People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 28: Fuyue: Why can't I understand this group on the 2nd generation?

   "Uh...this, this is the third generation of Hokage-sama personally drafted, and I can't change it." Iluka said still.

   He can't always say that Naruto is an accident!

   Ino heard the words, but had to give up, sitting in the position sulking.

   "In the end, didn't you get to be in the same group with Yanagyu?" Hinata was a little bit disappointed.

   "It's okay Hinata, even if we are not in a small group, we will often meet each other!" Yanagi comforted her with his paw and touched her little hand.

   He doesn't dislike this grouping at all, and he can brush the baby from the heads of Naruto and Sasuke. Why not?

   After answering the question, Iruka is still dividing into classes!

   "The eighth group: Inuzuka Toa, Hinata Hinata, Yunyoshino. The instructor is Yuhihong!"

   "The tenth group: Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimi Mitsuji, the instructor is Sarutobi Asma!"

   Hearing the grouping situation announced by Iluka, the chat group of big brothers also became lively.

   [Uchiha Tomitake: Isn't Asma Sarutobi the son of Hizen Sarutobi?

Huh? !

   How could his apprentices be Konoha's largest medicine merchant or the young patriarch of the Nara clan, the Konoha military master, the daughter of the patriarch of the mountain clan who controls the intelligence forces, and the young patriarch of the Akudo clan who stormed the army?

   How can I not understand! Second generation! 】

   [Hinata Hirasa: Mizumon, I remember that Yuhihong seems to be the girlfriend of Asma Sarutobi? 】

   [Bo Feng Shui Men: Ha ha... it seems like this! Asma has always been the most popular! 】

  【Uchiha Madara: That's right, the girlfriend is the young master of the Hyuga clan, and the young clan leader of the other two families of Konoha, the Inuzuka Yume clan. 】

   [Uchiha Izuna: Are you talking about the three generations of Hokage paving the way for your son? Or that the next Naruto has been decided by default? 】

   [Uchiha Tomitake: Thank you for the explanation!

   I didn't expect that the Sarutobi clan had so much attention in each class. This has been an ally for his son since he was a child, and I admire it!

   Is it the Sarutobi family who is the apprentice of the princess of the Senshou clan?

   I said, how did Sarutobi Hitoshi become Hokage smoothly? 】

  【Senjuzuma: …】

   [Thousands of hands: Junior, you are too long-winded! 】

   Even if he was immune to the poison of Sarutobi, he still wanted to get out of the pure land to give Sarutobi a feast for the **** of flying thunder.

   "Sarutobi, you bastard!"


   On the other side, the third generation of Hokage is summoning Konoha technician-Hagi Kakashi.

  The famous fifty-five!

   "Kakashi, it's so decided." Three generations breathed out the smoke ring and said.

   Kakashi looked at the file in his hand, Thousands of hands) Yanagyu, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto...Is there another girl named Haruno Sakura?"

   Three generations said in a deep voice: "You should understand what's going on."

   "I understand, Naruto-sama!" Kakashi replied.

   Of course he understood, a descendant of a thousand hands with hidden strength, an orphan of Uchiha, and a child of his own teacher, and at the same time, he is still a Kyuubi person.

   As for the last one... Don't talk about it!

   Nothing unusual!

   The first three are basically the three most promising students in this class.

   is now in his own class, Kakashi feels the pressure behind it is heavier.

   "Yagyu is talented, I'm afraid it's not much better than you.

   And he is used to hiding his strength, I don't know if it was the death of his parents.

   He already has the same tendency as Osha Maru, you have to pay more attention. "The third generation of Hokage said thinly.

   "I know Lord III, I will pay close attention to his actions." Kakashi smiled.

   "Kakashi, that kid's talent is much more than that, you will know in the future.

   By the way, you have to be careful in the test tomorrow. "Three generations reminded them meaningfully.

   "Oh?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow with interest.

   However, he still thinks how great the four kids who just graduated from school can be.

   Besides, it's not wartime anymore!

   After all, the three generations are not stupid enough to write on the novice benefits of the book of seals that they secretly sent.

   So it caused an error in Kakashi’s intelligence!

   "In short, you must train them well. They are all young shoots of Konoha!" Three generations finally exhorted.

   "Yes." Kakashi answered while standing.

   After a moment of figure, he disappeared without a trace in the office.

   He will also go to the residences of four students to search for information, analyze the information, and see who his students are?

  Only three generations are left in the office dealing with piles of documents, and there are leaves flying outside the window!


   After the division into classes, Iluka called the students to disband and gather in the afternoon.

   The students left in a hurry, but Liu Sheng put a flying thunder **** technique behind Naruto.

   There is another scene of Naruto at noon today!

   That is a great show not to be missed!

   After eating ramen noodles and going to Tiantian to buy equipment, "accidentally" found that Naruto's Yanagi appeared in front of his eyes!

   In the classroom, a white-faced teenager who was tightly **** with a rope, his face was grief and shame, and he kept cursing: "The tail of the crane!"

   And on the other side is a yellow hair with a smirk who is performing some kind of behavior!

   If it weren't for Sasuke and Naruto, Yanagyu would doubt if he had entered a certain bull head incident?

  【Uchiha Mikoto: Huh? Oh my Sasuke was kidnapped? Jiuxina...what is going on? 】

   [Uzumaki Kuna: Naruto... Why did he kidnap Sasuke? 】

   [Yagiu: Don’t you think it’s weird? Sasuke is the number one on the bright side of this year, and Naruto is the tail of the crane on the bright side.

   Why can Naruto easily tie up Sasuke? 】

  【Senjukukan: This Uchiha Koizumi must be too weak! 】

   [Uchiha Izuna:...]

   is exactly the same as when he was a kid!

   [Uchiha Madara: I got mixed up and said that Sasuke shouldn't get involved with Senna, and this kid is weak! Not worthy of Izumi Nubuat! 】

   [Senjujuma: Don't talk about it, I'm here! 】

  [Thousands of Hands: Cut! 】

  【Uzumaki Kushina: Could Sasuke be **** voluntarily? 】

  ? ? ?

  ! ! !

   Jiu Xin Nai's words shocked everyone who complained about the strength of the two pillars.

   They all thought of the sunset Sasuke's smile at the same time!

   Then there was a silent goose bump on the surface of the spirit body!

   [Uchiha Mikoto: Kushina, please don't talk nonsense, my family Sasuke is absolutely normal, but this time I just missed it! 】

   Mikoto would rather admit that her son is a weaker than a potential gay!

   [Uchiha Tomitake: Why don’t you say that your Naruto is gay? 】

  【Uzumaki Kushina: Humph! My Naruto is definitely not. If you don’t believe me, keep watching! 】

  【Uchiha Tomitake: Good! 】


   Finally, in a tense atmosphere, Naruto still lived up to expectations and turned into Sasuke and ran away!

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