Conan was pulled tightly by Xiao Ai, and a big bump was formed on the head by Yuanzi.
He couldn’t run to the rooftop anymore.
“Conan, don’t cause trouble for everyone!” Xiaolan also looked at Conan and said.
Ran knows that Conan is Shinichi.
And she also saw just now that the helicopter outside was blown up by the shells flying from the roof.
After all, Xiaolan is a karate master, and her dynamic vision is much better than that of ordinary people.
The other guests didn’t notice this, but she couldn’t fail to notice it.
It’s still unclear what happened.
It is not known whether it was the group of people flying the helicopter outside or the people on the roof that caused the explosion inside the building.
At this time, Xiaolan didn’t want Conan to take risks.
In the past, Conan would sneak away in an instant when he was not paying attention.
In that case, Xiaolan has no good solution.
But now it’s different, Conan is held back by Xiao Ai.
Then Xiaolan naturally can’t let Conan run away again.
Those who stayed on the rooftop even had cannonballs, so they must have guns too.
In case the people in the helicopter outside are the ones who came to rescue them, and the people on the roof are the bombers who caused the explosion.
Conan, a ‘child’, ran upstairs, what could he do?
Can the bomber be subdued?
So, Xiaolan also grabbed Conan’s other arm.
Conan was so trapped.
【hateful! ! ! 】
Conan was too reconciled.
But now that he was firmly caught, it was impossible to slip away.
He could only be dragged by Xiaolan, followed the big team into the escape stairs, and went down the escape stairs to the sixtieth floor.
Then pass the connecting bridge on the 60th floor and escape to Building B to take refuge.
It’s different from the original show.
In the original play, it wasn’t long after the men passed the connecting bridge and arrived at the opposite building.
The connecting bridge between the two buildings was destroyed by detonation.
The last batch of Xiaolan and others who took the elevator to leave had to leave the elevator because the elevator was destroyed, and then passed the connecting bridge on the lower floor to take refuge in the building next door.
But halfway through, the connecting bridge above was blown up, falling down and breaking the connecting bridge below.
As a result, half of the people successfully ran to Building B.
And Xiaolan ran a little slower because of Conan, and finally was trapped in Building A with Conan.
At that time, the fire had already spread to their floor.
In desperation, Xiaolan could only take a risk, tied herself and Conan with a fire hose, and then led him to jump off the stairs.
Jump over the burning floors in the middle and escape to the floors below.
Now there is no need to do so.
Guan Zu dismantled all the bombs installed on the connecting bridge in advance and took them away.
So the connecting bridge was not blown down.
Later, Gin ordered Vodka to use the rockets on the helicopter to blow up the connecting bridge.
Attempt to trap everyone in the building.
But before they started to act, Guan Zu hit their helicopter with a rocket launcher, forcing them to evacuate early.
From the men in the front through the connecting bridge, to the elderly, women and children in the back, they all successfully passed the connecting bridge and arrived at building B to take refuge.
of course there are exceptions.
That is the three members of the Boys Detective Team trapped on the 70th floor.
they have no handsWith the flashlight, I could only move forward in the dark, and I couldn’t find the way to the safety stairs at all.
They are lost!
However, the fire broke out on the fortieth floor. Although the fire is spreading upwards, it has only burned to the forty-fifth floor.
In a short period of time, these little ghosts are still safe for the time being.
However, if the fire has been out of control, and no one finds them.
It’s hard to say what the final result will be.
In addition to the three little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team, there is another person who is still staying in Building A.
That is Kisaragi Mine who successively killed Senator Oki and Mio Nagaban.
The building exploded and even caught fire.
But he has no intention of leaving.
In other words, after killing Damu Hospital, Changpan Meixu and others, he didn’t intend to live anymore.
He dedicated his life to Mount Fuji.
After getting old, his physical strength no longer allowed him to continue climbing to Mt. Fuji. In order to continue painting Mount Fuji, he even bought a mountain and built his own house on the mountain.
And set the room with the best view as your own studio.
Now because of the twin-tower skyscrapers, he can no longer see the complete Mount Fuji at home.
I don’t have the strength to continue climbing.
Well, just die.
So don’t mess with artists, those who engage in art are crazy.
Guan Zu watched the helicopter that Gin and the others were driving leave, and after seeing the helicopter explode, he no longer cared about them.
It didn’t matter if Gin they were dead or alive.
Anyway, this time, he won again.
He can win once, twice, three times, he can win four times, five times, six times.
Guan Zu returned to Belmode’s side.
Unbuttoning the clothes on her body, it was indeed stuffed with cotton.
In addition to cotton, her clothes can also be inflated to make her shoulders and pelvis look bigger and fatter.
In terms of camouflage, Belmode really put his heart into it.
Unlike Guan Zu, almost every time he changed his appearance, he just changed his face and hairstyle, and he didn’t deliberately change his body shape.
Too much trouble.
The same goes for Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi.
Although their faces have changed, their figures remain the same.
Anyway, there are many people with the same body shape, and this does not need to be changed deliberately.
After removing the disguise, Belmode went from a fat middle-aged woman to a glamorous Hollywood actress, Chris Wynyard.
The plane that Gin and the others were flying was shot down, and it was time for Guan Zu to leave here.
All electricity in Building A was completely destroyed, the pressurization equipment was unable to operate, and the automatic fire extinguishing device was also unable to operate.
The water pressure does not flow to the upper floors of dozens of floors.
Guan Zu didn’t dare to bet on the efficiency of firefighters.
So Building A cannot stay anymore.
But to go to Building B, you have to pass through the connecting bridge, and the connecting bridge is probably guarded by the police all the time.
However, this problem is actually not that big.
The police guarded, at best, to prevent the fire from spreading.
Someone escaped from the building, and they couldn’t stop it.
It’s Belmode, she is a female star of Vinewood herself, and there may be criminal police who know her.
Secondly, she was unconscious, which may attract the attention of the police.
After thinking about it, Guan Zu decided to jump off the building with Belmode.
Guan Zu bought a set of safety ropes from the system store, and then bought a set of black hang glider.
Bind Belmode in front of his body, equip it with a hang glider, and jump down from the rooftop of the seventy-fifth floor.
249. Takagi: This old man won’t be killed by me, right? (Please subscribe!)
The seventy-fifth floor is 256 meters high.
Someone jumped off the roof and stood on the ground without noticing it at all.
In addition, it was night and the moon in the sky was not very bright, so no one noticed Guan Zu who jumped down from the rooftop with Belmode.
After jumping off the roof, the hang glider immediately flew up with Guan Zu and Belmode.

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