"People are in Konoha, and the corpses are collected on the battlefield for ten years (!



"Discuss something."


"Where is Longdidong?"

When the two people in the experiment heard Qifeng's question, they couldn't help but frowned and stopped the experiment in their hands.

Qi Feng is not like him, still carrying out experiments with his head down.

Suddenly, Oshe Maru grinned, as if he had some enlightenment, "Do you want to practice immortality?"

"Are you surprised?" Qi Feng said lightly.

Da She Wan licked his lips, "It's not very surprising, but I'm just a little curious why you want to learn Xianshu."

After the experiment procedure was completed, Qi Feng also put down the things in his hand and took off his gloves.

"Isn't there, I just feel that verification of some things may require Xianshu's help."

"Verify things? Qifeng-kun's thirst for knowledge is really admirable."

As he said, Dashemaru made a tiger mark with one hand, and a brown python with a thin arm slowly crawled out of his sleeve.

Opening his mouth, a huge scroll was spit out by the snake.

After unrolling the scroll, engraved on it is a peculiar psychic formation.

"This is the reverse psychic scroll of Longdidong. Let me give you some small suggestions. Longdidong is full of snakes, and most of them are not easy to get along with. Of course, they respect the strong, so don’t Give them face.

Secondly, the immortality of Longdidong is not easy to practice, so you have to be psychologically prepared. "

"I see."

Qifeng didn't hesitate, and after biting the knot on his finger, he started the reverse psychic technique on the scroll.

As the line of sight in front of him went dark, when he opened his eyes again, he came into a dim tunnel.

And with his appearance, a large number of densely packed snakes, along with the sound of fine scales and rocks rubbing, and the sound of snake letters, Qifeng still shivered subconsciously.

Patients with intensive phobias really shouldn't be here.

Estimated to be scared to death.

After simply adapting to the light wants here and the snakes that are getting closer and closer, Qi Feng raised his arm and a slender bony blade appeared in his hand. Sensen Hanguang scared away many snakes that were approaching. .

Then I saw a two-person giant python slowly approaching from a distance, and the huge snake head stayed less than one meter away from praying for the wind.

The eyes are full of humanity.

Seeing Qifeng unmoved, Da Snake only found it boring, and then said: "The White Snake Fairy invites you to go."

Qifeng nodded and said nothing.

In this way, following this giant snake, passing through various extremely complex caves and tunnels, finally came to the central area of ​​Longdi Cave, a wide cave.

And right in front of him, on a tall stone chair, there was a huge white snake that was dozens of times bigger than the snake leading the wind praying, and a huge pipe was dangling.

White scale snake!

The reference sample of Immortal Reincarnation developed by Da She Wan.

The so-called immortality is actually the use of the white-scaled snake, which has a long lifespan gene.

And she is the current master of Longdidong, the White Snake Immortal!

"Foreigner, was the Dashewan guy who sent you here?" Fairy White Snake opened his mouth slightly, and said something.


Qi Feng admitted frankly.


"I want to learn the immortality of Longdidong." He directly expressed his purpose.

Qifeng knows that the three holy places teach immortality skills and there are certain conditions and restrictions on each other. For example, Miaomu Mountain generally does not teach immortality skills at will, because they are worried that others will not control them well and turn them into stone.

Wet Bone Forest does not know for the time being, but Longdi Cave is definitely among the three holy places, and these restrictions are the lowest.

But correspondingly, the cultivation of Immortal Techniques in the Wet Bone Forest should also be the most difficult of the three holy places.

Even geniuses such as Dashewan could not master the immortality of Longdidong. Of course, it is also possible that Dashewan did not appreciate it. After all, the pharmacist pocket who later transplanted Dashewan cells has mastered the immortality of Longdidong well.

Qifeng knew that he was not a genius in the practice of Chakra and Ninjutsu, and he might not even have a medium talent.

But today is different.

He is no longer the same praying for the wind.

What is talent?

Talent refers to a word that combines a variety of elements from the inside to the outside, including body, will, learning ability, and so on.

And what about Qifeng today?

His body has undergone earth-shaking changes due to the blood of the Uchiha clan and the existence of the bones. As for the learning ability, he has the original scientist Qianshoujian, and the notes of the red sand scorpion, including this For some time, I pondered the research experience with Dashemaru.

