“No, no, no… I should have come alone…” Mori Kogoro scratched his head in embarrassment.
At this time, Xiaolan stepped forward in two steps.
“I’m his daughter, Xiaolan, and my mother wants me to greet you on her behalf.” Xiaolan bowed slightly to Changpan Meixu.
“Hey! Xiaolan!” Mori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan reproachfully, which was too embarrassing for him.
Let him introduce himself!
Xiao Lan ignored her father’s reaction and started introducing other people in the group instead.
“let me introduce!”
“This is my classmate Suzuki Sonoko and Haibara Ai.”
“This is Dr. Ali, the inventor, and Guan Zu, the explorer.”
Guan Zu and Dr. Ali also nodded to Changpan Mio.
Dr. A Li was a little embarrassed. After all, Pan Meixu, the patriarch of the family, did not invite him, he was brought here.
Guan Zu didn’t feel embarrassed at all.
He did a lot of uninvited things.
He is here as a guest now, this long-pan Mio should be happy.
If he had come here in another capacity, Miss Changpan would have a headache.
“This is Conan Edogawa, Ayumi Yoshida, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, and Genta Kojima.” Xiaolan continued to introduce.
“Hi everyone, I’m Changpan Meixu. Let me introduce you too.” Changpan Meixu bowed slightly to Guanzu and the others.
It has to be said that in terms of small etiquette, the people of Sakura Country are quite careful.
Changpan Meixu also introduced the identities of the people around her to Guan Zu and the others.
They are her painting teacher, cherry blossom painter Ru Yuefengshui.
And City Councilor Oki Iwamatsu of Nishitama City.
The reason why the Changpan Group was able to build this building was indeed because of the many efforts of this congressman, which made this super tall building successfully built.
Finally, there is the designer and architect Hidehiko Kazama of this twin-tower skyscraper.
Guan Zu looked at the few people in front of him.
Among these people, who will die? .
228, Xiao Ai: You Have Dirty Things on Your Face (Please Subscribe!)
“I’ve heard of your name, is it called Detective Sleepy Kogoro~?” Oki Iwamatsu, flushed and smelling of alcohol, came to Mouri Kogoro, raised his hand and stretched out his index finger, and looked at Mouri Kogoro. Goro poked in the chest.
“I’m Sleeping Kogoro…” Mori Kogoro looked at the Nishitama City Councilor in front of him speechlessly.
That is to say, this person is in a high position, otherwise, Mori Kogoro would definitely want this guy to look good.
Guan Zu looked at the few people in front of him.
Now that Conan has come to this twin-tower skyscraper, there will definitely be deaths here.
Who will die, Guan Zu actually doesn’t remember very clearly.
After all, too many people were killed by Conanke.
But seeing the scene in front of him, Guan Zu knew that the city councilor of Nishitama City, Oki Yansong, would most likely die.
At least, it is also one of the people who are going to die.
How dare he provoke Mori Kogoro? Isn’t this courting death?
Although the Grim Reaper is an elementary school student like Conan, but Mori Kogoro is someone close to the Grim Reaper, who can be provoked by ordinary people?
Ordinary people may not be able to bear the ‘karma’ contaminated by him.
“Speaking of which, MaoMr. Lee, I still have a little relationship with you. ” Said Hidehiko Kazama, an architectural designer on the side.
“Oh?” Mori Kogoro looked curious.
“Because I am Moriya Teiji’s disciple.” Kazama Hidehiko looked at Mori Kogoro playfully.
Mori Kogoro and Conan were shocked.
Teiji Moritani, isn’t that the professor of architecture who stole the explosives from the powder depot in Dongdu before, and then tried to use the explosives to create a large number of explosions?
The bomb made by that guy also injured Conan.
Let him lie in the hospital for an afternoon.
The bomb made by Teiji Moritani even almost killed Xiaolan.
It’s just that, in the end, I don’t know who dismantled all the bombs in the Mihua Municipal Building and ‘stolen’ them, so the explosion didn’t happen.
Of course, only the police and Mori Kogoro knew about this.
Outsiders don’t know about this.
All I know is that the police arrested Teiji Moritani with the help of Mori Kogoro.
“But Mr. Mori, don’t worry, I won’t blow up this building like Sengu did.” Hidehiko Kazama joked.
“Blow up… blow up…” Mori Kogoro was startled.
The last time at the Mihua Municipal Building, Kogoro Mori was terrified.
“Because the heights of the buildings are different, and the relationship between left and right is asymmetrical, right?” Conan said innocently, pretending to be a child.
“Little friend, you really know a lot.” Hidehiko Kazama glanced at Conan unexpectedly.
Xiaolan also looked at Conan.
Obviously, I will often show the appearance of an adult inadvertently, why is it that I am unwilling to confess to myself that my body has become smaller?
Is it because you hate yourself for not being able to help?
Xiaolan felt a little sad in her heart.
Guan Zu was looking at the architect Hidehiko Kazama.
He didn’t intend to blow up the twin-tower skyscraper, but others were planning to blow up the building.
But the building was not blown down.
For the Changpan consortium, this should be a blessing in misfortune.
The building that had just been built was bombed and collapsed. They were afraid that they would die at a loss.
Not all consortiums are as rich and powerful as the Suzuki consortium, and industries have been bombed one after another, but the Suzuki consortium still has more money than can be used up.
“Wow~~ so beautiful~!!”
Not far away, a few brats from the young detective team suddenly exclaimed.
When everyone looked around, they saw Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi lying on the huge glass curtain wall, looking at Mount Fuji in the distance.
I have to say that the view of Mount Fuji from here is really beautiful.
For Mount Fuji, this is definitely the best viewing platform.
“The scenery here is really beautiful.” Mori Kogoro also said with emotion.
However, he didn’t dare to run to the side of the glass curtain wall to enjoy the distant scenery like the young detective team did.
This is a seventy-five-story building.
Standing next to the huge glass curtain wall, Mori Kogoro will be so scared that his legs will go limp.
“You can also see Mount Fuji at night from here~.” Nagapan Mio said with a slight smile.
“Evening is also possible?” Xiaolan, Yuanzi and Xiaoai were all curious.
After night, Mount Fuji will be dark, but there are lights in this hall.
At night, how do you see Mount Fuji in the distance?
Changpan Mio smiled mysteriously, and did not answer everyone’s doubts.
The doubts of Xiaolan and the others may not be resolved until the official opening of the twin tower skyscrapers next week.
“Hey hey~~”
“And what can you see through the window over there?”
“Hurry up~!!”
The three little ghosts of the young detective team ran towards the glass curtain wall on the other side.
The glass curtain wall was polished so brightly that there was almost no material left.
Looking out from the inside, you might even think that there is no glass at all.
It’s a shame that the three brats dared to run away like this.
But anyone who has even the slightest fear of heights probably wouldn’t be able to run around like these three brats.
“々What is that?”
“It seems to be the roof of the dome.” The little ghosts looked curiously at another building outside the window.
Changpan Mio led the crowd towards the window.
Mori Kogoro walked two meters away from the window, so he didn’t dare to go any further.
“Building B next door is a commercial building, with shops below and a hotel above. There is also an indoor swimming pool on the top floor.”
“The roof of that dome can be opened.” Nagapan Mio stood beside Mori Kogoro and explained while looking out the window at another, shorter building.
She saw that Mori Kogoro was afraid of heights, so she would naturally take care of his feelings.
How to put it, Changpan Mio is also the head of a consortium, so her eyesight is naturally not too bad.

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