“Yuanzi~ This shouldn’t be what we should be concerned about now…” Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi helplessly.
Shouldn’t he be concerned now, which one is Kaitou Kidd? Will Blue Miracle be taken away again?
Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the screen suspiciously.
These two phantom thieves, Kidd, are not in the same group? ?
“Isn’t that guy’s assistant??” Mori Kogoro pinched it, his expression pensive.
Only Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi are more and more sure that one of the Kaitou Kidds is Guan Zu in disguise!
After firing more than a dozen shots, the corners of Guan Zu’s mouth suddenly raised slightly.
Although poker is more affected by the wind, but he is proficient in gun shooting, and he has already mastered the flying rules of poker.
Guan Zu adjusted the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger continuously.
Several cards seem to be connected in a line, flying towards the wire rope above Kaitou Kidd.
Kaito Kidd’s pupils shrank.
“Not good!!!” Jiu.
266 The Phantom Thief Kidd Who Flees (Please Subscribe!)
He saw several poker cards connecting into a branch line and flying directly above him.
Kaitou Kidd realized that he was going to be killed.
“not good!!”
He quickly raised the poker gun in his hand and shot at the few cards in the air.
However, Kaitou Kidd is not Kanzu.
Staying in such a strong wind environment under the helicopter, Kaitou Kidd has no way to point where to hit.
So, Kaitou Kidd just watched those cards collide with the wire rope that hangs Kaitou Kidd up.
The moment the first poker hit the wire rope, Kaitou Kidd felt an obvious vibration.
At the same time, a crisp sound was heard.
Kaitou Kidd didn’t look up, but he also realized that the guy on the opposite side who was pretending to be himself was trying to break the wire rope hanging him! !
Moreover, according to the strength of the poker shot by the opponent’s poker gun, it is really possible to break his wire rope! !
This guy pretends to be himself (Liuli. ò ? ó. First appearance), and also uses the same method as himself to appear on the stage.
This is obviously carefully investigated by myself!
The Kaitou Kidd didn’t believe it. The guy on the opposite side pretending to be himself just wanted to beat him on a temporary basis.
This must have been planned in advance!
Then the other party must have prepared in advance!
This poker can definitely break the wire rope that hangs him!
The first card didn’t break the wire rope, Conan was just lucky.
There are second, third, and fourth poker cards in the back!
Once the wire rope hanging from him broke, he just fell straight down.
Not to mention falling from this height, even he may be injured.
Even if he fell so unprepared, it would be very difficult for him to escape from the heavily guarded patrols around him.
Think here.
Kaitou Kidd quickly took out two smoke bombs and detonated them.
Boom! !
A large cloud of white smoke enveloped the Kaitou Kidd.
The amount of smoke this time was huge, and even some inspections below were shrouded in smoke.
After being shrouded in smoke, Kaitou Kidd hastily pressed the remotePress the control button to activate the electric winch behind him, trying to pull himself up.
In this way, he can escape in the helicopter.
As soon as Kaitou Kidd pressed the button, there was another ‘ding’ sound from above his head.
At the same time, Kaitou Kidd felt instantly weightless.
There was only the sound of the motor turning behind him, but he didn’t rise up, but fell quickly.
Kaitou Kidd’s face turned pale instantly.
Because he realized that the wire rope hanging him was broken! !
The height he was at now was the height of a three-story building, nearly ten meters above the ground!
Falling from this height, if he was not careful, he would have to go to the hospital! !
What’s more, after falling, you have to face a lot of arrests by security guards and inspections! !
Kaitou Kidd hastily took out two more smoke bombs, and smashed them down hard.
The next thing is to concentrate 12 points, preparing to take off the impact of falling from the sky.
Otherwise, he would just wait to be arrested by the police.
The previous smoke had not dissipated, and more white smoke exploded from the ground again.
The onlookers eating melons were all dumbfounded.
“what’s up?”
“In the end what happened?”
“Why did the two phantom thieves Kidd suddenly fight?”
“Wow! So much smoke, I can’t see it at all!”
Officer Nakamori, who was stopped by the security personnel arranged by the Suzuki Foundation and not allowed to get too close to the museum, was also stunned at this time.
“Hey! What the hell happened?”
He also couldn’t figure out why the two phantom thieves Kidd suddenly started fighting.
One of them suddenly exploded a cloud of smoke.
Conan was also very puzzled.
He still doesn’t even know how the Kaitou Kidd floats in the air and how to walk in the air.
The only thing I know now is that the two phantom thieves Kidd in front of me don’t seem to be in the same group anymore.
Monitor the interior of the vehicle.
“Hey!?? Why are my two Masters Kidd fighting!??” Yuanzi was taken aback by the picture on the surveillance screen.
Why did the two phantom thieves Kidd suddenly fight! ?
And it’s a gun!
Although the guns of the two phantom thieves Kidd shoot cards instead of bullets.
It can be seen from the flying speed and distance of the poker, it is obvious that it has a certain lethality!
What if her Master Kidd is injured? ?
“What’s going on??” Xiao Lan was also at a loss.
This is especially true of Jiro Kichi Suzuki and Kogoro Mori.
The only ones who are still clear about the situation are probably Xiao Ai and Miyano Akemi.
Before, they only guessed that one of the strange thieves, Kidd, was disguised by Guan Zu, but they didn’t know which one was Guan Zu in disguise.
And now, they know.
It must be Guanzu who drew his gun first and launched an attack on another Kaitou Kidd.
Guanzu’s aggressiveness is much stronger than Kaitou Kidd. 0
Outside the museum.
Because of the helicopter hovering in the air, the smoke blown out by Kaitou Kidd was quickly blown away.
After the smoke was blown away, everyone at the scene discovered that Kidd, one of the phantom thieves, had disappeared! ! !
“Phantom Thief Kid is gone!!”
“One of the Kaitou Kidd is missing, and the other one is still floating in the air!”
“Where did that Phantom Thief Kidd go??”
Monitor the interior of the vehicle.
“Eh?? One of Lord Kidd is missing!??” Yuanzi was surprised.
“How could this happen!??” Xiaolan was equally astonished.
I didn’t understand it when it was suspended in the air before, but now it disappears out of thin air?
How did this happen! ? ?
“Damn!! Kaitou Kidd is absolutely impossible to disappear out of thin air! He must be hiding nearby, find him for me!!” Jiroji Suzuki ordered loudly while holding the walkie-talkie.
The next moment, some of the security personnel moved immediately.
Including Guan Zu, everyone didn’t know that the Kaitou Kidd had already hid in a sewer next to the museum.

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