Qianshou Tobirama said solemnly: "First of all, it was my brother who told me, and then I would never joke at this kind of meeting. I think that the old panda patriarch of our Qianshou clan is fully capable of acting as Hokage's agent."

"First of all, the ancestors assisted the previous generation Qianshou Patriarch earlier, and fought for decades. Then he accompanied the previous generation Patriarch to grow and assisted him for decades."

"Then he accompanied my brother and I to grow up, assisted my brother for decades, and achieved today's Hokage. Moreover, this time Madara Uchiha fought with my brother, and it was the ancestor who took the risk and brought back the big brother."

"The old ancestor is now a hundred years old. What haven't I seen? He is competent enough to act as the agent of Hokage, and he is even more than enough."

Qianshou Zhujian's fat face was a little embarrassed.

It's muddy!Xiao Fei, you are exaggerating a little, it's over!

To assist the three generations of Chishou Patriarch?

Also assist the original Hokage?

I am so arrogant?Why don't I know?

Fortunately, with dark circles and a hairy face, no one else could see his expression.

At this time, the elder Qianshou frowned and said: "Tobirama, don't mess around. I understand Hasuma's character, and occasionally have some weird thoughts. You are calm, how can you mess with him? Go back and talk to Hasuma. Let’s discuss it. Besides, this is our business.”

Patriarch Uchiha said: "Indeed, do psychic beasts understand people's affairs? Such a joke, Hokage-sama's decision is a bit too much."

Except for the Sarutobi patriarch, the three patriarchs of Zhuludie still did not speak.

The other patriarchs spoke one after another, all of which were all against Qing Yishui.

At this time, Qianshou Zhujian walked to the oval table, where Qianshou Zhujian usually sat.

His fat bear paw pushed aside the table and chair, sat on the ground naturally, and grinned: "Everyone, you have a lot of people, are you bullying me with less pandas?".

Chapter 16

The truth is that they are all human, that is, there are many people.

He, Panda, is just one!

But being asked so suddenly by a panda, the expressions on everyone's face were a little weird.

Agree, is bullying you?Not so.

disagree?It seems that I just despise you panda.

At this time, the elder Qianshou smiled and said, "Uncle Zhujian, you are blaming us wrong, and everyone doesn't mean it. After all, you are a hundred years old, and Hokage needs to deal with so many things, and it is not suitable for you to be tired any more."

Qianshou Zhujian said indifferently: "I am willing to work hard and work gloriously, do you want to take care of me?"

"Uh!" Elder Qianshou was embarrassed.

Thousands of hands, most people still prefer this auspicious beast.Of course not because he is strong and respected.It's about liking cute pets, not looking down on them or hating them.

But in terms of seniority, Panda is the biggest now, even if he talks like this, the elder Qianshou can't fight back in front of Qianshou Tobirama.

"Of course I don't care about you anymore, I just don't think it's suitable for you. After all, in the clan, you don't participate in anything, and you don't understand many things." The elder Qianshou said again.

And the title has changed from "you" to "you".

"You understand? Let you be Hokage's agent! Then..." The big bear's paws spread out and pointed to the sides of the oval table: "Do you agree? If you agree, I will give way to him."

"That won't work." Patriarch Uchiha shook his head slightly and said, "Elder Yunjian, you are over seventy years old, so you shouldn't be too tired."

Patriarch Hyuga also said: "Indeed, we are still young, let us young people handle it!"

Elder Qianshou frowned, it was difficult to talk to the two patriarchs in a short time.

Qianshou Zhujian continued: "Patriarch Uchiha, you are strong and handsome. Then you can be the agent of Hokage! So, do you agree?"

Patriarch Hyuga shook his head slightly: "The panda ancestor of the Qianshou family, you are joking. We are the strongest family in Konoha, and I don't think I am lacking."

"That's fine, you do it, do you agree?" Qianshou Bamboo said.

"Disagree." The Uchiha patriarch responded directly.

At this time, everyone frowned.

Because they suddenly realized one thing.

Supporters of the three parties, no one can tell who.

Whoever does, will be opposed by others.

Even without this panda, there is no way to quickly end the battle for the position of proxy Hokage.

At this time, Tobirama Senju said, "Why don't you do it like this! Elder Senju, Patriarch Uchiha, Patriarch Hyuga, and Ancestor Panda. Four candidates, everyone votes for the election, and the one with the most votes wins."

"Is this fair enough? Of course, other patriarchs can participate if they want to participate. Do you think it's okay?"

"Yes." The patriarch Hyuga nodded: "That's fair."

