Chapter 54

"Xiao Fei, I copied your idea again. It's my fault that you have such a good idea. You really followed the trend and killed the original, leaving Xiao Fei with no ideas to use." Qianshou Zhujian complained in his heart.

On the surface, he said solemnly: "Although the twelve clans jointly created Konoha, the actual creation of Konoha is based on thousands of hands, gathering eleven clans."

"Really, whether they want to create Konoha or not is a matter of human selfishness."

"Why is it the most stable on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday? Because there are three clans, there are many ninjas, and unified management can solve security problems faster."

"But on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, there are three groups at a time. First of all, they don't have enough ninjas, and they are not under unified management, and then there are even some who get through."

"For example, the daily security management of the three clans is divided into three parts. If a thief stole something, he ran from the area managed by the Inuzuka family to the one managed by the Kurama family."

"So...the thief belongs to the Kurama family to take charge of the arrest? Or the Inuzuka family? At this time, if the ninjas of the Inuzuka family rushed into the Kurama family area, the latter said they were grabbing territory."

"In the end, the thief was not caught, but the ninjas of the two tribes fought."

"This has happened more than once. This month alone, I have dealt with it three times." Qianshou Tobirama frowned.

Senju Bamboo continued: "So, these three days began to be chaotic. Then Sundays were all civilians, although they were directly managed by Hokage."

"But, do you two have this time? At most, there are five Jōnin people to deal with, and the five people are not fixed. There are often personnel changes due to ninja missions, and there are many changes in the Chunin and Shimonin."

"As a result... a group of confused ninjas, how to manage? It's even more chaotic. Moreover, these seven days, something really went wrong, who is to be held responsible?"

"The ninjas of the three clans can still be clearly held accountable. In the future, it will be difficult to hold them accountable."

"So, I thought of creating the Konoha Police Force. From then on, all public security issues will only be managed by this department, and it is their responsibility to have problems."

"At the same time, these ninjas do not need to do ninja missions anymore, but directly receive the salary from the Konoha police force."

"They manage their respective areas, and if there is a problem, they should deal with or take responsibility for the ninja."

"This idea is good! It's clear and simple. From now on, I won't be afraid that someone will deal with it indiscriminately and cannot be held accountable, which will make the situation even more serious." Senju Tobirama excitedly patted the table and stood up.

Then, he frowned and sat down again: "However, there is still a problem. If ninjas from major families enter this department, the nature may still be the same as before, and it is difficult to deal with."

Qianshou Zhujian said: "Then only let one family accept this department."

"One, it's not good!" Qianshou Tobirama said: "In this department, unless the three clans, other clans do not have so many ninjas. But the three clans, no matter which clan, once took over this department."

"This is to manage the security of the entire Konoha. It is an obvious right. Whoever takes over will make this family's power and prestige soar."

"You, are you going to let our Qianshou family take over?"

At this time, Qianshou Zhujian frowned and said, "Thousands of hands are not suitable."

"Now I'm Hokage. [-]% of the workers in the Hokage building are from the Qianshou family, which is already considered a power level. If we Qianshou, we will take the security in our hands."

"At that time, the other eleven clans will definitely feel a sense of crisis, and they are afraid that we will take the opportunity to continuously expand our power, thereby overshadowing them, and eventually there will be a crisis of rebellion."

Qianshou Tobirama said: "Indeed, when the ancestors voted as proxy Hokage, they saw that they did not want to be Qianshou. Now only Uchiha and Qianshou are left."

"Many of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan are arrogant, fierce, and have always threatened the village, so they are not suitable."

"The Hyuga clan is relatively peaceful, and their white eyes are also suitable for observing the surroundings of Konoha in all directions, which is easier to calm down the chaos."

"If it's really a choice, I'll choose Hyuga."

Qianshouzhujian said: "I think Hyuga is also good. Ancestor, what do you think?"

"The two clans together!" Qianshou Bamboo said.

"How do you say it?" Qianshou Tobirama said.

Qianshou Bamboo said: "Thousands are Hokage, if Hyuga is Konoha Police Force, then the same three clans, Uchiha has nothing, what do you think they think?"

"Even if there is no rebellion, once the hope of rising is lost, there will be more ideas. So a bowl of water is level, and the Konoha police force has established two divisions, in charge of the east and west areas of Konoha."

"And the situation of criminals running from east to west was explained after the establishment. Wherever the crime started, it belongs to the police force of the corresponding district."

"Another police force can assist or ignore it, but once obstructed, the obstructer will be held accountable."

"Because we still need to pay attention to one thing, the Hyuga clan can't all be used as security forces. Their white eyes are more effective in the battlefield than in the village."

"If they manage the law and order completely, and a war really breaks out, we urgently need white-eyed ninjas. If most of them are allowed to leave, there will be chaos in the village."

"So there has to be a gap. In comparison, the power of the writing wheel has the greatest effect, and the ordinary writing wheel has little effect on the battlefield."

"Yes, the decision-making of the ancestors is more complete, so it's decided." Qianshou Hashirama nodded.

Qianshou Tobirama looked at Qianshou Zhujian, his eyes were slightly subtle, and he nodded slightly: "I agree too."

Coming here today to say this, Qianshou Bamboo is naturally selfish.

Uchiha Yuan was severely injured by him, and from that moment on, he and Uchiha became enemies.

If there is a chance in the future, the other party will never make it easier for him.

Instead of waiting for them to deal with you, take the initiative.

For example, the Konoha Police Force seems to make Uchiha's prestige skyrocket, but at the same time, many Uchiha ninjas are very arrogant, and they will definitely provoke civilians when dealing with security.

It was not obvious at first, but after a long time, Uchiha's reputation in the village will be ruined.

