“This is the end of today’s performance, and we will meet again at the same place at twelve o’clock tomorrow night!”
Guan Zu said to the crowd, and then detonated a special smoke bomb.
A large amount of white smoke enveloped him and the helicopter above.
268. The Phantom Thief Kidd Dives into the Sewer and Escapes (Please Subscribe!)
After Guan Zu detonated the smoke bomb, he pulled himself up to the helicopter driven by Asai Makoto as fast as he could.
Get into the helicopter quickly and complete the ‘escape’ action.
After the smoke cleared, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.
“Has Kaito Kid escaped?”
“What do you mean by escaping! Master Kidd came here to investigate the environment today, he just completed his mission and left!!”
“It’s unbelievable!” The melon-eaters onlookers sighed.
“What!? Gone again!??” Officer Nakamori looked at the balcony on the third floor of the empty museum, unable to accept this fact.
Just now, the previous Kaitou Kidd disappeared in the smoke.
Now, this Kaitou Kidd disappeared in the smoke again!
How did Phantom Thief Kidd do it! ? ?
Conan was still immersed in the shock of Kaitou Kidd dodging his own attack, and then grabbing his football with one hand.
The speed of his football is very fast, and he is still attacking from behind, how could Kaitou Kidd hide away! ? ?
And even grabbed the football he kicked with one hand! !
Although the football bounced on the door frame before being grabbed by Kaitou Kidd, that strength is definitely not something a human can grasp with one hand! !
Even the strongest goalkeeper in the world needs to wear gloves to protect his hands when blocking football.
The football he kicked, under the boost of foot power-enhancing shoes, surpassed the power of world-class football players in terms of strength and speed.
Phantom Thief Kidd, what’s going on! ?
Monitor the interior of the vehicle.
“Master Kidd disappeared? I still want to ask for an autograph from Mr. Kidd…” Sonoko said slightly disappointed.
“What’s the matter? Didn’t that guy say that he will come at twelve o’clock tomorrow night?” Xiao Ai said lightly.
“That’s right! Master Kidd will come again tomorrow! At that time, I must get Master Kidd’s autographed photo!!” Yuanzi rekindled his fighting spirit.
Unlike Sonoko, Suzuki Jirokichi was about to die of anger.
He made so many preparations today, but after Kaitou Kidd appeared, the whole stage became Kaitou Kidd alone!
Two phantom thieves Kidd suddenly appeared from the sky, suspended in the air! Then there was a sky walk!
Finally, leave calmly!
This is not the result he wanted at all!
Suzuki Jirokichi quickly took out a remote control and pressed a button on the remote control.
The next moment, all the doors, windows and other entrances and exits of the museum were blocked by special iron fences.
“The Kaitou Kidd is probably still in the museum! Send me someone to search!! Definitely find that guy for me!’ 〃!” Jiroji Suzuki ordered loudly into the walkie-talkie.
Kaitou Kidd had already reached the balcony on the third floor, and even opened the door on the balcony.
Next, just walk in through that door, and you can take away the blue miracle in the house.
Suzuki Jirokichi didn’t believe that Kaito Kidd would just leave like this!
Immediately after Jiroji ordered the mausoleum, a team of five entered the museum for a carpet search.
He vowed to find Kaitou Kidd.
But how did they know that neither Guan Zu nor the real Kaitou Kidd entered the museum.
At this time, Guan Zu was sitting next to Makoto Asai, looking at everything below.
“That old man Suzuki Jirokichi really sealed off the doors and windows of the entire museum.” Guan Zu complained.
In this way, once trapped inside, if you don’t use violent means, there is really no way to escape.
and many more……
It seems not necessarily! !
This organ of Suzuki Jiroyoshi seems to be controlled by remote control.
Then, there is a high probability that he can hack into the control system and gain control.
Mausoleum Jiroji sealed all the entrances and exits of the museum, so he opened the entrances and exits he wanted to control.
Everyone has control, who can’t open a door?
Even Guan Zu could hack into the control system and delete Suzuki Jirokichi’s remote control authority.
In this way, Suzuki JiroGee couldn’t close all the entrances and exits at all.
Careless! Careless!
When I stepped on the site before, I just hacked into the museum’s network to obtain the signal stream of all surveillance cameras.
However, it was not found that all the entrances and exits of the museum were installed with ‘anti-theft doors’ by Suzuki Jirokichi.
