People In Konoha, Collecting Corpses on the Battlefield For Ten Years

Chapter 158: Praying for the wind to be scared away

"It's ‘Judgement of Jianyu Thunder God’!"

Seeing this huge sand-iron spear falling, someone in the dark part of the Wunin next to the third generation of Shui Ying couldn't help but shouted loudly.

As Qifeng became famous in the first battle to kill the second tail, it has long been sent to the desks of the shadows of the big hidden villages.

And this information, of course, could not avoid being remembered by the slightly more powerful upper-nin people in each village, just as they knew his Flying Thunder God technique when facing Bo Feng Shuimen.

It is a famous move, so it is remembered.

But now seeing the sand iron spears falling quickly, all of them became nervous.

This is a move that even the tail beast can kill, how can they resist it?

"not completely."

The three generations of Shui Ying were calm, looking at the spear falling faster and faster, and revealed the key to this ninjutsu trick.

There is no thunder cloud in the sky, and no spear blessed by thunder and lightning. It cannot be regarded as a real "Judgement of Jianyu Thunder God".


Even if it is not really the "Judgement of Jianyu Thunder God", it can't be easily blocked. A bad three-generation water shadow is fine, but the dark parts of Mist will inevitably suffer.

Therefore, when I saw the fallen spear, the three generations of water shadows became imprinted.

The speed was very fast, dozens of Indian styles were completed in one go, and the surrounding water vapor became his biggest support.

"Water escape! Waterfall sharp edge!"

With a full-bodied chakra, the three generations of water shadows squatted halfway, and their mouths spit out a blue water stream. At the same time, the surrounding water vapor seemed to feel the call, converging towards the water spit out of the three generations of water shadows.


The Water Country is the place with the strongest water vapor in the entire Ninja World. The more powerful the water escape ninja here, the greater the advantage it can exert.

This is also the reason why Wuyin Village is closed to the country and still has no fear.

The ninjas from other villages came to the sea, and some of their own escape techniques could not exert their full power. Not to mention, Wunin's water escape would be greatly strengthened.

As one of the three generations of water shadows who are good at using water escape ninjutsu, he has experienced the teachings of the first generation of water shadows and the second generation of water shadows. Of course, his strength is beyond doubt.

The turbulent water flow turned into a huge sharp blade, and the high-speed swirling vortex formed the sharpest blade of the sharp blade, and it smashed up against the falling sand iron spear.

This time.

It seems to be the collision between Qifeng and the three generations of water shadows.

But in the final analysis, it is the magnetic escape of the three generations of Fengying, known as "the strongest wind shadow in history," and the three generations of Shuiying in Wuyin Village.

Cang! !

Obviously it was the collision of water and sand and iron, but there was a shocking metal collision sound, bursting out a large number of sparks, and the rich water vapor after the water was evaporated.

boom! !

The shock wave caused by the frontal collision was to forcefully disperse the dense fog in the envelope, creating a huge vacuum area.

And the gazes of the three generations of Shuiying below were finally the gazes of praying wind flying in the sky, flapping their wings, and looked at each other.

The dull sand and iron were mixed with scattered water, and it fell like rain.

But the two were unmoved, they just looked at each other silently.

Qifeng, who has mastered the ability to fly, holds the initiative to a certain extent. It is between his thoughts whether to fight or to go.

Thinking about whether or not at this time, taking advantage of the fact that he has the initiative, he and the three generations of Shui Ying have a direct wave.

Even if Konoha's pressure on the Wuyin Village was completely resolved after winning, it would not be a big deal just after losing.

Although this is the home of three generations of Shuiying, Qifeng's winning rate is not great.

But as long as it can avoid the gaze of the rest of the eyes, Qifeng can completely use his cards and summon the body and the scorpion puppet by using the technique of Flying Thunder God. If he is tough, his winning side will be higher.


Just when he was thinking about this.

The body suddenly stiffened, and his consciousness jumped wildly.


This is a very dangerous omen, it is the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake that he hasn't experienced for a long time.

Only when the main body faced the Dashewan last time, it felt like it.

"Is it the seven Ninja swords of Wuren?" Qifeng glanced over, and he did not see the seven Wuren with weird ninja swords, even the watermelon pufferfish who is the leader of the dark part of Wuyin Village. Ghost, the current owner of this big sword shark muscle hasn't seen it.

"It's not the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, it's..."


Qifeng's gaze crossed the three generations of water shadows, and fell on an Anbe ninja wearing an Anbe costume and a white mask beside him.

Passing through the hole in the mask, a pair of extremely indifferent and deep eyes were greeted, which contained extremely confident suze, and it seemed that Qifeng, the famous "judgment spear" that shocked the Ninja world, was not in his eyes.


Qi Feng's heart suddenly burst, and all the hairs on his body showed signs of sudden rise.

Slipped away!

This time I really slipped away. I hurriedly flapped my wings a few times and didn't have a hint of nostalgia. I flew directly into the higher mist and fleeed towards the water country.

"Unlucky, unlucky, how could I meet this man here!"

The flapping wings spare no effort and the speed is extremely fast.

The current water country is too dangerous and will never come again.


Seeing Qi Feng fling away in a hurry, a misty shadow couldn't help muttering a word.

Three generations of Shui Ying looked at Qi Feng's direction, frowning, and the light from the corner of his eyes glanced at the calm and calm dark side beside him with a slight sense of depth.

Use only a special way of speaking that two people can hear.

"He found it?"

After hesitating a little, the dark part shook his head, his voice was slightly low, slightly hoarse and calm, "Yes, I just feel the danger, without confirming my identity."

"The reaction is really sensitive." Three generations of Shui Ying sighed.

The Anbu chuckled lightly, "Perception is pretty good, but the strength is...that's it."

Three generations of water shadow: "..."

Then he and Qifeng collided half-heartedly, isn't it just "just like that"?

But thinking of this person's true identity and the myths that had been left in the Ninja World, after a little hesitation, he still didn't refute it.

That Anbu didn't seem to care about the reaction of the three generations of water shadows. He just looked at Qifeng who quickly went away in the blink of an eye and barely saw the black dots. He squinted his eyes and said, "It's interesting."

the other side.

It was Qifeng who really escaped, patted his chest while rushing, looking scared.

"It's really that man."

Although he didn't see the person's appearance or his writing wheel eyes, Qifeng is almost 100% sure that that guy is especially Uchiha Madara who likes to watch other people dance!

It is probably not Uchiha Madara’s ontology but he knows that there is a special technique for the reincarnation eye called "the art of rebirth."

You can attach a chakra of a ninja to a living sacrifice to play the role of the ninja. If the chakra is exhausted, the sacrifice will die. The number of chakras transferred depends on the eye of reincarnation.

Uchiha Madara should now only be able to rely on the outside golem to hang his life, but if he uses the art of the elephant turn, he can attach Chakra to the sacrifice and walk in the ninja world at will.

Even Qifeng estimated that the sacrifice of the Xiang Zhuan technique may be Shiraz, because such a body can retain Uchiha Madara's strength to the utmost extent.

As for Uchiha Madara, there is no reincarnation eye now...

That's Uchiha Madara, a man who can open Susao without eyes, the ghost knows if there is any other ability.

Besides, the full power of the eyes of reincarnation is estimated to be unclear to the old thief on both sides of the strait, who knows what Uchiha Madara has developed.

"Don't call me for the task of the Water Country in the future."

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