"Okay, okay, it's all gone! I have to go to bed early and get up early, I'll have to go to work tomorrow!"

At this time, Qianshou Tobirama quickly said: "Wait, ancestor, there is one more thing."

Qianshou Bamboo stopped, a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?"

Qianshou Tobirama looked at everyone and said, "Recently, in several meetings, we have all had a lot of differences. I think this has always been the case, and it is not a long-term thing."

"So after a long discussion with my eldest brother, we finally plan to create the Konoha elders group."

"The elders of Konoha?" Elder Qianshou asked in confusion: "Tobirama, can you be specific, is it similar to the elders of our families?"

Qianshou Tobirama said: "Close. The members of the Konoha elders group are tentatively scheduled to be the elder brother of Hokage, as well as me, the guardian of Hokage, the elder Senju, and the ancestor of the representative Hokage Panda."

"Patriarch Uchiha and the Great Elder, Chief Hyuga and the Great Elder, Sarutobi, Shimura, Kurama, Oil Girl, Inuzuka, Hagi, Nara, Yamanaka, and the nine chiefs of Qiu Dao."

"Of course, if each clan has a strong shadow-level strength, they can take the initiative to show their strength, and they can also be members of the elders."

"Because... the elders have one vote each, and Hokage has two votes. In the future, if a major decision of Hokage is rejected by one-third of the members, a vote will be held, and the choice with the most votes shall prevail."

"Do you think it's okay?".

Chapter 20

After Qianshou Tobirama finished speaking, everyone fell into contemplation.

The creation of Konoha is claimed to be a joint creation of various ethnic groups.

In fact, the Thousand Hands Clan conquered all the families, with the Thousand Hands Clan as the core, other clan vassals, plus civilians, created Konoha.

From the very beginning, Senju Hashima's powerful fighting power suppressed all.

His decision was almost unopposed.

Occasionally there are disagreements, and they are just arguing with each other.

Now that the major families have been given the opportunity to decide, some people's eyes flickered, showing a touch of excitement.


Konoha's core right to speak is the right to rule Konoha.In Konoha's prestige, there is hope for a stronger future.

At this time, Qianshou Zhujian was also thinking in his heart: "It turns out that the Konoha elders group was so large at the beginning, and later, it has changed too much."

Thinking of the later three generations of Hokage, only Shimura Danzo, Koharu, and Mito Gate Yan were left in the group of elders.

"It's still brilliant now!" Qianshou Zhujian couldn't help but sigh.

"Shadow-level powerhouses, to get a vote, seems to be giving power to a big family, but it is actually attracting them to show their true strength."

"The bright side is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is that, secretly, it is impossible to know when it will suddenly bring a crisis to Konoha."

"As for the voting system of the elders, will it affect Hokage's decision? Most likely not, the old coin of Tobirama is definitely counted."

When thinking between Qianshouzhuzhu, the elder Qianshou first said: "I agree, this is fair, and it is good for all of us. What about the two?"

The Hinata Clan Chief smiled and said, "We, the Hinata Clan, of course agree with such an enlightened decision. As expected of the Hokage-sama we elected together, a wise decision."

Patriarch Uchiha nodded slightly: "Yes, I also agree with this voting system."

Subsequently, the other patriarchs also agreed.

This is clearly giving them the right to speak, and no one is stupid to object.

As for questioning why Senju Tobirama also has a vote?

No one doubts this, because Senju Tobirama has just said that the shadow-level powerhouse is also counted as a vote, and Senju Tobirama is an absolute shadow-level powerhouse.

"Okay, that's the decision. Starting tomorrow, if there are shadow-level powerhouses in each family, you can come to me, and I will be counted in the Konoha elders group."

"The greatest effect of the members of the elders is to justly choose the choices that everyone agrees with, so you don't have to worry about wasting your time. Well, starting today, I announce that the Konoha elders are officially established!"


Afterwards, everyone left the training ground.

In the Nara tribe, the tea has been brewed in the house.

Qiu Dao Patriarch couldn't wait to say: "Why do you agree with Qianshou Tobirama? If we don't agree, then they will all think of benefiting the three of us. Isn't that better?"

The patriarch of the mountain also said: "Yes! Also, the Qianshou clan is too strong, and our other clans are even weaker."

The Nara patriarch poured tea into the two cups, then poured a cup himself, slowly picked up the cup, took a sip, closed his eyes, and showed a look of enjoyment.

After more than ten seconds, he looked at the two of them and said, "Everyone is in a hurry, too impatient. How long can you be acting as Hokage?"

"Listen to Qianshou Tobirama, let's take a month or two!" said Yamanaka Patriarch.

The Nara Patriarch said: "So...a month or two later, Senju Hakuma will continue to be Hokage, and even in the next few decades, it will be him. Isn't the Senju clan still the strongest clan?"

