
Shenlong Millennium was shocked, he didn’t expect that Xing Zhi could actually use such a terrifying technique.

On that huge lightsaber, there was a powerful power that made him fearful.

This one is…

When Long Daxian saw this lightsaber, he was also stunned.

Long Daxian had remained calm from beginning to end, but at this moment, the surprise in his dragon’s eyes was obviously easy to see.

Such a strong force, if it cuts to the thousand-year-old body, it is likely to be able to split his body in two.

Thinking of this, Long Daxian opened his mouth and vomited, and a strong air flow crashed into the Venus Fall Sword.


After the air flow hit, Xingzhi’s Chakra lightsaber deflected, and then slashed fiercely on the huge palace.


The entire palace shook violently.

On the surface of the palace wall, a transparent halo suddenly appeared.

This is the enchantment that guards the entire palace, and even the Venus Fall Sword cannot harm it.

“Your strength is much stronger than the millennium, and you have passed the assessment.”

Long Daxian said directly, in the fight, he was afraid that Xingzhi would lose his hand and kill a thousand years.

“Thank you.”

Xing Zhi immediately laughed and said that the Venus Fall Sword was one of his signature cards.

Although the divine dragon is a spirit object, it is also a flesh and blood body after all, as long as it is hit by the Venus Fall Sword, it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

However, what surprised Xing Zhi a little was that the strength of this Dragon Immortal was so terrifying, just spitting out a stream of air from his mouth, and actually knocked his Venus Fall Sword off its original track.

“How about a thousand years, becoming my psychic beast does not wronged you.”

Xingzhi said towards the millennium.

“Your strength is very strong, I promise you to become your psychic beast, and after signing the contract, you can summon me to your world at any time.”

Millennium Shen Shen said, when the powerful cutting force just now was about to fall on his body, he felt a strong danger.

“Well, I hope we will have a good cooperation in the future.”

Xingzhi said with a smile.

“Psychic blood contract for you, sign a psychic contract with the millennium.”

After speaking, the psychic blood contract flew over from in front of Long Daxian.

The psychic blood contract that flew into the air emitted a red glow, and then the light flourished, and an air mass wrapped in red glow emerged.

“Just go into the air mass and drip your own blood into it.”

Long Daxian said again.

Xing Zhi nodded, and then flew in, and the thousand-year-old huge dragon body also rushed in.

This air mass is like a special space, and the huge body of a thousand years can completely accommodate it after entering.

Xing Zhi gently swiped on his palm, and a drop of blood fell inside the air mass.

Millennium also dripped a drop of blood from his body, and then the two streams of blood fused together.

The air mass suddenly burst out with ten thousand rays of brilliance, and a special energy rushed into the body of one person and one dragon.

“Ding, the blood contract was successfully signed, and the psychic beast: Shenlong Millennium was obtained”

Shenlong Millennium: A dragon over 1,000 years old, with great strength, can be summoned to the host’s world through psychic arts to assist the host in battle.

After that, the air mass gradually dissipated, and Xingzhi’s body slowly fell to the ground.

“Now that the psychic contract has been officially concluded, you can leave the Ascending Dragon Pool.”

At this moment, Long Daxian suddenly said.


The most important immortal arts are not cultivated, how can they leave easily.

“Dragon Immortal, I want to enter the Holy Land of Ascending Dragon Pond to cultivate the immortal art of Ascending Dragon Pool, I don’t know?”

Xingji asked again.

Xing Zhi noticed that the Ascending Dragon Pond Immortal Art in the system had gradually been lit up, which was the reward obtained when he completed the task of exploring the organization before.

The cultivation method of the Ascending Dragon Pond Immortal Art, but it can only be cultivated in the most mysterious Ascending Dragon Pond Holy Land.

Only cultivation in the Holy Land of Ascending Dragon Pond can be successful.

Xing Zhi’s words made Long Daxian slightly stunned: “Oh, do you want to borrow the Holy Land to cultivate the Ascending Dragon Pond Immortal Art?” ”

“The natural energy here is indeed abundant, it is the best place to cultivate immortal arts, and it is not surprising that you have this choice.”

“But the holy place of cultivation is also a forbidden place, and the clansmen of your own clan cannot easily enter, let alone you as an outsider.”

Listening to Long Daxian’s words, Xing Zhi sighed slightly, it seemed that if he wanted to cultivate into immortal art, it really took a lot of effort.

This first step was blocked.

“May I ask Long Daxian, how can I enter it to cultivate?”

After hearing Xing Zhi’s words, Long Daxian’s pair of old dragon eyes glanced at him again.

“Immortal art is a technique that immortals can cultivate, human beings want to cultivate, it is the difficulty of nine deaths, I don’t let you cultivate, naturally I don’t want you to encounter danger in the process of cultivating immortal art.”

“Long Daxian, I am willing to take this risk.”

Xingzhi said again.

Seeing Xingzhi’s insistence, Long Daxian just sighed slightly: “The immortal art of Ascending Dragon Pond is not the same as other immortal arts in your world. ”

“Although they are all called immortal arts, the immortal arts of Shenglong Pond are much more powerful.”

“Therefore, the difficulty of cultivating immortal arts in Ascending Dragon Pond is also very high, and in the process of cultivation, if any accident occurs, the body may be completely destroyed by natural energy.”

It seems that this Dragon Great Immortal also knows a lot of things about the ninja world.

“But since you insist, then Honza will let you enter the forbidden land.”

Long Daxian said in a deep voice.

Within the Holy Land of Ascending Dragon Pool, there is also the Forbidden Land, which is filled with terrifying natural energy.

It is this forbidden place that can cultivate the immortal art obtained by the star control system.

In any case, this risk must be taken.

“Thank you Dragon Daxian.”

Star Bye Thanks.

“Come with me.”

Long Daxian’s huge dragon body moved gently, and then immediately flew towards the other end of the palace.

That’s where the forbidden place is.

After a while, Xing Zhi followed Long Daxian to the forbidden place.

“This is it.”

Long Daxian pointed into the distance and said, and then a special energy spat out from the dragon’s mouth.

After the energy fell in the area ahead, the entire palace trembled strongly, and then a huge tunnel appeared.

Xing Zhi could see the terrifying energy in the Yong Dao, which was all natural energy that had gathered for countless years, and had a huge destructive effect on the body.

“Even our Shenlong clan can’t stay in it for too long, so you must pay attention, if you can’t hold on, come out.”

Long Daxian instructed.

PS, kneel to all readers for subscription, thank you thank you.

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