That night, Guan Zu found a small hotel to stay in.

The hotel doesn't check your identity information, just pay the money.

I had a good sleep.

I slept until dawn the next day, then checked out and left.

Since he decided to be a gangster, Guan Zu didn't plan to rob passers-by all the time.

It's not interesting to rob tens of thousands of yen at a time.

And except for the first robbery, the system doesn't give any good rewards for robbing passers-by again.

Robbery is really not what gangsters do. Gangsters have to do big things!

At least they have to rob jewelry stores, gold shops and the like.

Highway robbery, robbing tens of thousands of yen at a time, is what small gangsters do.

Guan Zu wants to do a big deal!

But to do a big case, basically you need a team, and it's not easy to do it alone.

I just don't know the specific timeline now.

If the plot is about to start, then Miyano Akemi may have already started planning the robbery.

He can completely intervene!

Whether it's cooperating with Miyano Akemi or directly robbing the gangsters.

These are all big cases!

A robbery worth 1 billion yen, only then can you be called a gangster!

If you really commit such a big case, the system should also be generous with rewards, right?

The first robbery was rewarded with a storage space.

If you commit a big case, the system will definitely reward you with better things!

For example, a superhuman physique! An immortal body!

Or super powers such as invisibility, flashing, and time stop!

Just thinking about it makes me excited!


Let's confirm the timeline first.

Find out what grade of high school Kudo Shinichi is in now.

This is easy to find out, after all, Kudo Shinichi is too high-profile. He is often on various news and newspapers.

In the whole Tokyo, even in the whole Sakura Country, there are few people who don't know Kudo Shinichi.

Guan Zu quickly found out the information about Kudo Shinichi.

Teitan High School, Class B, Year 2.

Kudo Shinichi is already in the second year of high school, which means that it is not far from the beginning of the plot!

Guan Zu also asked about the time of the National High School Karate Kanto Competition.

Guan Zu remembered.

At the beginning of the story, Mao Lilan won the National High School Karate Kanto Championship.

So Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan went to Tropical Paradise together.

Not only did they encounter the"roller coaster beheading", but they also met Gin, the hardworking model of the Black Organization.

When secretly following Vodka, he was knocked unconscious by Gin with a stick.

After feeding APTX-4869.

From then on, Kudo Shinichi disappeared, and the Death God Elementary School Student was born.

Soon, Guan Zu also found out the time of the National High School Karate Kanto Championship.

It was this Thursday!!

That is, the day after tomorrow!

What a coincidence!

Judging from this timeline, Miyano Akemi should have sneaked into the bank as an insider.

After all, she had to find out the transportation time of the armored car in advance. She also had to turn at least one of the armored car escorts against the enemy.

Finally, she had to find a driver with excellent driving skills.

After everything is ready, the plan to rob the armored car can be implemented.

Doing a big case is really not something that can be done by one person.

This is why Guan Zu wants to cooperate with Miyano Akemi.

Because Akemi Miyano has already found a team!

The next step is to go to various banks in Beika-cho to look for Akemi Miyano!

No, it's to look for Hirota Masami.

Guan Zu can't remember the name of the bank where Akemi Miyano works.

But one thing is certain, the bank is not far from Maori Kogoro's detective agency.

Maori Kogoro would not have left the nearby bank unused and went to a faraway bank to open an account.

And when Akemi Miyano robbed the armored car, Xiaolan and Conan were also at the scene.

And the three of them walked to the bank.

Just find the Maori Detective Agency first, and then expand the search area around the agency.

Soon you can find the bank where Akemi Miyano is undercover!

As for the address of the Maori Detective Agency, Guan Zu is very familiar with it.

Beika-cho 5-chome 39!!

I believe that most Conan fans must know this address!

Even if you don't remember the specific number, at least you know that the Maori Detective Agency is in Beika-cho 5-chome.

In addition, there is the Kudo Shinji family and Dr. Agasa's home, which is in Beika-cho 2-chome.

On the map, find Beika-cho 5-chome 39, which is the Maori Detective Agency.

Guan Zu set off on a small scooter.

Just in time to get familiar with the streets of Tokyo.

Guan Zu walked and stopped, and from time to time confirmed his location.

In the middle of the morning, he finally found the Maori Detective Agency.

Looking at the familiar windows on the second floor and the familiar signs on the glass.

Guan Zu's mood is very complicated.

If he was not bound to the gangster system, but the detective system, he would most likely get to know Maori Kogoro.

Then he would get to know Xiaolan and the heroines in the play.

Especially Yukiko and Kisaki Eri.

He also inherited some of the legacy of Wei Wu.

It's a pity that he is bound to the gangster system.

As a gangster, it's better not to deal with detectives. Maybe Conan, the little devil, will be defeated at any time.

That's not worth it.

Sitting on the motorcycle, Guan Zu looked at the Maori Detective Agency for a while, and then set off on a small scooter again.

Find Miyano Akemi first!

Then do something big!

Improve your strength first.

When he becomes a real gangster, maybe he won't have to hide from Conan, the god of death.

Then he can just kidnap Yukiko or Kisaki Eri.


Guan Zu walked around the Mori Detective Agency and the surrounding streets several times.

When he saw a bank, he went in to look around.

He looked at the bank staff to see if there was anyone named Hirota Masami who looked familiar.

Finally, he found it!

The Mika Branch of Shiling Bank!

There was a lady at the counter named Hirota Masami!!

And she did give him a familiar feeling!

‘Found you!'

Guan Zu smiled at Hirota Masami, then turned and left the bank. It

's okay as long as he found the person.

Don't rush to contact Hirota Masami for the time being. After all, she is a member of the Black Organization.

No matter how kind she is, she doesn't want to kill people.

But this 10 billion yen is the key to whether she can get her beloved sister out of the organization.

Guan Zu suddenly intervened at this time and said that he wanted to join the group.

He was not sure whether Hirota Masami would attack him for the stability of the plan.

Think about it from another perspective.

If Guan Zu was planning a robbery of an armored car, and then someone came to him and told him that he knew his plan and wanted to join the group.

Guan Zu would definitely not be at ease.

Therefore, before contacting Miyano Akemi, he had to buy himself a set of protective equipment.

The most expensive bulletproof vest first.

To avoid accidents.

Three-day summer promotion, recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: August 13th to August 15th)

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