The country of rain.

   An unknown secret base somewhere.

   "Scorpion is really a genius. These ideas and behaviors that he put into practice are probably comparable to Uncle Snake. It's no wonder that the two can work together in Xiaoxiao for so long. It's a combination of scientific madmen."

   A huge scroll was spread out on the experimental table, and Qi Feng had already read it all from start to finish.

   There are still a few people moving in the base.

   are all praying for the wind.

   In other words, they are all his shadow clones.

   has taken up the precious experience of Xie as a predecessor, as well as some of his own experience in making puppets. He has already begun to make new puppets.

Many of the scrolls of    were made about ordinary puppets, which he temporarily skipped.

  Human puppet, he has his own way of control.

   "Some of my previous ideas can also be used."

   For example, the bones made with the help of bones can replace some rare metals as the conductive material of the human puppet chakra.

   Although he made a complete set of bones and bones, praying for the wind would hurt for a long time, but in order to make the puppet more powerful, he still gave it up.

  Furthermore, the use of bone veins is also conducive to the fit and manipulation of his shadow clone.

   However, it is limited to some of the more important puppets. The more common ones, such as the puppets in the Hundred Machines performances, do not need to be used.

   "It's the same. The other is not important. The puppet of the scorpion must hurry up. He will let me have a more formal second identity to walk in the Ninja World and help me collect some powerful corpses."

   muttering to himself, he was about to start with a group of shadow avatars.

   The one who stays here is the body of Qifeng, and the one who appears in the camp of Yunokuni is the puppet clone.

   With the Fei Lei Shen section as a backing, Qi Feng has more room for manipulation in terms of his own safety and behavior.

   As long as the puppet clone is not exposed, he estimated that he will continue to stay here for a long time.

   Until the scorpion puppet is made.

   However, he received the message of the puppet clone before he started making it.

   Use psychic beasts to pass.

   After opening the scroll he sent, Qi Feng showed a look of surprise.

   After hesitating for a while, he Jieyin used the technique of the Thunder God to cross space.

  The Rain Country is quite far away from the Yuno Country. Because of his lack of space talent, his skill of Flying Thunder requires a very long preparation time and the consumption of chakras is also extremely large.

   Originally, according to his intention, as long as there is no major problem with the puppet avatar, he was ready to complete the production of the scorpion puppet before leaving.

   It's just the information that just came, so that he had to temporarily let go of this important job.




   In a morgue camp at the corner of the camp, Qi Feng's figure suddenly appeared.

   "You are here." Seeing him appear, the puppet clone seemed to have been waiting for a while.

"Chakra consumes a lot more than I thought, and the time spent on charging is a bit exaggerated. If it weren't for what you said was too attractive, I really don't want to set foot on the battlefield again without sufficient protection. "

   He realized the cruelty of the battlefield.

  The battlefield situation in Yuno-kuni is more complicated. After losing the Thousand-Hand experience card, Qifeng is more careful in doing things, and he has to ensure that he has enough self-protection ability.

   "There is no way, for some things, you still have to do it yourself." The puppet shrugged.

   Qifeng also understood this, and nodded, "Interactive memory."

   The puppet lifted the shadow clone restriction.

   A lot of memories flooded into my mind.

   Soon Qifeng knew what the puppet had experienced in the past few days.

   He was originally a corpse collector, so even if he came here, his identity did not change much.

   The difference is just that there are a few more corpse-collecting subordinates.

   Now, he has officially taken over the corpse collection work in the Yunokuni Konoha camp. This is Jiraiya's arrangement. Of course, Qifeng readily accepted it without comment.

   So, now he has a batch of corpses, corpses that have not been touched.

   Moreover, these corpses are special.

   turned his head to look at the numerous corpses in the camp, and easily distinguished some of them.

   His complexion gradually became weird, "I said why Uchiha and Hyuga had so few corpses on the battlefield of Taki no Kuni and Rain no Kuni, so they all came here."

   Yes, many of the corpses in the camp belonged to the two families of Uchiha and Hyuga.

   And their existence is also the reason why the puppet clone notified the body to come as soon as possible.

   Uchiha, Hyuga.

   Those are the rich family of Konoha, writing round eyes and white eyes, the second family of the three major pupil arts in the Ninja world.

   This morgue camp may be just an ordinary morgue camp to others, but for Qifeng, it is undoubtedly a treasure house.

   is full of precious treasures that he can exhaust.

   "Uchiha's Shinobu, Hyuga's Shinobu, this is the rhythm that must be played." Qifeng rubbed his palms, a little uncontrollable excitement.

   Shao Lun Yan is powerful, he has already experienced it. The role of white eyes in actual combat may not be as strong as Shao Lun Yan, but as far as investigation is concerned, it is invisible to the taillights after dozens of streets are thrown away from Shao Lun Yan.

   "It's no wonder that the clone has to call me over in a hurry. It is a huge waste to miss the opportunity to touch the corpse for a day."

   Upholding the shameful waste of good behaviors, Qifeng walked to the corpse of Uchiha Kamininho.

   As soon as he arrived at the battlefield of Yunokuni, he harvested a batch of precious corpses without doing anything.

   Qifeng is still a little dark and refreshing.

   [The yellow corpse, the success rate is 30%, do you want to touch the corpse (3/3 this time, 9/9 of the day)]

【Yes! 】

   Without hesitation, he touched it three times.

   didn't even go to see what the harvest was after it was over.

   turned around and continued to place the target on the corpse of another Higashi Shinobu.

   In fact, Qifeng has a doubt. He now has Shao Lun Yan. If he draws out the blood card of Bai Yan, can Shao Lun Yan and Bai Yan co-exist in Tong Tong's body?

   [Yellow The success rate is 30%. May I ask if you touch the corpse (this time 3/3, 6/9 of the day)]

【Yes! 】


   Still not watching, move on to the next one, Uchiha Nakanin.

   Although there are many Uchiha and Hyuga ninja corpses in the morgue, most of them are Zhongnin.

   [The green corpse, the success rate is 60%, may I touch the corpse (this time 3/3, the same day 3/9)]

【Yes! 】

   All nine chances are used up, then the exciting draw time comes.

  Sometimes, a little bit of a lottery draw is far more exciting than a direct full draw.

   Open the attribute bar and aim directly at the inventory bar.

   The additions are not unexpected, not many.

   The first piece is the Magic Card [Magic Magic-Songhang Art].

   Although it was just an illusion card, and did not obtain the more precious cards such as the writing wheel eye or the bloodline purification card, Qifeng was not disappointed.

  Because "illusion-the art of Songhang" is a kind of illusion unique to Shao Lun Yan.

   It also has a more familiar name.

   Satsuki reading!

   Low-profile monthly reading.

The surgeon can build a small spiritual world, and imprison the surgeon in the spiritual world. The captured enemy will feel that the body is nailed by the huge iron nail and the body cannot move freely, and at the same time, it will suffer the illusion of pain. So it is generally used for torture.

   It’s just not as buggy as monthly reading, and it lasts not as long as monthly reading.

   But there is no doubt that this is a very good illusion.

   It's a good start, praying for the wind in a good mood.

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