just said to find an opportunity to avoid it, this "opportunity" soon came.

   The speed was so fast that he caught him off guard.

   Just before noon, three Anbe ninjas appeared in front of Qifeng.

   "Maruyama prays for the wind! Hokage-sama is ordered to order you to follow the support troops to the front line of the rain country at three o'clock this afternoon!"

   After saying that, after dropping a mission scroll and proof, he disappeared.

   holding the scroll.

   was silent for a while.

   "Are you going to the battlefield again?"

   Fortunately, in a different battlefield, there is no need to deal with Osha Maru.

  The battlefield of the country of rain.

  Then the enemy is Sandyakura and Sand Shinobu. I am afraid that the rainy country battlefield, which was the first to declare war and erupt, will be much more tragic than the Takino country battlefield.

   He knew that as Zhong Ren and one of the few corpse collectors, he could not avoid going to the battlefield.

   After thinking about it, I went to the battlefield to collect more corpses.

   "Let me think about the corpses of strong men in Shayin Village..."

   But if you think about it carefully, apart from the three generations of Fengying who were stolen by the red sand scorpion, it seems that there are also three people, Qiandai, Eilaozang, and Luosha.

   It's just that it's too difficult to kill these targets, he doesn't have such ability yet.

   It is Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law who are a good target. Although they were cut cleanly by White Fang, they are still strong in the movie level.

  Besides, White Fang cuts people, which time is not straightforward.

   put away some unrealistic thoughts.

   Thinking about seeing the legendary weapon soon, I was a little excited.

   "Oh, human beings..."

   At the age of his previous life, he already had all the functions, plus the precocious body of the ninja world.

   "It's the age to greet others."


   called up the system panel and glanced at the current attributes.

   [Character: Maruyama Kifeng]

  [Age: 14 years old]

  【Attribute: Fire, Earth】

  【Strength: Elite Ninja】

   [Boundary of Blood Succession: Bone Vessels (Medium), Writing Wheel Eyes (Double Left, Single Right)]

   [body: 54]

  【Fine: 42】

  【Forbearance: 30】

  【Phantom: 38】

  【Control: 29】

  【Print: 33】

  【Physique: Flowing Water Knife】


  [Items: Konoha II Naruto Senju Interval Experience Card (legendary), corpse shovel (upgradeable)...]

   Unknowingly, it's fourteenth birthday.

   Strength is still improving steadily.

   The body has begun to develop significantly. When the body is fully developed, there will undoubtedly be a great improvement in personal strength.

  Although it is still not enough to see on the battlefield, after obtaining the experience card of the second generation of Naruto Senjuan, Qifeng's attitude towards war is completely different.

   used to be frightened, and now he has begun to wonder that the other person is suitable for becoming a corpse.

   I have to say that power is the original sin of everything.

   With power, all kinds of incredible desires will be born.


  The black sky is filled with a biting light rain.

  The weather in the country of rain is always so humid and uncomfortable.

   But such an environment has some advantages for Konoha.

   Sand Ninjas' sand manipulation skills are greatly restricted in such an environment.

  The disadvantage is that in such a humid environment, the wound is very easy to be infected, and it is very easy to breed bacteria, and the storage time of the corpse is limited. The body of the deceased must be transported back to Konoha every very short time.

   Qifeng followed a group of bigwigs to the commander-in-chief of the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Tsunade's camp report.

   As the monitor of the corpse collection class.

   Shangren, it is impossible to do corpse collection work, it is a waste of talents.

   Therefore, nowadays, "Gui" prays for the wind for Zhongren, and has become the monitor of the corpse collection class.

   Also, as an inconspicuous branch of the medical department, the corpse collection class, no matter how inconspicuous, is also a subordinate of the medical department.

   And Tsunade, as the head of the Konoha Medical Department, is naturally Qifeng's immediate boss, even if they have not had any intersection before.

