People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 121: Let's take the soil to deal with the big snake pill!

Not far from when Zuo Ming was still clearing the field and pushing the avatar of Oshemaru horizontally, not only Oshemaru was downcast, but the others also left men's tears.

"Isn't this Konoha bullying people?"

"Unexpectedly, that group actually has a monster besides Naruto. Except that the pink-haired girl feels superfluous, can the two of them go to kill Wuyin Seven People?"

"Yes, fortunately, the little girl with pink hair is holding back, otherwise we are afraid it will be dangerous."

"Yeah, even if you catch that girl, can you survive from their companions?"

"Woo this is a sad fact!"

On the other side, it was not only Kaiban that was attracted by the aftermath of the battle between Zuoming and Asmaban!

Unfortunately, six people just met.

Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino moved flexibly, and instantly hid in the grass beside them. Dingci was pinched to the ground by Nara Shikamaru, covering his mouth.

"Oops was discovered."

Yamanaka Ino was frightened by this terrifying sight, making his legs weak.

"Well, it's normal to be found." Nara Shikamaru said with a squint.

Isn't it obvious? The opponent is the Hyuga clan with white eyes.

This woman Ino is really troublesome. If it weren't for the agreement made by the Warring States Period, the contract between Zhuludie and the Sarutobi clan, he really wanted to change individuals.

At this time, Nara Shikamaru, who squinted to observe the enemy's situation, suddenly shrank his pupils, and there were a few chips on the ground.

Qiu Dao Dingci, who was holding on to the side, also seeped fine sweat on his forehead, and the potato chips and snacks in his hands were not fragrant. If the three of them were found to be dead, he shouted in his heart: "It's over, it's over. "

This made Neji feel insulted. Did he forget who he was? Shen Sheng asked: "The three in the bushes ahead, come out!"

Hearing that Xiao Li's gaze glanced at the grass beside him, and he seemed to have noticed that someone was hiding there.


The three of them were shocked by electricity, their bodies stiff and trembling, and the three of them looked at each other and acted according to the plan.

The three of them rushed out of the grass in an instant effort.

Ino squeezed her figure and cast an eyebrow at Neji: "Isn't this the last chief Neji-senpai? The beautiful female ninja Ino wants you to let us go!"

After speaking, the air was quiet for a few minutes.

Just when the three of them were about to jump out of their throats, Ning Ci glanced at her indifferently, turned and left, and said coldly: "Get out of here!"

Xiao Li, Tiantian: Is this an idiot?


On the treetop in the distance, Yanagi carrying a camera, patted the trunk and laughed.



The thing he fears the most is coming, will he arrive at his Nikkei's house after walking through Fuyue's house?

Uchiha Izuna: How to say?

Thousands of hands: How do you say?

Senjujuma: Hahaha, another one like the three of them is here.

Uchiha Tomitake: Yes, my Uchiha clan is finally not so good anymore, and your son is not so good too! Hahaha!

It makes me so happy.

Sakumo Hagiki: I am very pleased with my son Kakashi.

Uchiha Mikoto: The boys of Konoha in this generation are so special. They don't even fall in love, and they are all straight men.

Uzumaki Jiuxina: Well, it's not like our one with Kakashi.

Uchiha Izumi: Haha

Nohara Lin: Haha

Senshou Jianma: The old man feels it is necessary to modify the organization of Konoha squad. There should be two women with one man.

You see, the relationship between the boy with thick eyebrows and watermelon head and Ning Ci is also a bit weird. With the judgment of the old man, their relationship is not simple.

There is also Water Gate, the girl named Ino Yamanaka, how do you say it! May be more natural!

Matt Dai:

Wave wind water gate:

He remembered saying at the beginning that the girl named Ino was good, but this situation matched Naruto really well. At least the two dumbfounded should be okay to play, but it's easy to make the two couples feel uneasy.


On the other hand, when Yanagi was distracted to admire Neji's straight male behavior, Adzuki was about to complete the great master-killing feat. She nailed her hand and Osamaru's hand to the tree trunk and shouted.

"Ninfa two snakes kill each other!"

The playful Oshe Maru's expression changed slightly, and the snake's pupils shrank, and then coldly teased: "Azuki beans, do you think you are trapped by my main body?"

After that, the red bean's face suddenly faded, and he watched in shock as the big snake pill he had nailed to the tree trunk with kunai turned into black mud and slowly fell.

"Sizzle, Red Bean, what you trapped is my soil clone!"

At this time, a cold voice came from behind, making Hongdou's body stiff, and fine sweat appeared on his face.


"Ninfa shark shadow snake hand!"

Easily avoiding the little brown snake that emerged from the cuffs of the red bean, Da Shewan licked his lips and joked.

"As an upper ninja, why are you using the ninjutsu I passed to you and not learning other things?"

"Curse Seal!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hongdou only felt the three black goose jade on her neck vibrate, and then a fiery chakra came, making her whole body burning like a fire.


After a scream, Red Bean suddenly knelt down on the branch, leaning against the trunk, sweating and panting under the intense pain.

"Ha ha"

Da She Maru had never felt such a smooth breathing at this moment, he was once autistic when Ming Zuo was beaten together, and doubted whether he was a strong shadow class.

As a result, Hongdou came to the door, let him show off his skills, and gave him walked to Hongdou's body, and gently stroked Hongdou's neck with the curse imprinted on the neck in the frightened and frightened eyes of Hongdou. .

"Hongdou, don't you resent me, hate me for leaving the village for not taking you away with me."

"As my disciple and subordinate you!"

The red bean controlled by the curse imprint gritted his teeth uncomfortably, and asked angrily in his eyes: "Why, you want to come back, as the village S-level rebellious you."

"I found a good substitute. That kid is different from you. Are you jealous?"

"Oshemaru, you must let me, A Fei, solve you, s-level rebel!"

When Oshemaru was teaching his disciples, a masked Anbe violently attacked him.

A black footprint in the field of vision is zooming in.

It was Yandi Afei, a loyal member of the Black Tiger team who had been fishing for a long time.

He was arranged by Liu Sheng to entangle the Oshe Maru, although he was very reluctant.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

After Oshemaru used the instantaneous technique to escape the sneak attack, another Chakra flame came out of the dark mouth and turned into a large fireball of tens of meters to attack him.

He leaped slightly, avoided the flame attack, raised his head and licked his lips. There was no change in his expression on his sickly white face, but he could see that the light in his eyes became more and more cold.


On the other side, while taking soil and Dashe Wan for "playing", Heihu Afu walked to Red Bean and handed her favorite **** and red bean soup.

"It's better to eat sweets when you are in pain!"

Red bean's beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and then smiled.


Heihu Afu rubbed his index finger and thumb hand, his eyes under the mask stared at the red beans.

Hearing this, Hongdou's smiling face was taken aback, his expression suddenly changed, and he was silly.


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