“Itachi, you should understand that with the current situation of the Uchiha family, it is impossible for the village to let the people of your Uchiha family become Hokage.”

Xingji looked at him and said.

Itachi was silent because he could understand what Hoshiji meant.

As the eldest son of the Uchiha family, Itachi already bears a heavy responsibility that should not be carried at this age at a young age, so he is extremely mature and can often think from the perspective of an adult.

“Say, what ninjutsu do you want to learn from your teacher?”

Xingzhi said with a sigh.

“I want to learn ninjutsu from a teacher who can be as powerful as a teacher.”

Itachi said quickly.

“Ninjutsu as powerful as a teacher.”

Hoshiji said with a smile and looked at Itachi again, “But your focus should be on how to awaken your Uchiha family’s Blood Succession Limit ability. ”

“Your family’s chakra eye is already strong enough.”

“But… But teacher, I don’t know how to awaken the chakra eye. ”

“I don’t know… But that’s okay, you’ll find out later. ”

The awakening of the Sharingan eye of the Uchiha family must go through a very perverted behavior, that is, being strongly stimulated mentally and intensified through strong emotions.

If the person who values the most in the heart dies, the stabbing in the heart will be transformed into spiritual energy, and thus it can evolve into a kaleidoscope chakra eye.

The Sharingan itself is the use of the spiritual energy of the human body.

At the moment when people encounter major trauma in their hearts, their spiritual energy will be infinitely high, and then under this powerful spiritual energy, they will open the eyes of spiritual portrayal.

Itachi’s chakra eye was also awakened precisely because of the suicide of stopping the water.

Shuishui is Itachi’s best friend, and the moment his best friend dies, Itachi’s mind is greatly traumatized, so he awakens the chakra eye.

“Teacher, what kind of ninjutsu are you using that can emit golden light?”

At this time, the ferret asked curiously, he had naturally seen the Star Escape Chakra mode used by Xingzhi.

“That’s the blood succession elimination ninjutsu that I inadvertently fused and created, called Xingdun.”

It is not a secret that Blood Ji eliminated Xingdun in Konoha Village.

The previous three generations of Mei and Ape Flying Sun Chopper also wanted Xingzhi to hand over the fusion method of blood succession to eliminate Xingdun to the village, and Xingzhi didn’t care about it, so he handed over the information about wind, fire and thunder yang that he had studied over the years to the village.

But in the end, after many days of research by the high-level of Konoha, they found that after the fusion of these four attributes, they could not awaken the blood succession elimination of Xingdun Ninjutsu.

Therefore, they also believed what Xing Zhi said, and Xing Zhi unintentionally fused to obtain Xing Duan.

The reason why Xing Zhi was willing to give these research materials to the village was because he knew that it was impossible for the village to fuse into Xingdun.

He has studied for so many years and has always been stuck in terms of integration.

After getting the Chakra system, it was successfully integrated with the help of the system.

So he wasn’t worried about other people getting this ability.

He naturally understood Itachi’s desire to learn ninjutsu from him, but even if Hoshiji wanted to teach, Itachi would not be able to learn Hoshi Ninjutsu.

Because he does not have the blood succession elimination star escape.

“You don’t have blood to eliminate Xingduan, and you can’t learn Xingdun ninjutsu, and as for the other ninjutsu on my body, they are not very smart, much worse than your Uchiha family’s Sharingan.”


The ferret was a little lost.

“Learning is not too much.”

Xingzhi said with a smile, “Your Uchiha family’s Sharingan has reached the ultimate power, which is no worse than my blood succession elimination. ”

Of course, that was only now, with his research on Xingdun, and the continuous increase of the system, the fusion of other attributes Chakra nature.

Although in the end, he didn’t know how far this ninjutsu could develop.

But it’s certainly much more powerful than the Sharingan.

“I see, teacher.”

“Just get it.”

After speaking, Hoshiji left the bathhouse, and after Shisui and Itachi watched him leave, he also left.

After the grand reception ceremony of all the members of the Moonlight family, Xingzhi returned to his residence drunk.

After browsing his own state, he set his eyes on the remaining 36,670 points.

Leave at least 10,000 points for backup.

Where to invest the remaining 26,670 points?

The Star Chakra mode from LV30 to LV31 requires 10,000 points, and the remaining points are far from enough, temporarily PASS.

Star Dun Venus Fall Sword LV10 is upgraded to LV11, which requires 5,000 points, and the remaining points are only enough to upgrade to five levels, which doesn’t make much sense for the time being, PASS.

PS, the second more, everyone who has a ticket and flowers will vote, thank you for your support

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