"People are in Konoha, and the corpses are collected on the battlefield for ten years (!

Uchiha's Suzano Nogo with soil adds Kyuubi, which is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Now that Konoha remained, except for the shrunken Oshemaru, and Tsunade, who was busy treating the wounded, basically all came.

The most important thing, of course, is the four headed by Qifeng, Hafengmizumon, Sarutobi Hizen, and Jiraiya.

There are only four of them who can deal with Daito and Kyuubi.

Qifeng's arrival gave the three people a lot of confidence.

But for the belt soil, the impact does not seem to be significant.

"It's the same as many people come!"

At this time, Daito really felt the strength of Uchiha Madara back then, and the feeling of gaze could despise all the ninjas in the entire ninja world.

He now has a kaleidoscope of writing wheels, a nearly complete Suzano, and even a nine-tailed man, who can indeed despise all the ninjas in front of him.

Of course, he was able to control Kyuubi so easily, because Uchiha Madara left enough backhands on Kyuubi at the time. At that time Uchiha Madara even treated Kyuubi as his own psychic beast. .

"Separate this person who claims to be Uchiha Madara and Kyuubi first! Otherwise, Konoha will be ruined regardless of the outcome of the battle," said Hafeng Mizumon.

The other three also nodded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Bofeng Shuimen dodge and came to the top of Nine Tails. Numerous fine tadpole-like lines spread from the palm of his palm, pressing directly towards Nine Tails' head.


Before he could fully display his Indian style, he fell into the sight of dirt.

Then the space began to show a spiral twist.

As a last resort, Bofeng Water Gate could only release his palm, otherwise he would be involved in this unknown spatial ability, which also led to the failure of the seal technique.

A cold light flashed in Uchiha's eyes with soil.

Manipulating Susano and Kyuubi, blatantly launched an offensive attack, surging chakras gushing out in all directions, Qifeng's magnetic blockade was immediately broken away, and at the same time swept towards Bofeng Shuimen and others.


Qi Feng erected a heavy sand-iron protection, but it was still shattered under the sway of the violent tail of Nine Tails.

Forcing the four people to distance themselves.

Watching a single blow, they successfully repelled the four famous powerhouses of the predecessor Naruto, the current Naruto, one of the three ninjas, and the Spear of Judgment.

"It turns out that Uchiha Madara's strength at the time was like this in the Ninja world?"

Dai Tu whispered silently in his heart, and slowly raised his hands, feeling a little unrealistic squeezed.

Tight and complexion all of a sudden hideous.

"Just so you can taste the pain in my heart!"

As he spoke, he waved his arms.

boom! boom! boom! !

Controlling the nine tails, he continued to attack the four people, and with his own power, the four were once suppressed.

The four counterattacks, in front of Susano and Kyuubi, suddenly seemed so insignificant.

A feeling called "powerlessness" spread in their hearts.

Looking at the raging Kyuubi and Konoha that was a little bit destroyed, they felt more and more heavier in their hearts.

"I can't do anything, right? I feel my own insignificance? Seeing the people who value it keep disappearing in front of your eyes, but can't stop despair?" The soiled heart kept roaring, the older the attacker, the more fierce he attacked. And Kyuubi's control became more and more proficient.


Jilai accidentally took a blow to the tail swept by Nine Tails, blood was spit out from his mouth, and his body flew upside down.

Fortunately, he was still in fairy mode at this time, with the protection of Xianshu Chakra, and he didn't suffer much damage.

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth severely, "I didn't expect that even the immortal technique in the fairy mode would not be able to cause effective damage."


It's time for Konoha's four to be poor.

At this time, Bofeng Shuimen looked at Qifeng and said solemnly: "There is another way, during the day, help me!"

As he said, the ninja bag shook, and dozens of special Fei Lei Shen Kuwu scattered all over the place.

Following his movements, Qi Feng understood his plan instantly.

Raised his hand.

All these sufferings are slowly suspended.

"Three generations of adults, teacher Jilaiya, please help us simply restrict that person, I will solve Kyuubi with the day." Bo Feng Shuimen said solemnly.


As if having a foreboding what Hafeng Mizumon was going to do, Sarutobi Richan opened his mouth dryly.

He hadn't finished speaking, but was stopped by Jilaiya.

His expression is also very solemn now. As his disciple, Watergate may make his choice more sad in the end, but as a teacher, he respects Watergate's choice.

Whether as a Hokage, as a husband, or as a father, Watergate's decision is admirable enough.

This is a kind of consciousness, a man's consciousness.

