My goodness, Snow White is wearing stockings, but

Sleeping Beauty is wearing white stockings? Are stockings so popular in this world?

What does Little Red Riding Hood wear? Fishnets?

As Jingchuan was daydreaming, he exerted a little force with his reincarnation eye.

The clothes covering Sleeping Beauty disappeared instantly.

He took a breath of cold air, and it was not until a cool feeling and Snow White's exclamation that Jingchuan slowly came back to his senses.

"Jingchuan, why is your nose bleeding?

Snow White gently wiped the blood from Jingchuan's nose with her hand towel.

"What a big thunder."

Jingchuan said in disbelief, falling into extreme shock.

How could a person have such a big thunder?

Which witch blessed Sleeping Beauty with the most perfect body in the world?

So the most perfect body is a big thunder?

But thinking about it this way, it does make sense.


It really exists, not a human fantasy. The most important thing is that it is a miracle of God to have such a slender body.

"What happened just now?" Snow White asked worriedly.

"No, you may not be so tired in the future."

Jingchuan sighed inexplicably.

Finally, he stretched out his hand tentatively, and his arm reached into the sleeping area of Sleeping Beauty.

An inexplicable energy began to come to Jingchuan's arm, like an illusion.

A beautiful song rang in his ears, like a mermaid singer.

It makes people fall asleep...

Wait, mermaid singer?


My nose is itchy again.

This sudden emotion immediately made Jingchuan recover.

The turning eye was fully opened, and the turning eye with chakra completely covered his body.

At the same time, the seeking jade also formed a huge sphere that wrapped Snow White in it.

The seeking jade of the Yin-Yang shield combination can isolate all energy statistics, and Sleeping Beauty's hypnosis is naturally included.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Jingchuan immediately pulled Snow White into it.

And at the moment when Jingchuan stepped into the vines.

In the distant black mountains, in the castle full of crows.

A witch slowly opened her eyes.

"Has someone broken into my blessings again?"

"He was not affected by Sleeping Beauty’s curse. Which country is this prince from?"

"Overestimating your own abilities!"

The witch's slightly dark lips exuded a cold breath, and she slowly stood up, revealing her beautiful body.

Hidden in the thin black gauze skirt was a body wrapped in silk.

With a thought, the staff hanging on the wall in the distance immediately floated into the witch's hand.

"I curse that all creatures that enter the Sleeping Beauty area will sleep forever with Sleeping Beauty."

After saying that, she pointed her staff at the sky.

Black energy gushed out instantly, and the witch's mouth corners raised.

She looked very proud, but before a while, the expression on her face froze.

With a bang, the staff in her hand exploded immediately, turning into debris all over the sky.

At the critical moment, a transparent protective shield immediately enveloped the witch, blocking the damage of the explosion.

Her face was extremely gloomy, and the witch's face was very ugly.

"Damn it! What kind of energy is this? It's not the dark aura, nor is it the weapon used by those damn exorcists. What on earth is this?"

The witch's expression was cold. Her curse was rebounded, which meant it was forcibly destroyed.

Ordinary people would never have such strength.

It is definitely not the same as her peers. The dark aura of fellow wizards is not like this.

It is not the power of hell used by exorcists. Instead, it is a bit like the light used by those people in heaven.

But something is wrong. What on earth is this?

For a moment, the witch's heart became completely curious.

However, she was unhappy that her weapon was destroyed. She was not a kind-hearted person, otherwise she would not be jealous because the king did not invite her when Sleeping Beauty was born, and directly cursed Sleeping Beauty to fall into the eternal city.

For a moment, the witch's heart was suddenly filled with resentment.

"The kingdom of selfishness should perish!"

"If you want to save Sleeping Beauty, I want to see if you are really that selfless."

After saying that, the witch summoned a magic wand again, and sat on it with a light jump.

With her slender legs wrapped in black silk, she flashed and flew in the air, flying towards the direction of the forest.

At this moment, Jingchuan and Snow White, who were wrapped in the Tao Jade, were as if they were in an empty space.

"No, Jingchuan, I feel like I can't walk anymore. The inexplicable pressure makes me a little breathless."

Snow White suddenly stopped and looked at Jingchuan with sweat dripping down her face.

Jingchuan also felt the pressure emanating from the middle of the attic, as if there was an extra mountain on his body.

The source of the pressure was the spindle that kept shaking in the attic.

Every rotation of the spindle would increase the pressure here. The Hyuga clan is a standard physical ninja, so their physical fitness is naturally needless to say.

But Snow White is just an ordinary person, and she has only just come into contact with ninjutsu in the past few days.

Naturally, she doesn't have such a strong physical body as Jingchuan.

If she goes any further, I'm afraid the pressure here will directly damage Snow White's internal organs.

"You stay here first, and leave the rest to me."

Jing Chuan said solemnly, and then quickly summoned two shadow clones. In addition, he also used the black desire to completely wrap Snow White in it.

"Wait for me."

After whispering to Snow White, Jingchuan exerted all his strength, and the surrounding pressure and sleep hypnosis seemed to be non-existent.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of several thousand meters and appeared directly in the courtyard of the attic.

If I remember correctly, the reason why Sleeping Beauty fell asleep was because she came to this attic and met an old lady when she was sixteen years old. She was accidentally hit by the spindle in the old lady's hand, and then she fell into a deep sleep, and the whole country fell asleep with her.

Later, she was rescued by the prince, and she began a happy life from then on.

The old ending of the fairy tale... ps: Please support me with data. There will be five more chapters in the evening. Thank you for your monthly tickets. Seven more chapters will be sent!

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