Remember in one second【】

Two Yumu people!

What is Yunyin Village that can be used, but Konoha cannot or even dare not use it?

Human column force, tail beast!

When the tail beast moved from the Warring States period to the hidden village as its core force in various countries, the tail beast was sold to the great hidden under the "effort" of the peace-loving "god of the world" Senjuzuzu. The village, in this hope, can dispel the worries of the various villages, and has never prompted peace to come.

Kyuubi was too powerful and was Konoha's last protection, so he stayed in Konoha.

After the tail beast was accepted by the villages, the first goal was to act as a deterrent. As the final weapon, it was the village's trump card.

But gradually, people's ambitions are infinite. After understanding the power of the tail beast, the villages began to want to weaponize the tail beast, so "human pillar power" came into being.

At that time, Yunyin Village, second only to Konoha in comprehensive strength, accepted Yao and Erwei.

Moreover, Yunyin Village can be said to be the best one of the major hidden villages in terms of controlling the tail beast and trying to tame it.

Today, the Rabbi Rabbi of the eight-tailed person can communicate friendly with Yao, and skillfully use part of Yao's power, coupled with his own strength, has become a great force in Yunyin Village.

With the successful case of Yao as a prerequisite, the two-tailed man Zhuli Yumu also appeared in compliance.

It is possible that the communication with the second tail and the use of the second tail's abilities have not yet reached the level of Kirabi, but it is not inferior.

Qi Feng remembered that when the death duo organized by Xiao Zhong in the original book tried to capture the second tail, the two Yumu people of me at that time could almost grasp the full power of the second tail, and almost broke the death duo.

There is a gap in the strength of the tail beasts, and the strength of the two tails may not be prominent among many tail beasts.

But that is for all tail beasts.

For ordinary ninjas, all the tail beasts are the same, and they are unmatched existences.


Tutai called the two Yumu people, this is to use the power of the tail beast to limit the rushing wind.

"Good idea." Qi Feng squinted his eyes, and the sand iron slowly wrapped around the neck of the earth platform.

Looked at a pretty figure that came quickly in the distance.

"Ahem...I hope you can still be so calm when facing the power of the tail beast." The soil platform turned red, and the continuous contraction of the neck made him difficult to breathe, but he still stared at the prayer. Feng wanted to see a trace of panic on his face.

However, let him down.

From beginning to end, Qi Feng's expression has not changed.


The neck was crumpled abruptly, and the last voice came into the ears of Tutai, "Tailed beast, it's not that I haven't beaten it..."

Tutai finally stared at Qifeng's eyes, but still couldn't see what he wanted to see, and fell to the ground heavily with unwillingness.

Yunyin Village's high-ranking shadow auxiliary soil platform.

Fight to death!

It can be called the ab combination tutor to a certain extent, the soil platform of many Yunren tutors, and the helper of the three generations of Raiking, fell in this war.

And the person who killed him didn't even see any pride or joy on his face, he seemed to have done a trivial thing.

It's just this calmness that made Yun Ren who were present feel terrified.

The atmosphere of the battlefield was frozen.

Paying attention to the many Konoha ninjas here, they gradually slowed down, and Yunren who was fighting with them, the same was true, all looking at Qifeng.

The lively battlefield is now like a waveless ancient well, silent and serious.

Many people have already guessed the ending of Tutai, but they didn't expect it to come so soon.

In terms of prestige alone, Tutai’s prestige and status in Yunyin Village is equivalent to Konoha’s Danzo, Shayin Village’s Chiyo, perhaps not as famous in the Ninja world as Chiyo, but the status is equivalent.

And such a Yun Ren, almost without resistance, died at the hands of Konoha, a ninja who was still unknown not long ago.


When reality landed like a piercing flogging, Yun Ren could only feel the shock.

This is, I don’t know who swallowed quietly, and the sound was not loud, but it reached everyone’s ears, "Master Tutai, dead?!"

The sound was like dropping a pebble on the calm lake, rippling in an instant, spreading to the entire battlefield.


Shock, fear, and incredible, all kinds of emotions spread wildly.

As if beheading the battle, it caused a huge blow to morale.

At this time, a thin figure quickly moved from far to near, and landed beside the soil platform. After squatting down and checking carefully, his complexion was heavy.

"Teacher Tutai..."

A sad, unbearable voice came.

It is the two Yugi who have been late!

As a weapon of Yun Ren's war, she followed the army to come here, but she did not join the war and can only watch from a distance, because she is Yun Ren's trump card!

But now, she saw the existence that she believed in as a teacher, and died in front of her.

Once on Turtle Island, the scene of the other side's careful teaching of himself is presented before his eyes.

Tutai helped her gradually master the way of communicating with Niu, and helped her learn and get familiar with the power of using Niu.

Today, he is dead.

A wood who died not far away

^0^Remember in one second【】

Ye Ninja's hands.

The hatred made her heart start to shake, and strands of dark red rich chakra spilled out of her body uncontrollably, gradually enveloping her and eroding her sanity.

Seeing this scene, Qifeng was unmoved, but the sand and iron around him had slowly gathered under his control.

"Konoha Ninja! Let go of the fight! All back one mile!" Qifeng shouted.

The voice reached every Konoha ninja who was on the front battlefield.

They were taken aback first.

After staring at each other for a few times, he obediently did so without asking why.

No reason is needed, Qifeng's strength is the biggest reason.

Jilai was also still fighting the three generations of Raikage, at this time Qifeng was the highest command on the frontal battlefield, and the rest of the ninjas only needed to obey orders.

"Move fast!" Qi Feng shouted in a deep voice again.

The two wooden men in front of them didn't speak martial arts, so they just opened and hung them up. The tail beast's coat was already put on, and a swinging chakra tail could appear at any time.

The destructive power of the tail beast is too terrifying. A random tail beast jade will not necessarily be able to stop the wind in its current state, let alone an ordinary Konoha ninja.

However, he didn't have the slightest intention to stop him, letting the two wooden men use the power of the tail beast.

The task of their frontal combat unit is to delay Yun Ren's main force, so whether he uses his own power or let the two tails come, it is the same, and it can achieve the goal.

Even, maybe the deterrence he brings is not as good as Erwei, even if he just killed the soil platform.

Roar! !

A roar resounded through the clouds.

"what is that?"

At this time both sides finally noticed the changes of the two Yumu people.

"It's the tail beast! The tail beast!"

The experienced ninja screamed immediately.

Tailed beast!

No wonder the daytime adults would make him retreat. In front of the powerful tail beast, ordinary power is useless at all, and it must be restricted by sealing or enchantment.

Or maybe... a strong hard power!

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on the figure standing still on the spot, with a large amount of sand and iron floating around.

"Mr. Day... are you going to face the tail beast alone?"


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