At this time, they should not become a stumbling block, they should support and give the greatest help.

He only heard him solemnly say: "Even if we desperately die, we will do it!"

Hearing this, Bo Feng Shui Men suddenly grinned, and his gentle smile was like a small sun burning in the sun.

"Then please, during the day, let's go!"


Qifeng actually supported Bofeng Shuimen's choice, because he could clearly feel that Shuimen's heart was actually dead, and as Jiu Xinnai's destiny was destined, he also went with him.

I don’t know what it feels like to pray for the wind who has never experienced love, but judging from the reaction of bringing the soil and the choice of Watergate, it must be a very bad feeling, right?

Stopping him at this time may be a greater harm to him.

If you want to save Bofeng Shuimen, you can only stop the incident from happening from the very beginning.


too late.

Seeing Qi Feng lifted his hand, the suspended Kuwu was all shot out, accompanied by a large amount of fine and innumerable sand and iron, covering all the soil and the nine tails, forming a nearly closed iron ball.

At the same time, Sarutobi Rischi and Jilai also looked at each other and plunged into the iron ball.

And just after they all disappeared inside the iron ball, suddenly two figures appeared in the place where they just stood.

One of them was wearing a bone mask, while the other was covered in a pitch-black cloak, and his body seemed to be continuously spreading with black mist, full of abomination.

The person here is the body of Qifeng, and the puppet of the three generations of water shadows who completed the simplest configuration of "Shen Luo Wanxiang" not long ago.

It's just that now this puppet can't distinguish the shadow of any three generations of water shadows at all.

The left eye is a circle of reincarnation eyes, and the right eye is an ordinary three-gou jade writing wheel eye. The eyes are indifferent, and the line of sight seems to pass through the dense sand and iron to see the scene inside.

And Qifeng's body looked around.

"Be very cautious. Hei Jue did not participate in this incident at all, or that he has completed his task and left."

I feel a little regretful.

In fact, there are so many things in the entire Ninja Realm that are caused by Heijue's little push behind the scenes.

If there is no Kazuki, Uchiha Madara will not leave Konoha, and the first generation will not die. Konoha's strength is beyond the endurance world, and the major hidden villages dare not attack at all.

Moreover, the life of the first generation of Mu Dun is absolutely long, giving Konoha enough time to develop. With the fertility of the country of fire, coupled with Konoha's appropriate policies, there is no need for war at all, and deterrence alone is enough for the Ninja World. Bring lasting peace.

If he can't find Heijue, he can't handle him, so with his ability to make small moves, it is estimated that there will be many things that cannot be avoided in the future.

"Forget it, let's solve the immediate trouble first, although I don't mind having more corpses, but after all, it is from my own village, and it is more or less unbearable." Qi Feng said lightly.

"I think you are a gluttonous body, can't you say something?" Sen Luo puppet couldn't help but mock.

Qi Feng shrugged without excuse.

It's all one person, who doesn't know who anymore.

"I was thinking about whether I would jump over the wall in a hurry to bring Uchiha Madara back to life, but now it seems that I have been thinking too much, but it was a waste of my preparations over the past few months."

"Black is by no means that stupid. Uchiha Madara is the most important part of his plan. Bringing soil is only part of Uchiha Madara's plan, and he won't be confused about the priority."

The two said a word, as if talking to themselves.

"Let's do it, let's control Kyuubi first."

Then they saw the writing wheel eye in their eyes began to spin at a high speed.

"Illusory Art! The Art of Illusory Fence!"

Although their current pupil power can't fight against Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes with soil, but with the "gate-liying illusion art", they can still interfere with the control of the soil on Kyuubi to a certain extent.

The effect of this technique is very powerful, even exaggerated.

By writing round eyes, a fence is established in the practitioner's consciousness, and a separate area is divided, and part of or all of the consciousness that the practitioner wants to be separated from the practitioner is sealed to this fence. After that, he uses his own consciousness as a yoke to restrain the practitioner's body and subconsciousness and completely control it.

The technique of bringing soil to control the nine tails is also the technique taught by Uchiha Madara.

Now, as soon as the wind interferes, the complexion of soil in the sand iron is transient.

"How can it be?!"

Even if he still controls Nine Tails, but with the soil, he can clearly feel that there are two similar forces that are interfering with him.

As a result, his control of Kyuubi became weak, and Susano and Kyuubi showed signs of gradual separation.

"The power of its practical reincarnation eye may come more simply, but the movement is too loud..." the puppet Qifeng inside the sand iron muttered.


