People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 20: Kono Naruto who steals the book of the seal

   "What are you going to do? Let's steal things, you just walk through the gate so grandiosely?"

   Nima, this is too shameless for Hokage, right?

   Looking at Naruto at this moment, he didn't panic at all, and walked towards the door at the same pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

  Naruto scratched his head, had already reached the door of Hokage's office, turned his head and asked Liu Sheng, "Should?"

   In Hokage's office, apart from the silhouettes of people illuminated by the lights, let alone people, they didn't even see the human hair.

   The corners of Liusheng's mouth twitched, no one was **** ridiculous.

   Did he open the door incorrectly, so he went out and came in again.

   Confirmed, no change!

   was played!

   "Hey! Don't be stunned! Liu Sheng, hurry up and find the Sealed Book!" Naruto tugged at the dumbfounded Liu Sheng's clothes.

  Yagishou came back to his senses, and the two quickly found the big scroll after digging through the boxes and ran away!

   All the big guys in the group saw this scene, completely stunned, and all chins on the ground.

   They had imagined countless possibilities, and even imagined that Yanagi would stay in the small black room for a few months, but they never thought that the two of them took away the book of seal in this way.

   Not only is there no one, there is no insurance!

   [Senjuzuma: This...]

   [Thousands of hands: Fuck? 】

   [Uchiha Madara: What the **** is this? 】

   [Uchiha Izuna: Is the ninja world like this after my death? 】

   [Hinata Nissari:? ? ? 】

  【Sakumo Hagi:? ? ? 】

   [Bo Feng Shui Men:? ? ? 】

  【Uzumaki Kushina:? ? ? 】

  【Uchiha Shisui: Ah this? ! ! 】

   [Uchiha Tomitake: Is this the Hokage Building we know? Is it the Hokage Office? Are you sure you did not come to the wrong place? 】

  Don't mention Fuyue doubts life, everyone else in the group doubts life!

   Take it straight and open, or is it okay to be in the core of the village?

   Huang Yuan is all proficient at Sarutobi!

   deserves to be two old apes!

   What scenes of the big guys in the group have not seen? But is this the first time I have seen you in this scene?

   Are you sure that the Sarutobi and Konoha they were talking about a few days ago is this Konoha, did they have a illusion?

   But they think about it carefully, they all belch, a fart illusion?

  Out of the Hokage office, Liu Sheng ran ahead, and Naruto followed behind with a scroll on his back.

   "Yagyu, are we going to the place Mizuki-sensei said?" Naruto asked as he ran.

   Yanagi said in a deep voice: "Well, it won't take long for the third generation to realize that we have stolen the book of the seal, and someone will come to catch us soon. We must hurry up and learn the above ninjutsu!"


   The Hokage Building in the distance is no longer the lifeless Yanagi and the others when they came, and there is a tumult.

   "Naruto-sama, we can no longer tolerate Naruto's behavior. This is not a prank."

   "Yes, in case this sealed book falls into the hands of other Shinobu Village... I can't imagine it!"

   One by one, the ninjas expressed their opinions to the three representatives.

   "What's up... What's up..."

   Three generations smoked a pipe, silently watching the direction Naruto and Yanagi were escaping, and their thoughts drifted.

   It is not strange that Naruto is fooling around, and it is not surprising that Naruto failed the graduation exam and was fooled by that fool Mizuki.

   But what did Yagyu, who is suspected of being the last descendant of the Senju clan steal the Sealed Book for?

   The last time he went to Ninja School and saw that amazing and brilliant Yanagyu, he already felt very strange.

  Iluka probably thought it was just an ordinary wind that was quietly sealed by Yanagyu.

   But Sarutobi doesn't think so much that the starter must be the spiral pill.

   Helix Maru is not something that ordinary ninjas can learn, but it is the ninjutsu of the fourth generation of Naruto.

  Mizumi had the thunder **** with one hand and Helix pill with the other. All Ninja Village gave orders to escape first (if possible) if they met Konoha's yellow flash.

  Hui Helix Maru is still in the Ninja School, and talents, qualifications, and connections are indispensable!

   Why would a promising Yanagyu do such a thing?

   Do you claim that a genius wants to touch a forbidden technique?

   Sarutobi thought of his disciple Oshemaru, who also has an amazing talent for ninjutsu!

