Even he knew that no one in the current ninja world could knock out the nine tails with one palm.

And now, he saw with his own eyes that this silly panda ancestor just slapped the bear paw with his nine tails.

Then, the huge nine tails flew like this!

At the same time, Madara Uchiha was also surprised.

He had never met anyone who had knocked the Nine-Tails away with physical skills.

Not to mention that he is now the nine tails who disguised the form of Susanoo.

How powerful is this physique?

Jiuwei flew upside down for a few hundred meters, crashed into a mountain, and stopped.

"Hoo!" He let out an angry roar.

Although he was controlled by Madara Uchiha, Nine Tails was still a little sensible.

At this time, he was blown away by an ant in his eyes, which made him leave with anger.

At that time, a giant knife in the forelegs of the nine tails disappeared, grabbing the ground.

The two hind limbs were slightly bent, and then stepped on it violently.

"Boom!" Centered on the hind legs and feet of the nine tails, the ground collapsed, cracking open countless cracks, and a giant pit appeared.

Air waves scattered in all directions.

After that, the figure of the nine tails disappeared instantly and sprinted in a straight line.

Although it is huge and looks clumsy, its sprint speed is super fast, like a huge purple shadow.

As soon as it disappeared, the nine tails straddled several hundred meters and appeared in front of the bamboos of the thousand hands.

The huge claws have already slapped down, approaching the top of Qianshou Zhujian's head!

Qianshou Zhujian waved the bear's paw again.

Flesh palms and giant claws collide.

"Boom!" The nine tails sprinted fast enough, but were bounced off even faster.

As soon as it collided, it was only stagnant for a moment, and its huge body flew upside down!

"This meat ball is powerful enough." Panda Qianshou Zhuma's face was full of surprises.

And at this time he also fell to the ground.

Looking at the two bear paws with thicker pads, he rubbed the big bear paws with satisfaction.

"Really, fierce!" Qianshou Hashirama said to himself again.

Compared with the huge nine-tailed, how powerful is the little panda inside?

This power is fierce enough!

Rumbling... Collapsed two mountain peaks in a row, and the nine tails, which flew upside down for thousands of meters, stopped.

Madara Uchiha, who was standing on the head of the nine tails, frowned.

Then, under his control, Jiuwei waved his claws, and a huge boulder was shot and flew directly to the Qianshou Bamboo Room.

Qianshou Bamboo hit the boulder with his palm, and the boulder was bounced away, shattering countless pieces on the mountain.

"The power is very strong, but the destructive power is actually not strong." Uchiha Madara said: "It may not be Taishu, although I don't know what's wrong, but this panda is not as powerful as imagined."

As he thought in his mind, the blue Susa armor covering Kyuubi's body dissipated.

"Go, kill him! I am between the pillars." Uchiha Madara said indifferently, and then jumped directly off the top of the nine tails.

During the flight, a large number of blue chakras emerged around him.

Complete body Susanoo!

Afterwards, Nine Tails rushed towards Qianshou Bamboo.

The complete Susanoo, under the control of Madara Uchiha, rushed directly to Senju Hashirama.

"Old Ancestor be careful, if you lose, go back to Konoha quickly." Qianshou Shimao shouted, and then put his hands together.

Uchiha Madara's behavior just now, he also saw it.

Naturally, he also saw the problem of the "physical technique" of the ancestors of the panda. The power is very strong, but the damage caused to the nine tails is actually not much.

"Kacha!" The big Buddha who turned into a Buddha on the top broke away from the wood of thousands of arms behind him and walked towards Madara Uchiha.

"As expected of the top existence in the ninja world, the observation is strong enough!" Qianshou Zhujian felt helpless, and this was seen.

The bombing of the meat ball fruit is a kind of ability.

Anything that his palms touched, or a slash, energy, etc. attack, was forcibly bounced off.

It can bounce off ordinary people and can be shot to death, but its attack power is not strong enough to be absolutely destroyed or crushed.

