It’s not enough to fly the helicopter in the sky all the time, you have to land eventually, let the commandos enter the villa, and arrest the gangsters.
Helicopter No. 5 approached the villa slowly, while the other four helicopters continued to stay at a safe distance.
The sniper on the helicopter kept an eye on the movement of the villa.
Once a suspicious target is found and it is determined that the opponent also poses a threat to the helicopter, the opponent can be killed directly.
After all, the gangsters inside the villa are armed with RPG rocket launchers.
If one is not careful, another helicopter may be shot down by gangsters.
It is true that there are hostages in the villa, but if they will appear at this time, they can only be gangsters.
Helicopter No. 5 approached the villa slowly and was not attacked.
Finally successfully landed in the front yard of the villa.
The SAT commandos on the helicopter quickly jumped off the helicopter and came to the gate of the villa in combat formation.
with a battering hammer,Slam the door open.
After throwing a shock bomb into the house, he rushed into the villa.
In the villa, except for the kid Conan, everyone else was awake.
After all, Guan Zu has been rattling to ‘demolish the house’, and they were all woken up when the effect of the anesthetic was about the same.
Conan’s body is small, and the same amount of anesthetic has the longest effect on him.
Xiaolan, Hakuma Tan, Motegi Haruki, and Guntian Ikumi all heard the sound of the helicopter approaching.
Just guessed, the rescuers arrived!
This made them all breathe a sigh of relief.
But then, Tan Baima’s face turned livid again.
The arrival of rescuers means that his current appearance will be seen by others!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・
The son of his majestic White Horse Police Chief actually pissed his pants!
What a disgrace! !
But it was impossible for him not to be rescued.
And his pet eagle was injured, and from yesterday to today, he didn’t eat or drink water, so he doesn’t know what’s going on now.
It must be sent to a doctor immediately.
Because of all these, Baima Tan hated Guan Zu.
And I swore in my heart that Guan Zu must be arrested and put in prison!
Of course, he didn’t know Guan Zu’s real identity.
But he knew that for the ‘face’ of the kidnapper who kidnapped them, he could cooperate with the portrait staff of the Metropolitan Police Department to draw the portrait of the gangster.
And Baima Tan felt that the guy had stayed in this villa for such a long time, and he must have left some clues.
………. .. 0
Such as hair, such as fingerprints and so on.
Soon, Xiaolan, Hakuma Tan, Motegi Haruki, Guntian Ikumi, and Conan were all rescued by the special surprise attack force SAT.
Except for the two women Xiaolan and Guntian Ikumi, everyone else looked miserable.
The trousers of Hakuba Tan and Motegi Haruki were wet. After all, they had been tied up for more than 24 hours, and a normal person couldn’t help it.
The worst thing is to count Conan.
When he was rescued, he was not even wearing a pair of pants.
The pants thrown on the ground stink to the sky.
After all, he just took off his pants when Guan Zu shot him unconscious with a tranquilizer gun.
I also thought about putting the trousers back on after wiping my body clean.
In the end, Guan Zu shot him unconscious with an anesthesia gun before even cleaning his body.
After being carried to the bed by Xiaolan, Guan Zu handcuffed her again.
It can be said to be extremely miserable.
But he was still just a child after all, so the most embarrassing ones were Tan Hakuba and Mogi Haruki, the two adults.
Xiaolan and others were directly picked up by the police helicopter.
White Horse Tan’s pet eagle was also sent back to Tokyo for medical treatment.
Mori Kogoro followed Yamato Kansuke out of the forest, and when he returned to the bombed wooden bridge, a temporary suspension bridge had already been built on the wooden bridge.
Mori Kogoro hurried to the Twilight Annex, and then he was dumbfounded.
“What?? Xiaolan and the others have already left by helicopter!??” Chuan.
216. Guan Zu: I can rub your back for you~ (please subscribe!)
Guan Zu wore the flying squirrel suit, and soon left the mountain.
Afterwards, a parachute was opened over a wheat field, and it landed silently in the wheat field.
His parachute was also black, so he couldn’t be seen at all on this moonless night.
Guan Zu quickly stored the parachute, took off the flying squirrel suit on his body, and put it in the storage space.
Come to the side of the road and take the motorcycle out of the storage space.
Turn on the navigation back to Tokyo, ride the motorcycle, put on the helmet, and return to Tokyo according to the navigation route.
It’s only past eight o’clock in the evening, and you can go to have a supper when you return to Tokyo.
More than two hours later, Guan Zu returned to Tokyo on a motorcycle.
But he didn’t go home directly, but came to a barbecue restaurant, ordered some food, filled his stomach before going back.
While waiting for the barbecue, Guan Zu silently took stock of his harvest in the past two days (Liu Li. ò ? ó. Start).
To be honest, Guan Zu didn’t know how much gold he had taken these two days.
Anyway, his storage space is not enough.
His previous storage space was only ten cubic meters, barely enough to fit a sports car and a motorcycle.
There is not much room left for anything.
You can only use some small spaces and put some bits and pieces.
In the beginning, before even a few rooms on the second floor were demolished, the gold could no longer be inserted.
In fact, the density of gold is high. One cubic meter of gold weighs more than 19 tons.
But that’s gold that’s totally fused together.
The gold that Guan Zu obtained was all in large pieces, and then he folded them together.
There are a lot of gaps in the middle, so it naturally takes up space.
And he didn’t have time to melt the gold. In the end, he had no choice but to spend money to increase the internal space of the storage space.
Fortunately, Guan Zu still has more than 8 billion available funds that have not been used.
This is where it comes in handy.
Before the storage space reaches ten cubic meters, it takes 100 million days to increase one cubic meter.
But after the storage space reaches ten cubic meters, every increase of one cubic meter becomes one billion days.
Guan Zu’s more than 8 billion daily “remote” can only increase the storage space by eight cubic meters.
Guanzu Direct Stud Eight Billion Rides “Remote” increases the storage space by eight cubic meters.
Eight cubic meters are definitely enough to hold the gold.
As for whether it will lose money?
It is impossible to lose money.
One kilogram of gold is worth 6 million yen, 10 kilograms is worth 60 million yen, and 100 kilograms is worth 6 million yen.100 million, a ton of gold is worth 6 billion.
Eight billion is just a little more than a ton of gold spent.
The amount of gold that Guan Zu harvested this time was far more than one ton.
The gold harvested in the smallest room exceeds 100 kilograms, so this trip will never lose money.
The newly purchased eight cubic meters of space was occupied by the gold for more than half.
Although there are many gaps inside, the weight of the gold is at least more than ten tons, and there may be more.
Anyway, he gained weight this time.
Now when all the gold has passed the 24-hour holding period, he will know how much gold he has harvested.
In fact, part of the gold has passed the 24-hour holding period and can be sold to the system store in advance.
But Guan Zu was too lazy to sell in batches.
After all the gold has passed the holding period, it will be sold to the system store at one time, so that you can see for yourself how big the harvest is this time.
Anyway, he doesn’t need a lot of money for the time being.
It’s only twenty-four hours, he can afford to wait.
“Guest, you ordered barbecue and Coke.” The boss put his order in front of him.
I have to drive back later, so I won’t drink.
After eating supper, Guan Zu rode a motorcycle to a deserted alley.
Put the motorcycle in the storage space and take the sports car out.

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