Guan Zu put away the phone that was recording the video.

He bought several bottles of gasoline from the system mall.

He also bought some parts and used the TNT in the warehouse to make several small remote-controlled bombs that were not very powerful.

A bomb was tied to each gasoline bottle.

One of the gasoline bottles was placed in the driver's seat of the pickup truck.

In addition, a gasoline bottle was placed next to each of the four people tied to the tree.

Yes, from the beginning, he had no intention of letting these people go.

If he let these people go, how could he win over the honest doctor?

However, he would not kill these people immediately.

Instead, he would wait until he found all the money and recruited the honest doctor, or when he was ready to leave the island, he would kill these people.

This is why he placed gasoline bottles next to several people instead of pouring gasoline directly on them.

Gasoline is very volatile.

If he really poured gasoline on these people, I am afraid that he would not have to wait until tomorrow morning, and the gasoline on these people would have evaporated completely.

How could he burn them to death then?

These people set fire to and killed the honest doctor's family. In order to recruit the honest doctor, they naturally had to use the same method to burn them to death.

Guan Zu was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

After thinking about it, he took back the oil bottle next to Hirata Kazuaki and put it into the storage space.

This guy was not one of the murderers back then, so there was no need to kill him in this way.

He was just selling drugs with Kawashima Hideo.

Although drug dealers are not good people, what does it have to do with him?

This is the country of cherry blossoms.

Everyone is a fan, and it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Guan Zu cut all the ropes on Hirata Kazuaki.

Let him fall to the ground and die.

If he is lucky, when Guan Zu detonates the oil bottle, this guy wakes up, then he can escape.

If he is unlucky, when Guan Zu detonates the oil bottle, this guy still doesn't wake up, then he can't be blamed.

After doing all this, Guan Zu bought an off-road motorcycle in the system mall and left.

Working time is over, and next is harvest time!

Taking advantage of the night, Guan Zu sneaked into the homes of the four people.

The other people in the house of Kuroiwa Village Chief and Kawashima Hideo all inhaled the hypnotic gas and slept soundly.

There was no need to worry about waking them up.

As for Hirata Kazuaki and Nishimoto Ken, both of them were single and there was no one else at home.

Soon, Guan Zu found the safe that Kuroiwa Village Chief mentioned in his house.

He opened the safe with the password and took out all the money inside.

Then it was Kawashima Hideo, and it was the same.

However, the property in this guy's safe only added up to about 100 million.

The rest of the money had to be withdrawn from the bank after dawn.

I don't know if there is a bank on this island.

Even if there is, it is estimated that not much money can be withdrawn.

I still have to go back to Tokyo and withdraw all the money in the passbook as Kawashima Hideo.

Or transfer it to other accounts.

Hirata Kazuaki is simple. The money earned from drug trafficking is hidden in the safe.

He took it all away directly.

It's that Nishimoto Ken.

Because of the death of the former village chief Guishan, he was greatly stimulated.

His mind was a little abnormal.

He didn't ask where this guy's money was. He could only go to his house to look for it himself.

Using an infrared detector to scan the whole house, he really found the safe hidden in the bedroom.

The password safe has no keyhole at all, which makes Guan Zu's master key useless.

But this doesn't bother him.

From the system mall, buy a set of laser cutting machines.

It didn't take much time to open this safe.

After all, this is just an ordinary drug dealer's safe, not a bank vault safe, nor an important safe for a large consortium like the Suzuki Group.

The protection level is not high.

What surprised Guan Zu was that there was a lot of cash in this safe!

All of them are ten thousand yuan bills.

Guan Zu roughly looked at the number, which is at least more than two hundred stacks!

In other words, there are at least two hundred million here!

You know, this guy Xibenjian used to spend money lavishly.

After the death of the former village chief Kameyama, he locked himself up at home and stopped selling drugs. He actually still has so much money!

But thinking about the state of Ken Nishimoto in the past two or three years, he just locked himself up at home drinking. I guess he didn't spend much money, right? He made so much money but didn't use it, and ended up going crazy.

Tsk tsk.

Guan Zu put all the money in the safe into the storage space.

This wave of income is about 1.9 billion yen.

Because there are a lot of gold and jewelry, the specific value is not easy to estimate.

But after 24 hours, when these things are sold to the system mall, you will know how much money there is.

Guan Zu changed his face and then stayed in a hotel in the village.

Ken Nishimoto and Kazuaki Hirata's house is actually livable, but he thinks the house of two grown men is dirty.

The next morning at around ten o'clock.

A ferry arrived at Tsukikage Island.

Maori Kogoro, Conan and Xiaolan got off the boat together.

They came to this small island in the Pacific Ocean because they received a commission from a man named Keiji Aso.

The three of them went to the village office together to inquire about Keiji Aso.

As a result, he was told that Keiji Aso had died more than ten years ago.

This made Maori Kogoro very angry.

"A letter from the dead! What a bad prank!"Mouri Kogoro was so angry that he wanted to tear up the letter in his hand.

"It may not be a prank! Because the commission fee has been paid in full by the other party!"

"And the postmark is also from Moon Shadow Island. So, I think it must be someone on the island.���, I hope you can help him investigate the matter of Keiji Aso." Conan hurriedly stopped Maori Kogoro

"Yes, maybe he is a good friend of Mr. Aso. Let's ask the village chief on this island. Maybe we can find some clues, right?" Xiaolan suggested.

"I see. I just heard him say that the village chief might be in the community center, right? Then let's go to the community center!" Maori Kogoro made the decision.

On the other side, Guan Zu slept late last night and did not get up from the bed until mid-morning.

After eating something at the restaurant next to the hotel, he went to the only clinic on the island again.

When he arrived near the clinic, he saw from a distance that Dr. Honest was standing at the door of the clinic, talking to three people.

Guan Zu was also very familiar with those three people!

They were Maori Kogoro, Maori Ran and Conan!

"As expected, it came……"Guan Zu complained.

Conan really came on time.

But this time, Conan's reasoning was not needed.

The murderers who killed the honest doctor's family were all caught by him and tied up in the mountains on the island.

It was impossible for them to be discovered.

The honest doctor did not need to kill people one by one, and Conan did not need to deduce the identity of the murderer.


Conan suddenly came towards Guan Zu and met his eyes.

Guan Zu was not panicked at all, but smiled at Conan and continued to walk towards the clinic.

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