Remember in one second【】

???? Konoha's ever hottest yakiniku restaurant still looks a bit empty at this time.

???? However, as Konoha's most popular two people at the moment, "Yellow Flash" Hafeng Mizuno and "Judgment Spear" Sarutobi arrived in the shop during the day, and the business has miraculously become lively.

???? The puppet praying for wind, Bofeng Shuimen, and Whirlpool Jiuxina sat at the innermost table.

???? The main body of Qifeng sat at a big table outside with Kakashi, Daido, Nohara Lin, Sarutobi Asma, Yurihong and others.

???? Seniors and younger generations eat and put together, it will inevitably make the younger generations feel a little restrained, so under the proposal of Watergate, the table was divided.

???? At the same time, it was also that Water Gate wanted to continue to chat with Qifeng about the topic that Sarutobi Rizen said during the day.

???? The nominal union of the three hidden villages, the end of Wuyin Village.

???? will bring a lot of pressure to Konoha, even if some of it is just stress in his heart.

???? A heavy iron gourd was placed in a group, occupying a position, and the Bo Feng Shui Gate and the vortex Nine Sinai sitting opposite were no longer feeding him dog food all the time.

???? At this time, Qifeng really wanted to slap himself.

???? Okay, why do you agree to come to eat this meal?

???? also agreed to the watergate proposal.

???? In name, he wanted to make the younger generation happy to eat, but in fact, to have more close time with Jiu Xin Na, after all, after the war began, Pratunam rarely came back.

???? "Mizumi, ah..." Jiu Xinnai's face was slightly red, and his mouth was open.

???? Mizumon put the roasted meat in her mouth with a slight affection, and the two smiled sweetly at the same time.

???? Jiu Xinnai is a carefree girl, but when facing her boyfriend, the person she likes, she can't help showing her side as a little woman.


???? Qi Feng didn't hold back, and gave himself a slap in the mouth.

???? Listening to the voice, the two of them were stunned at the same time, and Kushina even showed a foolish expression. Watergate felt Qifeng’s grievance, his expression was slightly embarrassed, and he asked symbolically, "Uh, What happened to you during the day?"

???? "It's okay, there are mosquitoes, I shot to death." Qi Feng replied stiffly.


???? There was laughter on the table next to him, and when Qi Feng's gaze turned away, each one shrank his neck, not daring to make any more obvious expressions.

???? "Heh." Jiu Xinnai smiled disdainfully.

???? Single dog.

???? However, this slap made Watergate somewhat restrained, and it also remembered the reason why Qifeng was specially invited to have a meal.

???? "Ah, the ninja world is getting more and more turbulent during the day. I'm afraid we will have less and less time for gatherings like this."

???? It seems to alleviate the embarrassment, and it seems to be trying to find a reason for the act of being intimate with Kushina.

???? "It's okay, the war will be over." Qi Feng coldly took a sip of tea.

???? The puppet does not need to eat, but it does not mean that some food cannot be stuffed in the body, but it needs some trouble to take it out later.

???? "This war...I am afraid it will not be so easy to pass."

???? When it came to the war, the atmosphere on the table began to become serious, and Jiu Xinnai cooked the meat by himself without disturbing the two of them.

???? Qi Feng's eyes flickered.

???? Indeed, judging from the current situation, the war will not pass so easily. …

???? He has the memory of the previous life with the prophetic foresight, only to know that although the third Ninja World War was huge and extremely tragic, it did not last long.

???? In just three years, all the savings of the five hidden villages for decades have been wiped out, and I have to choose to rest and live, in exchange for more than a decade of peace.

???? "Then fight over." Qi Feng put down his teacup and said solemnly.

???? "Huh?" Watergate chopsticks.

???? "Didn’t Naruto transfer you from the battlefield of Yunokuni to the battlefield of Takinokuni to face Iwanin? Iwanin can be different from Yunnin. Yunnin's single body strength is stronger, and the thunderbolt armor is exciting. Cells lead to their physical fitness and speed.

???? Although your Flying Thunder God technique is time space ninjutsu, it is undeniable that it can exert a greater effect when facing Iwanin. Just be afraid of Iwanin, just like the Shumo of the year. The predecessors are afraid of the sandy village. "

???? Aiming at the union of several hidden villages, Sarutobi Rishap also made certain changes and strategies.

???? The first thing is to transfer the Namifeng Water Gate team to the battlefield of Taki no Kuni.

???? "How can I be so good." Watergate scratched the back of his head somewhat humbly and smiled.

???? "You are so good!" Qi Feng affirmed.

???? If you are not good, who am I going to mix with in the future?

???? The body has not fully grown up. Although the puppet has good strength, because it is a puppet in nature, the upper limit of strength has been fixed. Don't look at him now, it seems that he is very strong. That's it.

???? So Bofeng Shuimen must become very powerful.

???? His eyes are firm.

???? The two looked at each other.

^0^Remember in one second【】

???? Blinked.

???? "Cough!" Kushina next to him couldn't help coughing, and took the arm of Watergate, with the tone of protecting a calf, "Watergate is my boyfriend!"

???? Qi Feng rolled his eyes, "Nonsense."

???? "What about you? During the day?" Pratunam asked.

"Me?" Qifeng shrugged, "Master Naruto asked me to look at the mist in the east. I don't think they will be exhausted all at once, and the pressure is not as great as yours. "

???? "No, I think that's trust in you."

???? There are Danzo and Tsunade on the battlefield with Shinobu, Oshamaru on the battlefield with Iwanin, and Kiraiya on the battlefield with Yunnin.

???? And in the battle of Wuren, Sarutobi Rizen handed over the power to Qifeng, which shows the trust in him.

???? Qi Feng curled his lips, "You can go to me and change it with you, and your flying thunder **** technique is enough to deal with Wu Ren."

???? "Forget it." Bo Feng Mizuno waved his hand, he still wanted to fight with Iwanin's strong man, the ghost knew who Wunin would send.

???? Besides, can Sarutobi Hizen's order be changed?

???? Qi Feng smiled, and didn't say much.

???? Facing Wuren, he is under pressure, but the pressure is not that great.

???? In addition, there are no restrictions on the head, and the movement can be more free. When it is time to be lazy, it is absolutely unambiguous.

???? This barbecue has been eaten for a long time.

????The people present are all ninjas, they consume a lot of physical energy every day, and they are absolutely unambiguous to eat.

???? Even if the boss saw the discount on Qifeng and Shuimen's face in the end, his purse was deflated in half, and Jiu Xinnai felt distressed.

???? Dinner is over.

???? Each back to each house.

As Sarutobi Daytime, Qifeng is the first time to enter the residence of the Sarutobi clan. It is located next to a forest on the edge of Konoha, in a quiet environment.

???? Sarutobi Rizen did not rely on the identity of Naruto so much convenience for the Sarutobi clan.

???? This is admirable.

???? The moonlight is shining.

????Qifeng walked slowly on the cobblestone-paved road, listening to the frogs in the pond and the crickets in the grass. It was quite moody and pleasant.

???? Suddenly.

???? Pray for the wind to pause, turn his head and look at the outer porch in the courtyard.

???? Sarutobi Hitoshi was cross-legged in front of a wooden table, and the flame of the pipe flickered.

???? At him, beckoned.


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