Mainly because of the experience of Qianshoujian.

Qianshou Jianma does not know how to immortality, but his elder brother knows how to do so. In addition, Qianshou Jianma is a research freak, regardless of whether it is the Uchiha clan or the Senshou clan.

In addition, Qifeng's three generations of water shadow puppets have two-tailed chakras.

The chakra of the tailed beast is derived from the ten tails, and the ten tails are derived from the sacred tree. The chakras of the sacred tree are natural energy. The so-called two-tailed chakras are also natural energy. The only difference is that they may be mixed with some years of hatred.

But this has no effect on Qifeng, who is preparing to practice immortal art, and instead, it has even more anticipated the existence of natural energy.

Therefore, Qifeng believes that if he wants to learn immortality, it shouldn't be difficult in theory.

And Xianshu is undoubtedly one of the methods that can quickly improve one's own strength in a short time after learning it.

"Give me a reason to pass it to you." Fairy White Snake's voice echoed in the huge empty cave.


Qifeng pondered slightly.

"The toads of Miaomu Mountain have found descendants in the Ninja World, and there are more than one. They have already become famous in the Ninja World before your Longdidong."

Miaomu Mountain and Longdidong are two mortal enemies.

When I heard that Miaomu Mountain's immortality had actually been taught, and there was more than one person, the White Snake Immortal decisively agreed.

"Okay. But just to remind you, immortality is not so easy to practice. If there are any accidents or changes on the way, we Longdidong will not bear the responsibility."


Subsequently, the White Snake fairy began to teach the magic of Longdidong.

Listening and listening, Qifeng will understand why Longdidong's immortal skills are so difficult to practice compared to Miaomu Mountain.

Emotional Longdi Cave does not have toad oil that can accelerate the perception of natural energy like Miaomu Mountain, nor does it have a stick that can expel natural energy. It is purely relying on the cultivator's ability and his own talent to learn hard.

Learned, the merits of Longdidong.

If I didn't learn it, I didn't have enough talent.

No wonder Dashewan didn't try it.

No need, what's the difference between this and gambling?

But this problem is not too big for Qifeng.

After all, the second-tailed Chakra is his innate advantage.

Moreover, the difference between the cultivation method of Longdidong Immortal Technique and the cultivation method of Miaomu Mountain Immortal Technique is also beneficial.

For example, after successful cultivation of Miaomu Mountain Immortal Art, it may be difficult to control Immortal Art independently because of relying too much on toad oil. If you learn the Immortal Art of Longdidong, you will learn it, and you can freely absorb natural energy to start the Immortal Mode.



One month later.

Qi Feng's appearance has changed a lot.

The skin became whiter, and two small sharp horns appeared on the head.

Just looking at it with the naked eye, you can see that Qifeng's body has become softer than before.

The magic of Longdidong was successfully practiced!

After leaving behind the technique of Flying Thunder God, Qi Feng left Longdi Cave under the satisfied gaze of the White Snake Immortal.

And he didn't return to Konoha directly, because he had other goals.

That is Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest!

It is just the fairy technique of Longdidong, although the strength has been improved, but as far as the current strength is concerned, the improvement will definitely not be large.

But if you master the Immortal Surgery of Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest again, I am afraid that other changes will occur.

Because Qifeng after successfully practicing Longdidong Immortal found that the immortal technique of Longdidong did not greatly increase the strength of ninjutsu and the strength of the body like the immortal technique of Miaomushan in the original work.

What the fairy magic of Longdidong provides is a huge increase in the amount of Chakra, and an increase in physical flexibility, of course, it also brings some ninjutsu improvements, but compared to Miaomu Mountain, it does not appear to be that big.

This is also in the original book, the pharmacist's pocket after successfully cultivating the Dragon Land Immortal Surgery can afford to resurrect so many dead at the same time with the technique of reincarnating from the unclean earth, which is also the reason why he can maintain the immortal technique for so long.

As for the flexibility of the body, it is better to understand.

What snakes are good at is flexibility.

Originally, Qifeng did not continue to learn the magic of Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest.

But when he discovered that Longdidong's immortal technique was different from Miaomushan's immortal technique, he immediately had a bold idea.