Therefore, even if the powerful armor Susanohu has a strong defense, even if it is bounced, it is almost uninjured.

And only nine tails, it was only thrown away.

A stone that comes flying is also bounced off.

Unless he is given time, compressed air, and can launch a meat ball impact cannon, the destructive power will be super strong.

But the ability to display in an instant is only a bounce.

Madara Uchiha and Kyuubi joined forces, and they are the same means.

With the nine tails alone, he still does the same thing.

Madara Uchiha just fought him twice before realizing that the stone was an experiment just now.

The shouts of Qianshouzhujian can also be seen, and the other party also sees that his strength is not as strong as he looks.

"But it doesn't matter. It's enough to be able to hold the nine tails. Anyway, just bounce and bounce the dead fox to death."

Thousands of hands grinned, the bear's paw waved, and the figure disappeared instantly...

Double battle, start again! .

Chapter 4

Without the protection of Susanoo's armor, the nine-tailed body is also huge, and the speed is still very fast.

Even, he is one of the fastest among all tailed beasts.

There are flesh balls among the bamboos of the thousand hands, and the speed is faster.

As soon as we set off, the distance of thousands of meters is just a blink of an eye.

"Bang!" Before the nine-tailed attack, Qianshou Zhujian rushed to the front, and the fleshy bear paw hit the nine-tailed.

Immediately, Kyuubi flew upside down.

After flying more than [-] meters upside down, Jiuwei grabbed the ground, grabbed two ravines more than ten meters deep, and forcibly stopped.

Then, the black tailed beast Chakra began to condense in its mouth.

Tailed beast jade!

At the same time, Qianshou Zhujian raised both palms high.

The meatball's ejection ability was turned on, and Senju Bamboo began to exert a strong pressure on the atmosphere in the air.

Soon a large air mass resembling a bear's paw formed.

As his palms continued to fold, the air mass began to rapidly compress and become smaller.

Soon the air mass was reduced to a small air mass about the size of his bear paw.

At this time, the huge black-tailed beast jade was sprayed out by the nine tails, and hit the Qianshou Bamboo in a straight line.

"Go!" The small air mass in Qianshou Zhujian's hand also bounced with his hands, flying straight.

Bear's Paw Shock Cannon!

A hundred meters away, the air mass of the bear's paw collided with the black tailed beast jade.


A powerful air mass explodes into a hurricane to wreak havoc.

The explosion of the tailed beast jade also forms a powerful destructive force.

A pit of dozens of meters appeared on the ground, and everything was destroyed along the way.

The ground in that area collapsed, and the gravel shattered and flew, and even turned into gravel.

The aftermath of the air wave spreads, grinding the gravel into powder.

At the same time, not far away, Madara Uchiha's complete body, Susanohu, and the Kazami Buddha, controlled by Senju Hashirama, fought again.

The destructive power of the two giants is even more exaggerated than that of Senju Bamboo.

"The meat ball fruit only makes my palms stronger, but my body is not strong enough to be attacked by the aftermath."

Thinking that he might be suddenly stabbed by Uchiha Madara in the back, Qianshou Zhujian took advantage of the aftermath of the tailed beast jade's explosion, and slapped the air again, and the figure disappeared.

"Huh!" The distance of [-] meters stopped in an instant.

Nine tails was hit by Qianju Bamboo again, and the huge body was out of control, and it bounced directly thousands of meters away.

After that, Qianshou Bamboo flickered again, and once again cast the meat ball fruit and slapped the body of Nine Tails.

The latter didn't even have time to stop his body, and he was bounced off thousands of meters again.

Then, bounce off again!

After three bounces, Kuwei and Chiju Takema were directly three or four kilometers away from the battlefield where Chishou Shima was located.

It seems that the meat ball fruit can easily fly the nine tails.

But they are all instantaneously able to release power without accumulating power, and the damage to the tailed beast nine tails with super defense is very small.

And after repeatedly displaying the ability.

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