Fifty million MiGold is worth more than six billion yen.

It is much more than the ten billion yen that Hirota Masami wanted to rob!

But fifty million MiGold is not something that the world-renowned writer Yusaku Kudo cannot afford.

His annual income is very likely to exceed one hundred million.

Fifty million MiGold is a lot, but Yusaku Kudo can afford it.

After watching the video, Yukiko Kudo was panicked.

What happened to Shinichi?

Why did Shinichi's body turn into an elementary school student?

Who are the kidnappers who kidnapped Shinichi?

Yukiko Kudo was about to call Yusaku Kudo when her phone rang again.

The sudden ring startled her.

She thought it was another call from the kidnapper.

Looking at the phone screen, it showed 'Yusaku'.

Yukiko quickly answered the call

"Husband! Shin-chan has been kidnapped!!"

"I've watched the video. Don't worry, I'll be back soon."After saying that, Kudo Yusaku hung up the phone.

He had just gone out to attend a salon.

As a result, he received an email on the way that his son had been kidnapped.

He had no choice but to rush back.

As for the salon, he naturally canceled it first.

He only has this one son.

Soon, Kudo Yusaku returned home.

"Husband! I just called home, but no one answered! Xiaoxin's phone is also turned off!"

"I called Dr. Agasa next door, and he said no one was home and no one answered the door when I rang the doorbell. What should I do?!"Kudo Yukiko was almost crying.

That was her son.

"Yukiko, calm down first. There's no point in getting anxious."

"I watched the video sent by the criminals. It is very bizarre. I cannot rule out the possibility that the video is a synthesis."

"Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that Xiaoxin really had an accident."

"But I have contacted the Metropolitan Police Department's Inspector Megure and asked him to help find Shinichi."

"As soon as there is news about Shinichi, Inspector Megure will notify us."

"As for us, buy tickets and return home immediately!" said Kudo Yusaku.

His only son was kidnapped. As a father, how could he not be anxious?

What's more, his son seemed to have other secrets.

How could Shinichi's body become smaller?

He has contacted Officer Megure of the Metropolitan Police Department and told him that his son was suspected of being kidnapped and asked him to help search.

Of course, he did not mention the video, let alone the fact that Shinichi's body had become smaller.

A high school student turned into an elementary school student in just a few seconds.

This kind of thing is too bizarre. Before the matter is thoroughly understood, not too many people can know about it.

Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko immediately bought tickets to return home.

Pack up and go back home!

On the other side, at the Mori Detective Agency

"I'm back."Xiaolan came back alone

"Oh! You're back, Xiaolan~!"Maori Kogoro is drunk

"Dad, you are such a fool. You made the room so messy again! Because of you, no job came to you! You also pissed off Mom and she ran away!" Xiaolan said in a reproachful manner.

"You're so long-winded! I'm the one who picks the jobs I take!"

"By the way, how is that brat who calls himself a detective? Didn’t you two go out together today? Maori Kogoro asked

"……"Xiaolan suddenly fell silent.

Shinichi suddenly ran away alone. How could she know what happened to Shinichi?

"Haha, did you guys have a fight?"Mouri Kogoro looked very happy.

"Don't mind him, don't mind him, detectives are not good anyway~~"

""Dad, you are also a detective!" Xiaolan complained.

However, she was indeed a little worried about Shinichi.

She picked up the phone on the table and called Shinichi's cell phone.

The ringing kept ringing, but no one answered.

She called Shinichi's home phone again, but still no one answered.

"He hasn't come home yet.……"Xiaolan put down the phone with some worry

"He must have gone out to eat with his great novelist father." Maori Kogoro took another sip of beer.

"What are you talking about! Shinichi's parents moved to the United States three years ago, and now Shinichi lives alone!"Xiaolan said

"Really?"Mouri Kogoro replied perfunctorily.

He didn't care whether Kudo Shinichi lived alone or not.

Xiaolan thought about the scene when Shinichi left and always had a bad feeling.

"I'll go check out the new one!!"Xiao Lan took her umbrella and ran out. It started to drizzle outside.

""Hey! Where's my dinner!!" Maori Kogoro shouted hurriedly.

Unfortunately, Xiaolan had already run out.

Xiaolan ran across three streets with an umbrella, all the way to the door of Kudo Shinichi's house.

But the door of Kudo's house was closed, and the whole house was dark.

Shinichi didn't come back at all.

There was no way, Xiaolan could only go back the same way.

As for calling the police?

She and Shinichi had only been separated for less than two hours, how could she call the police?

Even if she called the police, they wouldn't care.

On the way back, Xiaolan ran into several police cars.

This made her bad premonition even stronger.

But at this time, she could do nothing. She could only go back first.

Wait until tomorrow to contact Shinichi and see


Metropolitan Police Department.

Officer Megure is handling the follow-up work of the roller coaster murder case.

He received a call from Kudo Yusaku, saying that Kudo Shinichi was kidnapped.

He didn't believe it.

He and Kudo Shinichi had just separated not long ago.

But at the request of his old friend, he asked his men to investigate.

It was not until the next day that they realized the seriousness of the matter.

Kudo Shinichi might have really been kidnapped!

Early in the morning, the phone at Xiaolan's house rang. When she picked up the phone, she found out that it was Officer Megure calling.

"Shinichi? After the investigation was completed yesterday, Shinichi and I separated. What happened to Shinichi? ?"Xiaolan asked hurriedly

"Ah... this……"Officer Megure doesn't know whether he should tell Xiaolan that Kudo Shinichi might have been kidnapped.

"Officer Megure! What happened to Shinichi? After I came back last night, I couldn't get through to Shinichi on the phone!"

"I went to his house, but he didn't come home! What happened to him?!"Xiaolan was anxious.

She had a bad feeling yesterday.

As a result, she received a call from Officer Megure early this morning.

Could it be... Could it be that……

"Ah, Xiaolan, don't worry! It's like this. Last night, Kudo's father received a call from a suspected kidnapper, saying that he had kidnapped Kudo and was extorting money from them."

"Xiaolan, when Shinichi left, did you notice anyone suspicious?"Inspector Megure asked

"I didn't find this...……"Xiaolan said guiltily,"

If, if I had held Shinichi back last night, would Shinichi not have been in danger?"

"I see. Sorry for bothering you, Xiaolan."

"Officer Megure! If you have any news about Shinichi, please tell me!!"Ran said quickly.

"Ah, OK."

(PS: The cover didn't pass... I can only change one cover... woohoo...)

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