  In the battlefield of the Rain Country, the distribution ratio of medical ninjas is the highest.

   is not only because Tsunade is here, but also because Sand Shinobu is very good at making poisons. Poisons cooperate with puppets, which are extremely lethal weapons. Chiyo is a leader in poison production.

   Fortunately, Tsunade has perfect restraint on Chiyo.

   If Tsunade had not cracked Chiyo's poison in the second Ninja War, I am afraid Konoha would not be so easy to win against Sand Ninja.

   Although Tsunade is suffering from panicemia now.

   It was the first time I saw the biggest weapon in the ninja world, I was still a little nervous to pray for the wind.

   However, Tsunade was not Oshemaru, and he did not pay attention to his small corpse collector at all, but after seriously assigning tasks to several big men supporting the troops, he dismissed everyone.

   From their conversation.

   Qifeng got some information.

   At this time, Shinobu was still relatively restrained, and did not have a large-scale collision with Konoha. The two sides only launched some small-scale battles over towns, strongholds, and checkpoints in various places in the Rain Country.

   Both sides have their own winners and losers, but the overall impact is not significant.

   The reason why both sides are so restrained is because of the Yuyin Village in the country of Rain.

   Or more accurately, it is because of the leader of Yuyin Village known as the "demi-god", Sansho Fish Hanzo!

   Yuyin Village is not an insignificant hidden village like Takiyin Village, Caoyin Village, or Tangyin Village. Although it is indeed a small hidden village, its strength should not be underestimated.

   is mainly because of Hanzo's special existence.

   You need to know that the first party that provoked the Second Ninja World War was this small hidden village, and it was still picking three, declaring war on Sand hidden Village, Iron Kingdom, and Konoha.

   Although Konoha finally evolved into a confrontation between Konoha and Dayin Village of Shayin Village and Yanyin Village, Yuyin Village hurled out of the battle, but it still survived intact to the present, which is enough to prove its strength.

   The names of Tsunade, Oshemaru, and Jiraiya Sannin were also bestowed by Hanzo.

   Of course, the current Sannin is not stunned by Hanzo, but his strength still cannot be ignored.

   Therefore, the war in Hanzo and Uyin Village is very important to the war in Rain Country.

   It's just that now Yuningui is shrinking in the village, and directly surrendering the entire country of rain, giving Konoha and Sanda to fight and fight.

   So, neither Konoha nor Sand Shinobu broke out in a large-scale battle.

   are watching the development of Yuyin Village.

   After all ~www.readwn.com~ Tsunade and Chiyo are not very good at dealing with Hanzo.

   came to the new morgue camp, looking at the scattered corpses, Qi Feng was very desperate.

   because he suddenly reacted.

   Here, Konoha has the number one medical ninja in the ninja world, as well as the most complete medical unit. It is not easy for Konoha ninjas to die without a large-scale battle.

   Although Tsunade is suffering from panicemia, as long as she is cut off from the blood, she is still the most powerful medical ninja.

   "In this way, it's better to follow the Oshe Maru!"

   is desperate.

   At least at Oshemaru, there is no restriction from Hanzo, so you can fight with Iwanin.

   "What's wrong with Oshamaru-sama?"

   abruptly, a clear and sweet voice came from outside the camp, a small hand opened the camp, and Qi Feng saw a cute and petite ninja.

   blinked his eyes and looked confused.

   "Are you?" Qifeng asked in confusion.

  I saw immediately that this young female ninja quickly stood at attention, with a very respectful and humble attitude and introduced herself: "Hello squad leader! Shinobu mute and report to you!"


   The camp became very quiet.

   Qifeng looked at this little Lolita and listened to her name, but for a moment she didn't know what to say.


   Katodan’s niece?

   Tsunade’s chief disciple?

   "Squad leader?" Seeing Qi Feng's delay in responding, Silent blinked his smart eyes and looked at him curiously.

   I want to go back to Konoha, really... Qifeng whispered in her heart.

   just talk about how the corpse collector has the position of squad leader.

   It turned out that he was transferred here as a babysitter.

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