She is teaching a primary school student about dating and marriage?
Is this a little bit too early? ? ? .
233. Guan Zu: I know the murderer but I just don’t tell (please subscribe!)
After returning from the twin tower skyscrapers, Guan Zu often went to Nishitama City alone.
Stop by the Twin Towers skyscraper.
Find a suitable sniper spot for sniping on twin tower skyscrapers.
Among them, the best sniping point is another tall building six or seven hundred meters away from the twin tower skyscrapers.
The height of that tall building is not as high as the twin-tower skyscrapers, but it is much taller than other surrounding buildings.
The height is almost two-thirds of the height of the twin-tower skyscrapers.
And that building is facing the VIP sightseeing elevator of the twin-tower skyscraper, which can perfectly snipe the guests in the elevator.
Of course, apart from that building, it doesn’t mean that there are no other sniper spots.
But it was worse than that sniper spot.
Guan Zu even ran to the roof of that building to have a look.
I originally wanted to install traps like bombs, but after thinking about it, forget it.
With the level of gin, when choosing this place as a sniping point, it is impossible not to check the environment here.
Moreover, Guan Zu believes that a real master is aware of danger.
If he installs a bomb trap on the ground, there is a 90% chance that he will startle the snake.
So after thinking about it, Guan Zu gave up the idea of ​​setting traps at this best sniping point in advance.
At that time, he will go to the top floor of the twin tower skyscrapers, where he will face off with Gin!
He didn’t believe that Qin Jiu could beat him by snipes!
Nishitama City Councilor Oki Iwamatsu stayed in a suite on the 67th floor of Block B of the Twin Towers skyscraper.
Then he was stabbed to death in the suite by a little black with a dagger.
the next day.
Guan Zu, Xiao Ai and others were called by police officer Mu Mu to the Metropolitan Police Department.
Of course, it wasn’t just the two of them.
In addition, Sonoko, Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro, Conan and the three little ghosts of the Boys Detective Team, as well as Dr. Ari, were all called to the Metropolitan Police Department by Police Officer Megure.
When he saw everyone, Guan Zu knew something had happened.
And among the few people I met at the Twin Towers skyscraper that day, someone died.
Otherwise, they would not have been called to the Metropolitan Police Department.
Afterwards, the words of police officer Mu Mu really confirmed Guan Zu’s thoughts.
“I’m here today for nothing else. In the suite in the twin-tower skyscraper, a body that was assassinated to death was found¨.” Police Officer Mu Mu said, looking at everyone.
A young criminal policeman on the side pasted the photo of the deceased on the whiteboard.
“This person is!!”
“Nishitama City Councilor Oki Iwamatsu!?” Mori Kogoro was startled.
This person turned out to be!
Guan Zu was not surprised at all, but felt that it was so.
That Mr. Oki actually dared to laugh at Kogoro Mori. Isn’t that the big lantern in the toilet, looking for death.
“When he asked Mio Nagapan for accommodation, I heard that you were all there.” Police Officer Meguro said, looking at everyone.
After finishing speaking, he looked at the other criminal policeman behind him.
“Yes!” A young criminal policeman who was a bit strong, but not very fat, opened the file in his hand.
“The time of death was probably between ten o’clock in the evening and midnight in the morning. The murder weapon may be a knife. However, it was not found at the scene.”
“However, in Damu’s hand, he was holding a small wine glass that was split in two.” Police Officer Chiba glanced at the file and said.
Guan Zu looked at the young policeman curiously.
This is Police Officer Chiba under Megure?
Shouldn’t that be a big fat man?
No matter how you look at this guy, he has nothing to do with the big fat man.
“Shot glass?”
Others did not pay attention to a young criminal policeman like Guan Zu did.
“This is it.” Officer Shiratori took out an evidence bag, which contained a small wine glass broken in half and some small fragments.
“This small wine glass is a high-priced item. Oki likes to drink very much, and it is likely that he brought it with sake.”
“Our analysis shows that it is likely that the deceased intentionally left a pre-death message implying the identity of the murderer.” Police officer Meguro said.
At this time, the not-so-fat Chiba police officer posted a few more photos on the whiteboard.
They are old painter Ru Yuefengshui, Pan Mio, chairman of Changpan Group, her secretary Sawaguchi, architect Hidehiko Kazama, and Yuan Jiaming, director and software engineer.
The police believe that the murderer is likely to be among the five.
Because apart from Mori Kogoro, Kanzu and others, only these people know that Nishitama City Councilor Oki Iwamatsu will live in the hotel in the twin-tower skyscraper that day.
At this time, the twin tower skyscrapers have not yet opened.
Others simply do not have the conditions to kill.
So, Mori Kogoro’s method of eliminating the murdererhere we go.
Yuan Jiaming, a director and software engineer, was suspected, and then told that Yuan Jiaming was the only one with an alibi.
“What is the murderer’s motive?” Dr. Ali asked curiously.
“It is still under investigation. Although Oki is a city councilor, he actually seems to hold greater power than the mayor.” Police Officer Meguro said.
“.~Like the twin-tower skyscrapers this time, the municipal bill for high-rise buildings that were originally not allowed to be built was forcibly changed.” Officer Shiratori added.
“That’s why Miss Mio has no way to refuse Mr. Oki’s request to stay in the hotel before the opening…” Xiaolan finally figured out what she couldn’t figure out before.
“So, isn’t the brooch worn by Ms. Mio very similar to a small wine glass broken in two?” Conan said suddenly.
“Wait a minute!! It’s definitely not Mio!!” Mori Kogoro was anxious.
That’s his cute school girl!
When others were arguing (analyzing) who was more likely to be the murderer, Guan Zu didn’t say a word, but recalled the details of the case.
His deepest impression on this case was that the Black Organization would appear.
And Gin will mistake Yuanzi for Shirley to attack.
In the last scene, Conan drives a sports car, and with the impact of the explosion, flies directly from the seventy-fifth floor of building A to the swimming pool on the roof of building B.
He didn’t remember the other details clearly before.
But after recalling for a while, I remembered more and more details.
Among them, he also remembered who the murderer in this case was.
It is none other than the oldest painter, Ru Yuefengshui.
As for the motive for the murder, it was because the twin towers and skyscrapers blocked his house’s view of Mount Fuji.
Originally, he could enjoy the complete Mount Fuji at home.
But after the twin tower skyscrapers were built, the building split Mount Fuji in two!
Therefore, he envied Councilor Oki who forcibly passed the municipal bill, and Chang Pan Mio who funded the construction of the twin tower skyscrapers.
In the end, he killed the two of them.
However, Guan Zu remembered the murderer in this case, but he did not tell the police that he planned to eat.
He is a bandit!
How can you help the police?
nonexistent! .
234、Someone Died Again (Please Subscribe!)
Guan Zu and others assisted Officer Mumu and others in the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the case, but nothing was investigated.
After all, Guan Zu and others are not very familiar with the few people they saw in the twin tower skyscrapers before.
Just know their names and occupations.
The understanding of them is not as much as the police investigation.
Therefore, Guan Zu and others did not stay in the Metropolitan Police Department for too long. After a brief inquiry and investigation, they left the Metropolitan Police Department.
The next day, Guan Zu continued to visit the Twin Towers skyscrapers in Nishitama City.
Every time he stepped on the spot, he would sneak into the power room and power generation room of the twin tower skyscrapers, as well as the sightseeing hall on the top floor of Building A.
Wanted to see if Gin had planted the bomb ahead of time.
If the bomb is installed a few days in advance, then he can dismantle the bomb directly.

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