“Xingzhi, come on.”

At this moment, the first generation of Meku Senju shouted towards the star.

Xing Zhi was slightly stunned, then nodded and walked out of the crowd.

The others looked at him in surprise.

“The first generation.”

After walking to the side of the Thousand Hand Pillar, Xingji opened his mouth and exclaimed.

“Although I am now in the state of rebirth of dirt, my ontological consciousness still exists.”

When Xingzhi walked to his side, the Thousand Hand Pillar spoke.

“The first generation, you say.”

Hoshiji nodded, knowing that the first Hokage had something he wanted to say.

“Actually, there is nothing to say, I just want to ask you about future plans.”

Thousand Hand Pillar turned to look at Xingzhi and asked.

“The future … Plan? ”

Xing Zhi was slightly stunned, feeling that there was an extraordinary penetrating nature in the gaze between the thousand hand pillars.

This is an aura he has never seen in any ninja, is this the original Naruto Senjukuma?

Xing Zhi muttered, and then pondered for a moment, his eyes staring at the Thousand Hand Pillar: “First generation, my thoughts are… Ninja World Future… Peace! ”


The two words were repeated between the thousand hand pillars, “This is what I care about the most. ”

“Since the first generation trusts me so much and gives me the position of the fifth generation Hokage in front of all the ninjas in Konoha Village, I have to do something in this position.”

Xing Zhi said slowly.

“Oh… Tell me, what do you want to do? ”

Senjujuma stared at him and said.

“Unify the ninja world!”

Xing Zhi directly said these four words, but these four words made the first generation of Mu Qian’s hand pillar feel a shock in his heart.


He was shocked by Xingzhi’s answer, so he immediately spoke, “This idea is good, but…”

“Do you know how many people will die like this?”

But Xing Zhi looked at him with a smile: “First generation, do you know that since you divided the nine tailed beasts to the major villages, it has only been a few decades now. ”

“What’s wrong with decades?”

Thousand Hand Pillar said suspiciously.

“In the first generation, can you imagine that in just a few decades, two ninja wars have broken out?”

“And between the villages, there are still unknown how many local wars…”

“During this period, I don’t know how many civilians and ninjas died.”

Listening to Xing Zhi’s words, the Thousand Hand Pillar was instantly stunned: “This… Why is this? ”

“In the first generation, if you want true peace, you can only unify the ninja world, and then create new rules, rules that bind ninjas, establish order, regulate the order of the boundary between ninjas and civilians, and let ninjas and civilians establish a connection, but there are laws between each other.”

“Although it is only a preliminary idea, no matter what the outcome, unifying the ninja world is the only chance to make the ninja world peaceful for a long time.”

Hoshiji did not hide the thoughts in his heart, in fact, it proved that the original Hokage was not very good whether it was economic, political or diplomatic.

“Your idea really surprised me, do you have a specific plan next?”

Hearing these words, Senjuju was not angry, so he asked.

“If you want to achieve long-term goals, short-term labor pains cannot be avoided, which I believe the first generation knew.”

“Even if you want to plant a tree, you have to go through the crisis of dying before it grows.”

“Not to mention the reform of the entire ninja world.”

“Instead of the ninja world war that breaks out every ten years, and you don’t know how many people die every time, it is better to change the pattern of the ninja world at once, even if it is with some special means, as long as it can achieve the final good goal, it is not hesitant!”

Hoshiji said lightly, he didn’t want to convince Senjukuma, in fact, they were all ninjas with clear values, and no one could convince anyone.

But he just wanted to let Senjuju hear that peace has another way of understanding.

“I don’t want to say anything about your thoughts, I just hope you can think more about the lives of civilians, for whom war is a disaster!”

Thousand Hand Pillar said lightly.

“Well said, First Lord, in fact, my greatest respect for you comes from your respect for civilians.”

Xing Zhi said with a smile, but shook his head again, “Unfortunately, you don’t know that the achievement of any goal requires absolute centralization. ”

“And what you did back then was just giving up your biggest advantage.”

“Originally, you were able to lead Konoha to unify the ninja world and make the ninja world peaceful for at least decades or even centuries, but you chose the most wrong way.”

“Therefore, the more difficult the goal is to achieve, the more special means must be used.”

“Your idea is good, but you can’t get peace for the civilians at all, and it turns out that since you divided the nine tailed beasts, the civilians of the ninja world have never had a good life.”

“Can you guarantee that the villages that get the tailed beasts will always guarantee peace?”

Hearing this, the Thousand Hand Pillar shook again, and then asked again.

“In the first generation, you will not bring peace to the ninja world, those villages that get tailed beasts are tantamount to getting a powerful weapon of war, and any tailed beast can easily destroy a village without tailed beasts.”

“I don’t have the confidence to keep the ninja world peaceful, but if you unify the ninja world and make rules and laws, at least you can maintain the peace of the ninja world for a hundred years.”

“No regime has long-term stability, but as long as it can guarantee peace for a short period of decades, hundreds of years, it is the greatest luck for civilians.”

Hearing this, Senjuju turned to look at him, “What are you going to do?” ”

“What did the original want me to do?”

Xing Zhi did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

“I only hope that you don’t start a war that affects the entire ninja world!”

The eyes between the thousand hand pillars stared at him deadly, as if they had seen him through.

“First generation, I don’t want to lie to you.”

Hoshiji shook his head, “If I could achieve peace without waging an all-ninja war, I wouldn’t do it. ”

“But you and I both know that peace in the ninja world does not depend on words, nor on reason, but on absolute strength.”


The expression between the thousand hand pillars was shocked, but he saw the smiling expression on Xingzhi’s face.

“I hope the first generation will not stop me from fulfilling my dream of unifying the ninja world.”

Xing Zhi said lightly: “Is it okay?” ”

“Maybe you can’t understand what I said, but if you watch it quietly, in a few decades, you will find that the entire ninja world will completely change.”

“Hehe, I was already a person who entered the soil many years ago, of course, I can’t understand your thoughts.”

“I just hope that you, as the fifth-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, can set your sights on the entire ninja world.”

Thousand Hand Pillar said slowly.

“No, it is precisely because my pattern lies in the entire ninja world that I have the idea of unifying the ninja world.”

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