After dealing with the things in the system, Xing Zhi looked towards the battlefield in the distance.

The ninjas of the Land of Thunder are retreating rapidly.

“Xingzhi… Senior…”

At this time, Kakashi’s voice came.

Hoshiji turned his head and saw Kakashi.

At this time, Kakashi’s mood was already a little numb, and after the ninjutsu that Hoshiji showed one after another, he was already shocked to the point of being shocked.

It seems that nothing that happens to Moonlight Xingzhi will surprise him.

So Kakashi, who had regained his calm, quickly came to Hoshiji’s side.

Looking at the scattered corpses and blood on the ground, Kakashi felt a cold aura coming from his body.

“Oh, Kakashi.”

Xing Zhi laughed, “When the big army arrives, you lead a group of people to clean up the battlefield.” ”

There are also many ninja tools on the battlefield, which are all a treasure for the village.

“Senior Xing, do you have any plans?”

Kakashi, asked.

“Of course, continue to lead the ninja troops into the Land of Thunder.”

Kakashi was slightly stunned, “Is this matter to be reported to Lord Sandaime?” ”

“It’s too much of a delay to report now.”

“Fighters are changing rapidly, we must take advantage of the time when the ninja of the country of thunder are fleeing to quickly chase and kill, directly enter the country of thunder, first control the daimyo of the country of thunder, and kill in Yunyin Village.”

Xing Zhi said slowly.

What the……

Kakashi looked at Hoshiji in surprise, did he really plan to do this?

“It’s not so easy to attack other countries, and you have to cross the territory of Yu no Kuni and Moon Country in between.”

He said with a slight concern.

“Strength is the last word, if the country of soup and the country of the moon dare not cooperate, then I don’t mind directly destroying them on the way.”

“But Kakashi, what are you worried about?”

Hoshiji looked at Kakashi.

“Senior Star, I just think that we have won this war, can we stop fighting, after all, if we continue to fight, our ninjas will also have casualties.”

Kakashi said.

“Naïve thoughts.”

Xingzhi glanced at him, “A country that often takes the initiative to start wars against other countries, when he fails, must fight to the death, and the best result is to destroy it directly, so that it can never suffer from future troubles.” ”

“Otherwise, once they are given a respite, they don’t know when they will start a war against you again.”

“Especially a warlike country like the Land of Thunder, how long has it been since the last Ninja World War, have you forgotten?”

“This time the Land of Thunder dares to invade the Land of Fire, because the strength of the Nine Tails of Konoha Village has been greatly damaged after the invasion, so they want to take the opportunity to destroy Konoha Village and achieve their purpose of expanding their territory outward.”

Hoshiji’s successive words left Kakashi speechless.

He has a point, but this is war after all.

“And the most crucial point is that war is not something you want to start or something you don’t want to fight.”

“Even if you want to surrender, you must cede the land and pay reparations, and bow down.”

“But shouldn’t this kind of thing be discussed at a high-level meeting?” Kakashi said.


“Can you expect those pedantic old men to approve of this kind of thing?”

“All they want is stability so they can continue to play the ridiculous political battle.”

After Xingzhi finished speaking, his body floated up, and then returned to the mountain peak above the valley, quietly waiting for the arrival of the large army.

On the other side, in the command center that was directing the march of the ninja troops of Konoha Village at this time, Nara Shikahisa was directing the troops forward.

“Commander-in-Chief Nara Shikahisa, the ninja forces of the Land of Thunder have retreated.”

At this moment, the voice of Yamanaka Haichi, who was acting as an intelligence unit, came over.

“What do you mean… We won this war? ”

Nara Shikakubing didn’t understand what he meant by this, it seemed that the ninja troops of Konoha Village had just arrived at their destination battlefield.

“The ninja troops have reached the border of the blockade, but apart from the corpses all over the ground, there are no ninja troops from the Land of Thunder.”


Hearing this, Nara Shika stood up in disbelief, and the ninja of the Yamanaka family who stood on his body and used ninjutsu to convey information to him also stood up.

“What the hell happened?”

Nara Shikahisa immediately asked.

“It seems to be… It seems to be… Moonlight Star single-handedly repelled the ninja forces of the Land of Thunder. ”

Yamanaka’s voice came.

“What are you talking about?”

Nara Shikaku couldn’t help but drink, “Have you drunk, it’s all this nonsense.” ”

“No, it seems to be true.”

“Kakashi saw it with his own eyes.”

At this time, Kakashi’s voice came, “Shikakugami Shinobu, what Haichigami Shinobu said is true.” ”

Hearing this, Nara Lujiu was slightly stunned, including the others in the command center, who were also shocked.

How is this possible?

But they all knew that Shinobu and Kakashi couldn’t joke about this kind of thing, but if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, how could Kakashi say this in such a determined tone.

“Shikakugami Shinobu, half a day ago, the ninja army composed of 3,000 ninjas of the Land of Thunder arrived at the border of the blockade line and was repelled by Hoshiji Kami-Shinobu alone.”

“In total, this battle killed 1,500 enemy ninjas, and killed the eight-tailed man Pillar Liki Rabbi and the eight-tailed bull ghost.”

Kakashi’s words shocked the ninjas in the command center.

How is this possible, blocking an army of three thousand ninjas with the power of one person, and also killing fifteen hundred ninjas.

This sounds not only bizarre, but also fanciful.

This is already equivalent to completing a super S-class mission.

“Kakashi, is it true?”

Nara Shikaku took a deep breath, and he realized that Kakashi couldn’t possibly talk nonsense.

But this kind of thing still has to be confirmed again.

“Of course, every word I said is true, and it should not be long before the news of the defeat of the Thunder Country will spread throughout the ninja world.”

“Moonlight Xingzhi, I want to talk to him directly.”

Nara Shikahisa’s voice came.

“Okay, wait a minute.”

Already in the information liaison department that had been set up temporarily, Xingji walked towards Haichi.

He gently pressed his chakra-emitting fingers on Xingji’s eyebrows.

Hoshiji felt a very strange chakra rush into his consciousness, so immediately the voice of Nara Shikaku came to his mind.

“Moonlight Star is obsessed, is that you?”

It is also really magical ninjutsu, and long-distance sound transmission can be carried out through Chakra.

Thinking of this, Xingji opened his mouth and said, “It’s me, Shikakugami Shinobu.” ”

“Tell me about the situation over there.”

“The two thousand ninja troops in the village have reached the border of the blockade and are now on temporary standby.”

PS, the third more, except for eating and sleeping, I have not heard of the pen, see how many words can be written today, at least 8 chapters 16000 words should.

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