Of course, the four of Hafeng Mizumon also found the difference between Obi and Kyuubi. Although I don't know what caused this situation, since it has appeared, they, as experienced ninjas, of course can't let it go.

"Xianfa! Super Jade Spiral Pill!"

"Five Escapes·Dalian Bullet Technique!"

Jiraiya and Sarutobi Hizen performed one of the unique skills at the same time, and finally stripped a part of the staggering Susano from Kyuubi.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Feng also found an opportunity, holding Thunder Sword and Teeth, and his hands were printed.

"Magnetic Escape! A solid fortress!"

Countless sand and iron quickly gathered, grabbing the nine tails and almost wrapped it into a zongzi, and countless fine lightning attached to it, forming a chain of shackles.

Roar! ! !

But Nine Tails roared, countless sand and iron were constantly being shaken down, and the shackles built by thunder and lightning were also cracking one by one.

A posture that can't last long.

Bo Feng Shuimen flashed, appeared on top of Kyuubi's head, his face was extremely serious, and his hands slowly sealed.

the other side.

He staggered and stood still while controlling the belt soil of Suzuo who was hit.

"Success!" Jilai also clenched his fists.

"Success?!" Taking the soil steadied his steps and looked at Kyuubi who was gradually breaking free. He couldn't help but laughed. "Do you think that if I separate from Kyuubi, I will win?"

With that, Suzuo Nenghu who wrapped him continued to change.

The blue-blue Suzao could be outside, and pieces of armor appeared quietly, a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared, and a tengu-like mask was put on his face.

Click! Click!

Suzuo is completely complete!

"Did you make a mistake? Controlling the nine tails is not an enhancement to me. On the contrary, it is to control the nine tails and restrict some of my pupil power!" Dai Tu arbitrarily.

Qifeng and Senluo puppets in the distance looked at each other.

It seems to be forced to bring soil to install?

At the same time, the Bofeng Shuimen standing on the head of Nine Tails could no longer take care of so much. He successfully displayed the "Ghoul Sealing".

No matter how to deal with the soil, Kyuubi absolutely can't fall into his hands, otherwise it will not be difficult to deal with as simple as it is, I am afraid that the entire Konoha will be destroyed.


The illusory **** of death once again descended on Konoha, a huge soul with a hideous appearance, and a short knife in his mouth.

The **** of death summoned by Hafeng Shuimen is more solid and aura than the **** of death summoned by the two root ninjas of Danzo.

As if feeling threatened, Kyuubi struggled frantically.

And Sarutobi Hizumi and Jira, who were guarding against soil, also felt the changes behind them, and their expressions became very complicated at the same time.

An excellent Naruto successor, an excellent disciple, their two predecessors can only look at the younger generation like a lonely hero, and sacrifice themselves.

Watergate raised his head.

At this moment, he finally couldn't stretch it anymore, and his soft, hopeful, and eager sight fell into the distance.

There is the place where Uzumaki Kushina and his son stayed.

Slowly, the corner of Bo Feng Shui's mouth rose slowly, "Nushina, I will accompany you, but at least we must leave a safe environment for our children to grow up..."

The struggling Nine Tails began to dissipate, and the terrifying Chakra slowly condensed in the hands of Bo Feng Shuimen until a ball was left.

"During the day!" shouted when the water gate of Bofeng was dead.


Qi Feng appeared beside Bo Feng Shuimen, his expression was also complicated, especially when he saw the smile on his face, he only felt choked in his throat, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"During the day, I don't know what your true identity is, because I discovered that there is no soul in your body." Watergate said.

Qifeng was taken aback when he heard his words.

He looked up at the death **** who was about to move.

The **** of death can perceive the soul, and his body is just a puppet, and it is normal to have no soul.

So Bofeng Shuimen is to...

I heard Bofeng Water Gate continue to say: "But I still believe in you, I just hope you can protect Konoha, if you can, I will be buried with Kusina and take care of our children... "

With that, the terrifying chakra representing the nine tails was handed to Qifeng.

Qi Feng pursed her lips~www.readwn.com~ has never been so solemn, and replied in a deep voice: "Okay!"

At the same time that I took the Kyuubi, I saw the **** of death pulling out his soul from Bo Feng Shuimen's body.

At this time, the soul of Water Gate looked in the direction of Qifeng's body in the distance and waved his hand.

Qifeng's body also waved his hand and said in a low voice, "My name is...Maruyama Qifeng!"


Yesterday there was something temporary at home. It was too late. I forgot to update. I'm very sorry!

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