"When Qianshou Zhujian returns to his position again, will our three clans still play a big role at that time?"

Qiu Dao Patriarch: "Not much."

The Nara patriarch continued: "It's better to give the icing on the cake than to give help in the snow. Now that Senju is not there, it is also a time when the Qianshou family is temporarily weak."

"Let's help, the Qianshou brothers will naturally remember our goodness, and there will be hidden benefits in the future. After this opportunity, if we want to help, the Qianshou family does not necessarily need it."

"What's more, are Hinata and Uchiha easy to get along with? We are not as good as we are in terms of strength, and we are not as good as in terms of power. If there is a disagreement, we have no chance to refute."

"But it's different when Panda becomes Hokage's agent. We really don't agree with him because he is Panda and doesn't understand human affairs."

"That's right!" Qiu Dao Patriarch said suddenly.

"So, the advantages of pandas acting as Hokage's agents outweigh the disadvantages for the three of us." Nara Patriarch said calmly: "Also, I feel that pandas can be contacted, maybe there are other benefits for us."


Uchiha clan.

The elder Uchiha, who is in his seventies, said: "Do you plan to reveal that one and fight for a voting right?"

Patriarch Uchiha frowned and said: "This time is not suitable, it is best to be at a critical time. For example, we are one vote away, and it will be decisive at that time."

"Is Fulin really all right?" The elder Uchiha asked again.

"I have already sent someone to look for it in the East of Konoha, and when I come back, I will know how strong the panda's secret technique is."

"I don't think it's too strong. After all, if he is really powerful, it's impossible not to show it in the past [-] years."

"During this period, the Qianshou Clan has also experienced a lot of danger. If he didn't make a move, it naturally means that the effect of his move was not very big."

The land of the Hyuga clan, the land of the Inuzuka clan...

Today is destined to be a sleepless night, and the agent Hokage is a giant panda. The news spread in Konoha, and he was shocked.

The establishment of the Konoha Elder Group also gave Konoha Ninjas various ideas.

Two major events in a row are enough to make people think more about the future direction of the family...

In the early morning of the next day, Qianshou Zhujian didn't get up early, and slept until noon before getting up, slowly eating a few catties of beef, and then put on his Hokage Yushen robe and left home.

When I came to Hokage's office, Qianshou Tobirama was already waiting.

"Tell the ancestors about the work that Hokage has to do today!" Qianshou Tobirama said.

"Do I really want to work?".

Chapter 21

Qianshou Zhujian felt that he was just an empty shell of Hokage, and he walked through the scene, and then nothing happened to him.

Seeing Qianshou Tobirama specially waiting for him, it seems that he has his own business?

Qianshou Tobirama said: "After all, it is the agent of Hokage. There are some things that need to go through the scene from you, so you need to sign or something."

As he said that, he looked at Qianshou Taohua with a melon-faced face.

"For the next two months, Taohua will serve as your assistant and escort."

Qianshou Zhujian raised the big bear's paw: "Xiao Fei, did you do it on purpose? Can I write with a pen?"

Qianshou Tobirama smiled and said, "I have prepared your exclusive Hokage seal for you, you just need to seal it."

"That's about the same, so you don't need to work all the time, right?" Qianshou Bamboo said.

"You don't have to be there every day, but don't be there all the time. It's good to look like you are. Because of the real thing, I will handle it." Qianshou Tobirama said.

"Of course, if you really want to deal with some things, you can. Taohua can help you sort out all kinds of information on Konoha."

"Don't, I'm not interested in this." Thousands of hands shook their claws.

Qianshou Tobirama said: "Also, the yard I mentioned yesterday, I have already had people build and decorate it, and it will be completed in about five days."

"That's fine, go back! Leave it to me here."

Qianshou Zhujian walked to Hokage's desk, looked at the small chair, pushed it away, sat on the ground, took a basket of apples, and ate again.

Qianshou Tobirama smiled bitterly.

Qianshou Taohua on the side was helpless, and a giant panda in a Hokage robe was eating apples at the table.

This picture is really alive and well.

"Find me in an emergency." Qianshou Tobirama looked at Qianshou Taohua and said solemnly.

"Understood." Qianshou Taohua nodded seriously.

Pandas can ignore this, but they can't.

Qianshouzhujian is so powerful that some people dare to assassinate.

What's more, today's pandas, in their eyes, only know the secret technique of flying people, but their strength may not be strong.

Thousand-handed Taohua is to protect pandas.

After Chishou Tobirama left, Chishou Hasuma held a large apple and handed it to Chishou Taohua: "Eat the apple!"

"You eat, I'm not hungry." Qianshou Taohua responded while sitting at the assistant's desk.

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