What will happen if the chakra volume and flexibility improved by Longdidong, Miaomushan has increased the strength and physical strength of ninjutsu, plus the unique magical effects of the Wet Bone Forest?

do not know.

But it seems worth a try.

After making the decision, Qifeng immediately went to Miaomu Mountain.



One and a half months later.

When Qifeng returned to Konoha again, the whole person's spirit changed upside down.

From the outside, there seems to be no change, but invisible, it gives people an unpredictable feeling.

There is a faint feeling of being an expert outside the world, as if there is a little agility between the gestures.

This is the overall change he has learned about the three holy places of Longdi Cave, Miaomu Mountain and Wet Bone Forest.

Just as he guessed, the immortality of Longdidong strengthens the chakra volume and the resilience and recovery ability of the body, the immortality of Miaomushan strengthens the strength of ninjutsu and the strength of the body, and the immortality of the wet bone forest strengthens the strength of ninjutsu. It is one's own recovery ability, plus a special skill, the dispersion of body and consciousness.

The slug immortals of the Wet Bone Forest have a size that no one in the entire Ninja can match. Even the slugs summoned by Tsunade using psychic techniques are only a part of the slug immortals.

The slug immortal has the ability to divide his body into thousands, and each differentiated body consciousness is connected with the main consciousness, and also has the ability to transmit chakras to each other.

This kind of ability is not very useful for Qifeng, but that abnormally terrifying recovery ability, it can be said that when he is in the state of an immortal, Qifeng already has a terrifying recovery ability similar to that of the Senjuzhujian.

Of course, this is not something that he can possess by cultivating the Immortal Art of the Wet Bone Forest alone, it is what he possesses after he has learned all the Immortal Art of the Three Holy Lands.

Learn all the celestial arts of the three generations of holy land, and they will not suppress each other, but complement each other, superimposing each other to accumulate the strength of the ability.

Contrast six immortals horizontally.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that, in terms of ability alone, I have learned the three holy land immortal arts of praying wind, and the immortal ability of the six immortals is already the same, whether it is ninjutsu, chakra volume, physical strength or physical toughness. , Even the ability to recover.

Of course, the so-called same refers to the category of Xianshu, not the degree of Xianshu.

For example, there is definitely a big gap between the power of the same fairy technique, which is performed by the six immortals, and the power of Qifeng.

This is a gap in magnitude.

But if Qifeng had the opportunity to raise his weight to the level of the Six Dao Immortals, he would be comparable to the Six Dao Immortals.

Of course, the gap between this magnitude is the key.

But after learning to pray for the wind after the three holy land immortals, his strength has been greatly improved.

However, such a small role change that Qifeng is dispensable in Konoha did not arouse too much attention from Konoha, but Oshamaru faintly felt that Qifeng might have completed an amazing thing in this not short period of time. matter.

Dashemaru also has a deep understanding of the extent of Qifeng's strength.

The most direct sense is that Da She Wan can feel a lot of threats from him.

In his sensitive perception like a snake, he intuitively told him that if he fights Qifeng head-on, he might die!

This feeling surprised Dashemaru.

You must know that what he is best at is life-saving and escape, but the appearance of this intuition is so clear and sure.

This made Dashemaru once again have to formally form a cooperative relationship with Qifeng.

However, Dashemaru didn't want to say that Konoha had even planned to hide such a strong man. Anyway, Konoha would have nothing to do with him anyway.

Instead of offending Qifeng and telling his secrets, it is better to see if such a powerful Qifeng hides in Konoha, what interesting things will happen in the future.

Just think about it, and you will find it very fun.

After finishing the two-month-long Xianshu practice, Qifeng finally gained a little bit of confidence~www.readwn.com~ and then turned around again and devoted himself to the research of Heda Shemaru.

After all, Xianshu is not the road to the top of this world. It constitutes the whole world. The integration of two opposing forces is the strongest road to this world.

And Konoha also fell into a long-lost peace.

Under the leadership of the four generations of Naruto Wave Fengshuimen and the assistance of Sarutobi Hisaki, Konoha quickly recovered from the haze of the Third Ninja War, and once again entered the Konoha-style rapid development period.

And a conspiracy against Konoha is proceeding quietly.

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