   It's a pity that I finally went astray!

   Sarutobi Rizen's figure suddenly looked decadent, he was already a 69-year-old old man.

   is old!

   I don’t know which day I will die!

   Konoha can't be defeated by him, this kind of genius is exactly what he Sarutobi or Konoha needs now.

   Now Konoha is about to become the weakest time in history.

   He can't watch Konoha decline!

   Thinking of Sarutobi's eyes became firm, he looked up at the leaves floating in the sky at night and muttered: "So how would you choose Senju Yanagi?"


   After arriving at the location, the scroll was torn open and the first technique was the "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique".


  How come I am the least good ninjutsu..." Naruto wailed, sitting in pain.

   However, after the wailing, he gritted his teeth to start learning.

   Looking at the Sealed Book in front of him, and then at the Naruto in front of him, Liu Sheng hooked his mouth.

   It really is the ghost of Sarutobi!

   Do you dare to believe that it is a coincidence that the first technique is Naruto's proud ninjutsu!

   "You still don't believe that you are stupid. If you steal a book of seals, don't you just watch a ninjutsu?"

   "First of all, you are not good at avatar, this is not suitable for you. Secondly, such a big scroll, strong ninjutsu must be behind." Yanagyu used a magical voice to induce.

  【Uzumaki Kushina: Bastard Yanagi, don't mislead Naruto! 】

   [Bao Feng Mizuno: Don't mess with you, Yanagi, Naruto is the most suitable ninjutsu for Renzhuli is the multiple shadow clone! 】

   "Yo Xi!" Naruto's head flashed, and it suddenly dawned on him.

   [Thousands of hands: Hahaha, no way! Naruto really believes it, four generations of your son is so funny! 】

   [Bo Feng Shui Men: ...]

  Naruto believed in the evil of Yanagyu, listened to his words, and tore the scroll partly.

   "Abba Abba!"

   After a few glances, his eyes turned into mosquito coils.

  【Uzumaki Kushina: Watergate, is Naruto hit by illusion? 】

  【Thousands of hands: In a fart, Naruto is confused, and it is extremely difficult and dangerous to be classified as a forbidden technique. He is dizzy! 】

   [Bo Feng Shui Men: Don't worry about Kushina, don’t you think Yanagi is okay? 】

   Looking at the good guy, Liu Sheng looked more positively than anyone else.

   "Yes, children only make choices! And you think this Naruto is really terrible!" Liu Sheng slandered.

   On the surface, he didn't make a move, his eyes swiftly across the scroll.

   Liu Sheng also made a casual call, spreading the forbidden technique on the big guys in the group.

   It records the countless secret techniques that Konoha has collected over the years!

  【Senjuzuma: The forbidden techniques in this book of seals are many times more than when the old man was in charge! 】

  [Thousands of Hands: Humph! Brother, it's not a few times more but dozens of times! And I am not aiming at anyone, on the invention of ninjutsu, everyone here is a younger brother! 】

   [Senjutsu Junma: You still have the face to say that you are very good at inventing ninjutsu, but once invented, it is forbidden! 】

  [Thousands of hands: Shut up, brother! Every time I have an invention to share with you.

   You throw the book of seal over and tell me: You are already a mature master of forbidden art, you have to learn how to write this art after inventing it? 】

  [Senjuzuma: You tell me that except for the water escape technique, it is not dangerous, and all you connect to are the sea! 】

  [Thousands of hands: Shut up, brother! 】

   The members of the group have already been surprised at the daily bickering between the two brothers and the daily abuse of the Ninja God, but the corners of their mouths can't help but want to raise them.


   "Yagyu, with so many techniques, which one do we learn?

   These all seem so difficult, why not learn that multi-shadow clone..."

   Looking at the densely packed characters and techniques in front of me, the mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent eyes narutod.

   "Naruto, you are so cruel? Are you going to give up?" Yanagi asked mockingly.

   Naruto was agitated, and immediately said, "Give up? How can it be possible to give up? Giving up is not my character!"

   "That's okay, I thought you couldn't do it?"

   Yanagi's mocking face changed, and he suddenly said seriously: "Naruto, let me tell you, you must learn Helix Pill, this technique is powerful..."

   Then Naruto was stunned by Liu Sheng, and he actually started to learn the extremely difficult Helix Pill.

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