Afterwards, he focused on the patriarch of the three clans of pigs, deer and butterflies, and said with a smile: "Recently, my Sun Xiang clan just wanted to buy a large batch of deer antlers, as well as some high-quality meat and flowers."

The Nara family is mainly engaged in medicinal food business, and also sells deer antler.The Qiudao and Yamanaka clans mostly open barbecue shops and flower shops.

As soon as he spoke, Patriarch Hyuga showed his intention to win over.

And here, everything else is clear, and it is their three clans who really decide the number of votes.

Chief Uchiha will also speak.

Qianshou Tobirama said directly: "Let's start directly! I represent my brother, and I agree with the panda ancestors to be the agent of Hokage."

Sarutobi Patriarch said: "I also agree with the panda ancestor to be the agent Hokage. I still look forward to you, my grandson Rizhan likes you very much."

Shimura Patriarch: "I also agree with the Panda ancestor to be the agent of Hokage."

Patriarch Uchiha said: "I choose myself."

Patriarch Kurama: "I choose Patriarch Uchiha."

Two votes.

Hyuga, Oil Girl, and Inuzuka all chose Hyuga's patriarch.

Three votes.

The Great Elder of the Thousand Arms, the Great Elder of the Thousand Arms selected by Hatake.

Two votes.

In the end, everyone looked at the Nara Patriarch.

Because these three clans are advancing and retreating together, the Nara clan chief has always been the think tank. Naturally, his decision is almost the decision of the three clans.

And their three tribes will decide the final candidate for this vote.

At this time, the Nara patriarch first said: "I also agree with the panda ancestors to be the agent of Hokage."

Qiu Dao Patriarch was surprised!

The mountain patriarch has a puzzled face!

However, the patriarchs of the two clans did not react slowly.

Qiu Dao Patriarch: "I choose the ancestor of the panda, you often go to my son's barbecue restaurant, come and visit more next time!"

The patriarch of the mountain: "I also choose the ancestor of the panda."

So...you don't have to choose

Senju Tobirama, Sarutobi Patriarch, Pig, Deer and Butterfly.

6 votes, a thousand hands bamboo.

"This Xiao Fei is very insidious! It seems that the patriarch of the three clans of the pig, deer and butterfly has already been bought. After the calculation, it is interesting to wait for the election."

At this time, Tobirama Chishou looked around the crowd: "The ballots are over, 6 votes, this is the result of everyone's election. If anyone still objects, then I have to suspect that you are our decision to provoke us all."

Chief Uchiha looked at Chief Nara, and then at Tobirama Senju. He felt that the three of them had been tricked.

Because the Nara three clans usually abstain from voting, a style where we are the middleman, we don't make a decision, just follow along.

And sometimes in order to balance the three clans of Senju, Hinata, and Uchiha, they will also swing their decisions, so that it is possible to maintain the balance of the three clans in the village.

But today, their sudden choice broke the original parallel in an instant.

There were also Clan Chief Hyuga and Elder Senju who had the same idea, and the three looked at each other.

At this time, the Uchiha patriarch coughed heavily.

At this moment, the young man of the Uchiha clan behind him suddenly said, "I don't think it's fair."

"Hokage is our Konoha's strongest existence. Even if he is the agent of Hokage, he has to have inferior strength. He is a panda psychic beast, and he still lacks strength, so he is not worthy of this position."

The patriarch Hyuga also coughed heavily, and the young man of the Hyuga clan behind him said at the same time: "Agent Hokage should have prestige and strength, this panda prestige is okay, but the strength... I don't think it's as good as me, an elite jounin! If it is passed on Going out, our Konoha agent Hokage is weak and will be laughed at by other villages."

The young man behind the Inuzuka Patriarch grinned and said, "Is your strength strong? Can't you know if you've beaten it?"

Senju Tobirama frowned, he still didn't know the real battle that day.

Really want to do it, in his memory, this old ancestor, can't.

Before he could speak, Qianshou Zhujian was the first to speak: "You guys!"

"You all fight pandas, you are really not human! But, how to fight?"


Chapter 17

In the previous sentence, everyone thought that Qianshou Bamboo was afraid, so he showed weakness and played emotional cards.

But before it's over, the second sentence shows that the pandas are going to fight them! ?

Pandas were also very famous during the Warring States Period, because the reputation of the Thousand Hands family spread far and wide. Naturally, the only auspicious beast in its clan that does not fight will also be noticed by some people.

Although... this reputation is the reputation of the world's only giant panda, this rapidly extinct and rare animal.

But also because of this reputation, anyone who knows giant pandas knows that it is a waste giant panda who is stronger than ordinary people but much worse than ninjas.

Especially after the establishment of Konoha, those who know pandas know even more.

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