People In Konoha: Public Execution at the Start

Chapter 214: The plan of Sarutobi 1 clan!

"Better not to be a ninja? Go find another way out!"


When Tsunade's words came out, there was another thunder in the hearts of several people. She glanced at Yanagi, why hasn't anyone arrived yet?

These words naturally made Xiao Li's heart tremble. He endured the severe pain and got up with a frustrated expression. He staggered and walked out of the room step by step with his cane in the silent eyes of the Metkai people.

All his efforts that have surfaced until now have been...wasted.

"I won't call you to treat him if I knew it a long time ago!" Metkay said in a low mood.

"How can this be done, Tsunade..."

As soon as Mute wanted to argue, she was interrupted by Tsunade's hand: "I know his feelings, but he really needs to have the belief in death to perform this operation."

"How did that happen?"

Naruto doesn't know what to say? Could it be that the operation could not be carried out before the numbness of the wave wind surface?

At this moment, Jilai suddenly reminded him: "Hey! Naruto, don't you want to meet with Mr. Iruka?"

"Oh, I see! Hahaha!" Naruto walked out of the hospital door with a smile, but they still saw the sadness in the corner of his eyes.

After talking about it, Zilai also withdrew, and the operation ended with Li Luoke's temporary refusal.

Of course, Liu Sheng's chat group is not vegetarian, and watching his live broadcast of Ninja World has no hope for Li at the moment.

[Two Libra Ohnogi: If the old man heard it right, it was just bone fragments that penetrated into the spine, right? This kind of injury is only 50% even for Tsunade Ji. What's more, she is now in control of blood, and whether the seventh generation can treat the old man remains a question mark. 】

[Four generations of Raikage: What a pity, I just thought I found a good ninja, his eyes told me that his will will never be that simple. 】

[Terumi Ming: The descendants of Bamen Dunjia shouldn't be like this, right? Are they most proud of perseverance? 】

[Chiyo: Give that young guy some time! After all, he may lie down in the operating room with a 50% probability of falling asleep forever. 】

"Oh! Didn't they notice that my yang escape is also extraordinary?"

Bo Feng looked at the people in the chat group wailing, inexplicably a bit like being looked down upon?

Of course Yanagi was also despised by Tsunade, and she scolded him.

"Hey! Why haven't your people come yet? Still you should be sure?"

"Don't worry, even if you cut off Xiao Li's leg, he can help him make a pair."

Liu Sheng was annoyed by it, this woman just likes to worry about it.

"Hiss-, wait, you guys are bragging, right?" Tsunade was a little surprised at first, but after a little thought, he found that it was impossible!

"My old mother has been practicing medicine for many years and I haven't seen that medical ninja be so lame, how can I create a pair of legs?"

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it!" Liu Sheng took a bite of melon and watched the show. Anyway, if Xiao Li in this world hadn't had an operation, he wouldn't do it, but he knew that Xiao Li had been abandoned at that time.

However, if this youth ninja gives up so easily, it is not their forbearance!

After chatting with Tsunade, he left Konoha Hospital and went to the Hokage office to deal with the Ninja's problem.

When they passed by the Yile Ramen Restaurant, Liu Sheng noticed the special pair of "father and son." Naruto had smiled again after Iluka's enlightenment, and a boy in a long scarf was secretly observing in the dark.

"Naruto, compared to when you first wanted this, you are no longer alone!"

"Sure enough... you really think so, Mr. Iluka, the forehead you gave me, I'm already decent!" Naruto was excited when he heard Iluka's praise.

"Is it really better?"

Iruka glanced at him dozingly, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and then her tone changed like an old father, and said solemnly: "Why are you so overwhelmed, you are still far away! There must be a better one! Performance!"

The celebrity pouted immediately and turned his face away, not wanting to listen to Iruka.

The two are not close like enemies with feuds, but like family members like father and son brothers.

Watching the live broadcast, Uzumaki Kushina had a trace of relief in his heart, and the unfortunate Naruto also had the brightest and happy place in his heart.

One of his favorite Ramen restaurants, one of Konoha's closest "family".

She pushed the watergate personally and smiled: "Watergate, let’s thank Iruka another day! I want to personally come to thank him for the opposite Ma or Naruto’s gratitude. If it weren’t for him, Naruto might not be like So cheerful and happy now."

"Well, this is a must!" Watergate Sunshine smiled, isn't it taken for granted?

Other Konoha ninjas also discovered the shining point of Iruka and his character as a good teacher.

"Ms. Iruka is really a very, very good person!"

"Yes, even if Kyuubi does something unforgivable, he can still separate Naruto from Kyuubi. There is only one mentor in a village."

"It's not as simple as the teacher. I feel that he is Naruto's real master, like a teacher and like a father."

"I found out that the only good thing that Hokage III is doing now is to send Iruka as Naruto's teacher. Absolutely!"

"Hey! Don't be silly, it seems that Konoha's teachers are randomly assigned, that is to say, they are not assigned, but based on fate."


Liu Sheng's live studio.

"I said Naruto, Konoha is very bad now!"

Iluka felt that he was angry with Naruto again and changed the subject.

"Led by the third generation, Konoha has lost many excellent ninjas. Now Konoha's strength has declined by half, but the task still has to be completed."