However, in the wireless network of the museum, Guan Zu did not find the “anti-theft door” system at all entrances and exits.
In other words, this system is not connected to the Internet, but is directly controlled by a separate wireless signal.
Therefore, it is understandable that Guan Zu did not find out.
So, before the action at twelve o’clock tomorrow night, do you want to sneak into the museum again to gain control of the museum’s “anti-theft door”?
Guan Zu thought about it, and it seemed that there was no need to do this.
Because Guan Zu remembered that in the original plot, Kaito Kidd’s actions the next day were not to approach the museum from the air, and then take away the sapphire blue miracle.
Instead, he attacked Suzuki Jirokichi, then disguised himself as Suzuki Jirokichi, and entered the museum directly as the owner of the museum.
Then he forged a fake Phantom Thief Kidd with a dummy, which made Officer Nakamori and others in charge of the guard nervous.
Then he made an excuse to leave the museum with the blue miracle himself in order to prevent the sapphire blue miracle from being taken away by the Kaitou Kidd.
In this way, the blue miracle was easily stolen.
Therefore, until tomorrow, Suzuki Jirokichi himself will not come to the scene, so he does not need to gain control of the entrance and exit at all.
If he had gained control of the entrance and exit, he could have locked Kaitou Kidd in the museum.
Tomorrow, we should do a little more preparatory work, so that Kaito Kidd can be arrested by the police.
If Phantom Thief Kidd was really arrested by the police, then this news will definitely become the headlines of the whole Sakura!
Inside the museum, the security personnel hired by Suzuki Jirokichi are still searching every corner of the museum closely.
Guan Zu waited for Makoto Asai to refuel, got off the helicopter, and escaped successfully.
Kaitou Kidd also followed the sewer and crawled out from other sewer openings.
In fact, at the scene, there was a person who knew Guan Zu’s escape method.
That is the assistant of Kaitou Kidd, Mr. Terai, who is also the pilot of Helicopter No. 7.
But Kaito Kidd will use the same “appearance” tomorrow, and Mr. Terai dare not expose Guanzu’s position.
Once the police know that Guan Zu is hiding in the No. 8 helicopter, they will instantly decipher the method of Kaitou Kidd’s appearance from the sky and walking in the air.
This will disrupt Kaito Kidd’s plan.
More importantly, the technique of the air walk was exposed, and Mr. Terai, the assistant of Kaitou Kidd, will also be arrested by the police.
So whether it is Mr. Terai or Kaitou Kidd, they can only watch Guan Zu leave.
269. Want to know the answer? Come and help me rub my back~! (Please subscribe!)
After Guan Zu and Kaitou Kidd left, the security personnel hired by Suzuki Jirokichi searched every corner of the museum, but did not find Kaitou Kidd.
Suzuki Jiroji, Sonoko and others came to the third floor of the museum, the room where the Blue Miracle was stored.
“Hey! Mr. Suzuki, I hope you can stop all your helicopters from flying tomorrow! Let our police helicopter come over!”
“These helicopters of yours will not be of any help in arresting Kaitou Kidd, they will only delay our capture of Kaitou Kidd!!” Officer Nakamori ran to Suzuki Jirokichi and said.
“Hmph! You don’t need the police at all.” Suzuki Jirokichi just glanced at Officer Nakamori, and stopped looking at him.
“That guy just said that he will appear at the same location tomorrow night.”
“In this case, I will definitely wait for him!” Suzuki Jirokichi came to the door and said looking at the night outside the door.
“Huh? What are you going to do again?” Officer Nakamori asked Suzuki Jirokichi with a speechless expression on his face.
There was such a big commotion today, and the nearby airspace was blocked by helicopters, so that the helicopters of the Metropolitan Police Department could not enter at all.
Arresting Kaitou Kidd for them caused 453 great distress.
What the hell is this old man going to do tomorrow? ?
“I will rent out all the buildings in the vicinity! I will need more helicopters and guards than tonight!”
“I don’t know how he walks in the air, but as long as he dares to come again, I will definitely catch him and put him in the last chapter of my autobiography for the end!!!” Suzuki Jirokichi stood at the door of the balcony , said loudly with his back to the others.
“…” Officer Nakamori was speechless.
Today’s eight helicopters have already made it impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department’s planes to pass.
More helicopters to be dispatched tomorrow! ? ?

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