And the reason for adding Hinata was just because he couldn't find a reason to exclude Hinata.

What's more, Hyuga doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend, so let them take them along and be trapped together.

At this time, Qianshou Zhujian said: "It will be decided, but we can't explain which two clans, it means that this is my idea, I have a right to choose. Then, if you have money, let's get three points."

"They will give gifts." The corners of Qianshou Tobirama's mouth twitched slightly: "Good idea, worthy of being an ancestor who has lived for a hundred years."

At this time, Qianshou Zhuma said again: "There is still a plan, Tobirama must like it."

"Also! Say it now!" Qianshou Tobirama said impatiently.

"Konoha Anbu."


Chapter 55

Qianshou Bamboo said: "During the period of war, the major families are roughly divided into three types. One is ordinary clansmen, such as farming and animal husbandry, the second is protecting their own clan's land, and the third is going out to fight."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." Qianshouzhuma nodded.

Qianshou Bamboo said: "In the beginning, every clan probably had these three kinds. Since the establishment of Konoha, every clan has still maintained this structure. There is no problem."

"But now the Great Elder of Qianshou mainly manages Qianshou. The two of you are strong enough that you don't need too much ninja protection, and there are not many people around."

"At the same time, the Five Great Ninja Villages have just been established. For the sake of stable development, they do not want wars, and naturally they will not often assassinate the opponents in power."

"Even if there is, the frequency is not as high as during the war. At the same time, the two of you have been developing Konoha, and there are fewer killers around you."

"Not many protect ninjas, not many assassination ninjas, and not many management ninjas."

"Simply put, you never thought that as Naruto, aren't there enough ninjas you can control?"

Having said that, he looked at Senju Hashirama.

Qianshou Hashirama frowned, and then smiled: "It's okay! Tobirama can manage it, and there are not many assassinations of ninjas."

"After all, our main purpose is to develop Konoha. There are many such ninjas, and they will return to the time of the war. As for the person who protects me, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who comes anyway."

"It's not like this big brother, that's not what the panda ancestors meant." At this time, Qianshou Tobirama frowned and looked at Qianshou Zhuma: "What you want to say is that there are few people in our family."

"Yes." Qianshou Bamboo said: "When the two of you didn't control the Qianshou family, you didn't think about it. Even if you want to control it now, how much can you control?"

"In six years, in order to balance, you have allocated some resources to each family. Will the Thousand Hands understand you?"

The last sentence was when he occasionally chatted with Qianshou Taohua, and heard her occasional complaint.

Even the Hokage Guards occasionally complained that her own clan received little benefits, not to mention the other Senju clan who were not beside Senju Hashima.

Qianshou Hashirama is extremely powerful, but he is too selfless, as can be seen from his behavior of selling the captured tailed beasts to expand other villages.

For the sake of stability and no wars, he will not scruple the "selfish" thoughts of his family.

Qianshou Zhujian said: "Little column, standing too high, but ignoring the people below who are waiting for the soup."

"Human beings are mostly selfish. They have worked hard for so many years to achieve the family that created Konoha. It is time to elect you as Hokage as the patriarch. It is time to enjoy the achievements of the year."

"Although the Qianshou clan now has the greatest benefit, are they satisfied? Because of the twelve clans, there are also civilian ninjas."

"It's still impossible to satisfy them, and at this time, if you want to have absolute control over Konoha, there are only two options."

Qianshou Tobirama said at the right time: "How about giving our Qianshou children more rights and interests, and from now on, we will control our clan again and ensure our control."

"Otherwise, we will re-cultivate our own forces to replace those clansmen who will be far away from us."

"And choosing the first one, we must compress the rights and interests of the other eleven clans, which will naturally cause dissatisfaction. The conflict between the Qianshou and the eleven clans will become higher and higher until a certain clan breaks out."

"Choose the second option, balancing the rights and interests of the twelve clans including Qianshou. Although it will damage the clan, it is still within the controllable range."

"In this way, we need to train a large number of civilian ninjas, and then... is the Konoha Anbu that the ancestor of the panda said?"

"Yes." Qianshou Zhujian said: "The full name is Konoha Assassination Unit, I have already thought about the reasons."

"Since Xiaozhu was injured, several groups of killers have come from the outer village. A year later, Yunyin Village also came to assassinate our Konoha Ninja School."

"Why should only others assassinate us Konoha? We Konoha will let them bully and not kill people?"

"So, the establishment of the Konoha assassination unit, explained to the major families, is to train our Konoha's Anbu ninja. In the future, as long as we want, we can assassinate the villages at any time."

"Highlight Konoha's strength and not easy to mess with. Actually, the effect of this unit is not mainly to assassinate, but to cultivate our Naruto ninjas."

"The blatant expansion of power, although Hokage's expansion is understandable, but the twelve tribes including Qianshou do not think so, they will feel the crisis, the crisis of being replaced."

"So, use the guise of an assassination unit to develop your own power."

"Ancestor panda, there are so many ninjas, doesn't it still make people feel like we are expanding?" Qianshou Zhuma said.

Qianshou Zhujian grinned and said: "So, the next step is the key point. Qianshou now manages many positions. For example, the ninja tasks are assigned to the Qianshou family, and they also take a lot of it."

"And when Hyuga and Uchiha have the Konoha Police Force, they will definitely take the opportunity to make money in the future. With the three major families, the other nine families cannot be completely swept up."

"So, the Konoha Assassination Force mainly accepts the nine clans and civilians. In the early days, the nine clans were divided into nine groups of Anbu, and the civilians were divided. The civilian ninja was our main development."

"Slowly disrupt them, let the commoners integrate into the members of the nine clans, crack their family concept, and deepen the concept of Konoha."

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