“Since your immortal art has also been successfully cultivated, it is also time to leave the Ascending Dragon Pool.”

Long Daxian stared at Xing Zhi and said again.

Xingzhi nodded, it was time to leave.

Before I knew it, three years had passed here.

It’s really a mountain cultivation without years.

“No problem, Long Daxian.”

Xing Zhi walked towards the front and asked again, “But before leaving, I want to ask Long Daxian something.” ”

“What’s going on?”

Hearing this, Long Daxian said suspiciously.

“May I ask Dragon Immortal, do you know about this thing of sealing dragon stones?”

I have been inquiring in the ninja world for a long time, but no one has ever known the existence of this thing.

“Seal the Dragon Stone!”

The millennium next to him seemed to know this thing, so he took the lead and said, “What do you want that for?” ”

“I have a weapon that needs to seal the Dragon Stone to upgrade to an artifact.”

Xing Zhi did not hide it and said frankly.

“The Dragon Sealing Stone is indeed a unique product of the Ascending Dragon Pool, but even for our dragon clan, it is a relatively valuable treasure.”

Long Daxian stared at him with a pair of huge dragon eyes.

“I don’t know what Dragon Immortal should be able to send to the next Dragon Sealing Stone?”

Xingzhi asked again.

“Since you have spoken, the honza will be given to you as a parting gift.”

Xing Zhi was slightly stunned, he didn’t expect Long Daxian to be so generous, and actually directly gave the Dragon Sealing Stone to himself.

“I hope you will carry forward the immortal art of Ascending Dragon Pond in the outside world.”

After speaking, Long Daxian opened his mouth and vomited, and a glowing stone rushed from his mouth.

Xing Zhi reached out and caught it, feeling a very strong energy surge on this glowing stone.

“Ding, get the Dragon Sealing Stone.”

“Do you consume 10,000 points to integrate into the Steel Umbrella Fierce Star?”


After that, the number of points in the star system immediately decreased by 10,000 points, and then there was a luster on the iron umbrella.

The Dragon Sealing Stone slowly disappeared from the hands of the Star Commander and was completely integrated into the Steel Umbrella Fierce Star.

“Ding, the fusion is successful, and the grade is upgraded to an artifact.”

Name: Iron Umbrella Fierce Star

Quality: artifact

Category: Combat/Seal/Absorbent Ninja Tools

Forms: umbrella, sword, needle

Umbrella form: Absorbs Chakra ability, can absorb ninjutsu into Chakra energy.

Sword Form: Sealing ability, piercing into the enemy’s body, allowing the enemy to enter the illusion world woven by the host, so as to achieve the purpose of sealing the enemy.

Needle form: block the operation of Chakra, the twelve flying needles at the head of the umbrella can pierce the body of the animal/tailed beast/psychic beast, which will block the normal Chakra operation in the opponent’s body.

After becoming an artifact, the shape and appearance of the Steel Umbrella did not change at all, but it emitted a faint purple-gold light.

In addition, the three forms of this ninja tool also have three abilities.

The abilities of the umbrella form and the needle form were both available before, and the sealing ability of the sword was brought by the sealing dragon stone.

After the fierce star was integrated into the Dragon Sealing Stone, he slowly appeared in the hands of the star master.

The iron umbrella emitting a lilac halo looks very strange.


Xing Zhi immediately pulled out the fierce star in the handle of the umbrella, and then a fierce force erupted from the blade, and then a purple beam of light shot up into the sky.

After seeing this scene, Millennium was suddenly surprised: “What kind of artifact is this, it actually makes me feel trembling.” ”

When Long Daxian saw this artifact, he was also shocked.

He could feel that the beam of light emanating from the sharp handle seemed to have a strong ferocity.

Xing Zhi did not notice Long Daxian’s expression, and concentrated on this artifact.

He unfolded the steel umbrella, which was covered with a special halo, gently held the handle of the umbrella, and then rotated slightly, and the air flow around him whizzed.

The power is good.

Xingji nodded in satisfaction, whether it was absorbing ninjutsu and transforming it into Chakra, blocking Chakra’s operation, and sealing enemies into the world of illusion, it was a very practical ability.

At this moment, he heard Long Daxian’s voice.

“Can I show the artifact to Honza?”

Xing Zhi raised his head and saw that Long Daxian’s expression suddenly became solemn.

There seemed to be a deep guard in the eyes of the pair of dragons, although it was hidden deeply, it was still detected by Xingzhi.

He was slightly startled in his heart, and his body subconsciously tensed.

What’s going on……


The thousand years that had been floating on the side also looked at Long Daxian with some amazement.


Xing Zhi said after a moment of silence.

Although he didn’t understand why Long Daxian, who was kind before, suddenly showed such a guarded mood, he still handed over the artifact in his hand to Long Daxian.

The strength of this Dragon Great Immortal is unfathomable, and he has felt it since he came to Ascending Dragon Pond three years ago and saw Long Daxian for the first time.

It’s like an unobservable abyss.

Xing Zhi asked himself about his strength at this stage, as long as the six-level ninja was not born, he could be invincible to the ninja world.

But in the face of this dragon immortal who has lived for an unknown number of years, he feels incomparably small.

That feeling that comes out of instinct.

When he released the artifact in his hand, the artifact that emitted light immediately floated.

The artifact floated in front of Long Daxian, and then Long Daxian made a move that made Xing Zhi extremely shocked.

I saw Long Daxian open his mouth and swallow, and this iron umbrella that emitted purple light was immediately swallowed.


Xing Zhi was suddenly stunned, he was going to destroy the Steel Umbrella?

After thinking about it, he subconsciously wanted to enter the Star Escape Chakra mode.

But there was a voice of a thousand years in his ears: “Wait… Star Executive. ”

After hearing the words of the thousand years, Xingzhi reacted, so he immediately stopped.

“The patriarch will not destroy your artifact for no reason.”

The thousand-year-old body floated to Xingzhi’s side and said.

Xingzhi nodded: “Hmm. ”

So the gaze that was on Long Daxian carefully observed again.

In a moment, Long Daxian opened his mouth and vomited, and the Iron Umbrella Fierce Star was finally spit out of his mouth.

“What an impulsive human.”

After spitting out the Iron Umbrella, Long Daxian spoke again, but in the depths of his eyes, there was no such flickering guard as just now.

It’s like it never happened.

PS, please subscribe everyone, bow bye

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