Realizing this, Xiaolan’s expression immediately turned cold again.
Dad definitely has something to hide from her! !
Moreover, it is still related to women!
Otherwise, Dad would never show such a wretched smile.
Xiaolan has always wanted to get her father and mother back together, how could she allow other women to appear?
This is absolutely not allowed!
“Dad! Are you hiding something from me?”
Xiaolan came to the low table and sat down, and snapped the bag containing the evening ingredients in her hand in front of Mori Kogoro.
Now, Mori Kogoro finally came to his senses.
“Something is hidden from you? How is it possible? There is nothing! Xiaolan, you are overthinking! Hahaha…” Maori Kogoro directly denied it with one click and three times.
It’s just that his laughter was a little weak.
“Oh? Really?” Mori Kogoro resolutely denied, which made Xiaolan even more suspicious.
The speed of denial is fast, but the momentum of denial is not firm enough.
Xiaolan felt more and more that her father was hiding something from her!
“Of course…hahaha…” Mori Kogoro became more and more guilty.
“Really??” Xiaolan squeezed her fist hard, making a clicking sound.
Cold sweat flowed down Mouri Kogoro’s forehead when he heard it.
“Well, it’s actually a college student of mine. The opening ceremony of their building will be held next week, so they invited me to attend.” Kogoro Mori’s momentum instantly fell to the bottom.
He is also afraid of Xiaolan’s fighting power.
“Then you don’t have to make it so mysterious, right? There’s no secret between you and her, right?” Xiaolan looked at Mouri Kogoro with unfriendly eyes.
“How is it possible! It’s true!!” Kogoro Mori quickly denied.
This time he was much firmer in his denial.
“It’s just… I heard she’s still single…” Mori Kogoro’s voice trailed off again.
“Huh!?? Then I want to go together too!!” Xiaolan raised her eyebrows, looked at Kogoro Mouri and said.
220. Vodka: Can’t Let Big Brother Down (Please Subscribe!)
“Brother, did you read the news two days ago? A golden villa was discovered in Nagano County! And I see some netizens said that the villa used to belong to the boss.”
“Why did the boss sell that villa in the first place? Isn’t that a lot of money lost?” Vodka said while driving.
According to expert estimates, the villa cost at least twenty or thirty tons of gold.
That’s worth 100 to 200 billion.
So much money is enough to organize for a long time.
“How could I know the old almanac from decades ago.” Qin Jiu said lightly with a cigarette in his mouth.
Of course, he had read the news.
Don’t worry about the dusk building in Nagano Prefecture, he also went to find out.
More than forty years ago, that really belonged to the boss.
But after the boss ‘dead’, after many years, the villa was sold to other people locally because there was no heir.
Over the past few decades, that villa has changed hands many times.
And he estimated that the boss probably didn’t know that the walls of that villa were full of gold.
If they knew, they would definitely ask the subordinates at that time to take away the gold in that villa.
Although the organization is very rich, hundreds of billions of dollars is also a lot of money for the chaebol.
He has already sent an email to tell the boss about this matter.
But the boss told him not to care, so he naturally didn’t have to intervene.hands on this matter.
In fact, the villa has been tightly guarded by the police, and the removal of the remaining gold has begun.
They can’t interfere even if they want to, unless they intervene directly and violently.
But the boss has let him leave it alone, so naturally he won’t meddle in other things.
Come to think of it, the boss shouldn’t be short of this money.
“Have you found that guy’s whereabouts?” Qin Jiu changed the subject.
The Boss has already ordered him not to deal with the matter of the villa, and he is too lazy to waste any more time on this matter.
He just needs to perfectly complete the task given to him by the boss.
“Not yet…” Before Vodka could finish speaking, the phone rang.
Jingle bell~~jingle bell~~
“Uh…uh…I see.”
After saying a few words, Vodka hung up the phone.
“I got the whereabouts, big brother. It invaded from the twin-tower skyscrapers in Nishitama City. It really was the ‘original’ guy.” Vodka said.
“Sure enough, it’s that guy.” Gin Jiu had a cigarette in his mouth, and looked ahead coldly.
“It seems to be called the closest place to heaven.” Vodka said.
“Hmph. It can be used as a guillotine at the place closest to the kingdom of heaven.” Qin Jiu said with a slightly murderous look in his eyes.
He will never be merciful to those who betray the organization.
All those who betray the organization will be killed by him one by one.
So far, however, two surprises have occurred.
That is the Miyano sisters!
Although Akemi Miyano was shot, she was rescued and her death was not confirmed.
Her younger sister, Shirley, was also rescued after the rebellion.
And the one who rescued the two of them was none other than the gangster 9527, who had recently become famous in the underground world.
The guy likes to do big cases, especially big money-making ones.
Rob a bank, hijack a cruise ship, rob a jewelry store, and more.
Even after Akemi Miyano was arrested by the police, he even bombed the Shrine of the Coffin Shrine in order to threaten the police and let the police release Akemi Miyano.
At that time, it was too late for the police to release the photo of Miyano Akemi. If they could have released it earlier, they might be able to use Miyano Akemi to find out and kill that guy and Shirley.
Unfortunately, by the time they found out that Miyano Akemi had been arrested by the police, it was already too late.
“Have you found any clues to 9527?” Qin Jiu asked.
Besides the traitor, the person he wants to kill most now is the bandit 9527.
Because that guy not only opposed the organization, but also provided protection for two traitors of the organization, which Gin could not forgive.
If the two traitors are not eliminated, it will appear that he is incompetent.
“I didn’t find any clues about that guy at all. That guy seems to have never sold anything in the underground world.” Vodka said with a embarrassed face.
The clues of the gangster 9527 are also the most troublesome investigation he has done so far.
Investigating other targets has never been like today, without any clues.
0・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・
Although that guy is very famous in the underground world, no one has ever seen that guy.
It was as if he had never appeared in the underground world before.
“That guy’s organization probably has regular shipping channels.” Gin Jiu took down the cigarette from his mouth, and took a long puff of it.
Just like they organize, they also have their own formal enterprises.
And these formal enterprises not only provide a lot of money for the organization, but also help deal with some illegal things.
For example, a huge amount of money, and the company of a certain president, etc.
As soon as you pass through those regular companies, many non-compliant things become compliant in an instant.
It is estimated that the organization behind the gangster 9527 also has such a company.
….. … …
The most likely of these are luxury jewelry stores.
When the robbery comes to jewelry and gold, you can change the appearance through the jewelry store, so that it can be sold as normal jewelry.
“Brother, that guy once appeared at the 60th anniversary celebration of the Suzuki Foundation and robbed hundreds of high-ranking people present at that time.”
“The opening of the twin-tower skyscraper in Nishitama City this time will also bring a large number of high-class people. Do you think that guy will also appear here? Let these people be robbed?” Vodka guessed.
Vodka is really no way.
The mission entrusted to him by his elder brother was to investigate the clues of the gangster 9527, but he failed to find any clues.
Not to mention any constructive opinions, Vodka is worried that his elder brother will have opinions on him.
Don’t feel that you are not capable enough at that time, and replace yourself.
Then he was about to cry.
He swore to be with his eldest brother for the rest of his life.
“…” Qin Jiu fell into silence.
“Brother?” Vodka was quiet for a while, and finally broke the silence in the car.

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