyway, there is no mobile phone signal here, even if you react, you will definitely not be able to escape.”
As for being defeated by counterattack?
Totally impossible.
Guns are also banned in Sakura Country, and ordinary serious detectives don’t have guns.
Just like Mori Kogoro, he never owned a gun.
Even if the owner of this villa got the gun through some black channels, Guan Zu is not afraid.
The marksmanship of ordinary people is not as good as his.
Besides, he was wearing a body armor.
Coupled with his super recovery ability, anyone who confronted him would be looking for death.
“By the way, who is the current owner of this Twilight Villa…?”
Guan Zu began to recall again.
“It seems… an old woman, right?”
After recalling for a while, Guan Zu finally remembered.
That’s right, the current owner of the Twilight Villa, as well as planning this incident, gathered many detectives, hoping to use these famous detectives to help her find the treasure in the Twilight Villa.
And that old woman seems to have gotten into Kogoro Mori’s car halfway.
emmm… Let’s put that old woman down first.
As soon as Guan Zu made up his mind, he immediately rejected the idea.
An old woman is not much of a threat.

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