There was a gasp in the chat group, especially Konoha Ninja, they felt whether they had fallen into a illusion.

"Don't panic and let me take care of it. Konoha has lost a lot of ninjas, and his strength has dropped by half. Isn't this kidding me?"

"Don't mention the Five Generations of Hokage, when Guangkai and his eight sects come out, whoever will die, plus we have watched for a long time and found that Konoha's hitting people is not crushing?"

"When you look at the death of the third generation, Shayin was killed by Konoha like a chicken. Even Konoha's Anbe can complain about the skills of the third generation of Hokage, and there are three pigs, deers, and butterflies, the main force of the Anbe. See you are too weak!"

"Don't talk, what you want to think about is not Konoha's weakening strength after the death of Konoha Sandaime, but thinking that it may be that Iruka suggested that Konoha Ninja Clan headed by Sarutobi Ichiban, headed by Sandaime, wants Tsunade to be the commander of the bare pole. With the support of the secret technique and the Ninja clan, isn't the power of the Fifth Meme Hokage reduced by half?"

"Oh, that's the case. I said that a few people were dead. All the ninjas I saw were sand hidden dead. Konoha was so weak that he was half weak without being touched by a woman or child. Who is this fool? "

In Konoha's live studio, Naruto and Iluka are still chatting.

"Why? Why? If there is a shortage of manpower, why not just refuse?" Naruto muttered innocently.

Iluka said with hints: "This is not possible. If you refuse the mission, you are telling other countries that the village is very weak, and even the newly recovered Uchiha Sasuke must perform the mission."


The civilians in the Ninja world and the weak Ninja Village who watched from behind were shocked at the same time, and they suddenly realized.

"So that's it, I finally understand! A half-weakness means that the village is very weak!"

"This clearly implies Konoha's situation at the moment!"


Konoha Ninja felt that he had dreamed of the death of the fourth generation of eyes, the moonlight gusts, and the thing that Konoha hadn't changed at all.

At that time, one of Konoha's teachers knew everything about Konoha's situation.

See the big in the small!

Of course, some civilians and daimyo are embarrassed on their faces at the moment, why?

They will cut ninja military expenses, which means that they will weaken their military base in the opposite direction.

No money for a ninja to perform a ghost mission?

Then the daimyo doesn't give the money, who will pay the money?

The answer speaks for itself!


This proves from the negative side that if a village ninja can still perform a lot of ninja activities after severe losses, there is no doubt.

Their movies are rich!

Such as Luo Sha!

The Sarutobi clan’s strike was not only a protest against Tsunade’s targeting, but also a suspicion of forcing the palace.

"You just became Hokage. If the country of fire is dead, it's still a lot weaker. Wouldn't other countries or Shinobu not **** you?"

"When someone invades, someone invades the land of fire, you have Hokage, but what about someone, but how long can you stay? Do your people need money?"

"Do you have the Sarutobi clan for 31 years and Hokage has accumulated so much money? Do you have the property and the family to resist?"

"If you really finish your family, I will laugh!"

Too poisonous!

At this moment, everyone understood the Sarutobi clan's arrogance. They did not work and even took the younger brother away from work, weakening Tsunade in many ways, until Tsunade succumbed.

One word, yin!

It's not just a man and a horse, you have to have the confidence to fight a protracted battle.

Otherwise, it's just a moment of sideways, should you go or roll, or you have to roll!

Moreover, he really killed the Sarutobi clan. Didn't it prove that Konoha was weak, and the internal fight just ended!

Still not going to fight?

So at this moment, the difficulty has changed from killing people and killing a clan. After killing your village, it will have to be stronger than before.

How difficult is this!

Is it strong to kill a big clan? Are you dreaming?

It is also the ninja clan who is involved in all aspects of Konoha like Naruto Sarutobi.

The few people who stopped and eavesdropped calmed down, and Tsunade, who had returned to the office, was already furious, and now she found a hole in the Sarutobi clan.

It's really a trap one step at a time!

I thought that the people who squeezed her in the village and the living space of the civilians were enough, but I didn't expect that one move would happen in a row, and the inside and outside would work together to engage her.

"Assholes! It's all a bunch of assholes!" Tsunade didn't know how many times she became angry when she became Hokage.

Ninjas don’t Contact Dashemaru and kill Sarutobi Rischi. Is it possible for individuals to think that Konoha will not be crippled, right?

Then came to pick up people's heads. Who knew that the Mad Ninjas went on strike, and the people who went out to work were civilian ninjas and others. In the end, Quante was her loyal man, and the Ninjas were not injured at all.

Even if the Sarutobi clan was killed, she would still be hung on the humiliation pole of the Ninja World.

"Woo~~Yiu Sheng, help me!"

Tsunade came to Yanyu again with a crying voice. The murder was refreshed for a while, and the whole village would be used to fill the consequences.

The Ninja civilians eating melons in the live broadcast room opened their eyes. No wonder the World War II and the Third World War were fired in a row. It is estimated that they saw the Konoha Chishou clan disappeared and the manpower disappeared. Isn't this the meat of the mouth?

Fuck it!

You see, Uchiha is gone, Sandyuki from the alliance will come to Konoha to play the autumn breeze!

It's so real!

Ninja world is real!

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