Afterwards, the tip of Qianben Sakura's blade went down and sank into the ripples in the ground.

Thousands of Sakura · Swastika Solution!

"Boom boom boom..."

From the ripples in the ground on both sides of the Qianshou Bamboo Room, two rows of huge blades quickly rose.

Then the giant knives shattered together, flying and scattered, turning into billions of blades like cherry blossoms.

These torrents of flying blades flew directly around the body of Qianshou Bamboo, making its momentum rise in vain, far exceeding the previous one.

The sudden sprinting nine tails also felt his change and stopped suddenly.

Then a large amount of chakra quickly condensed in the mouth.

Nine-tailed black chakra swelled up like flames all over her body.

This time, the chakra ball in his mouth did not become larger, but continued to condense, and even produced black lightning-like power.

"Tailed Beast Cannon? It's really smart. It feels the danger and wants to launch the most powerful attack. Let's see which of us is stronger."

The Zanpakutō Senbon Sakura appeared in the hands of Senju Bamboo.

Rows of hundreds of long pink knives formed quickly behind him.

Then, all the long knives flew into the Thousand Sakura sword body in his hand, causing it to burst into a dazzling white light.

A dazzling white light shone from his entire body.

"Boom!" Two white sword lights appeared on the back of Qianshou Zhujian, turning into a pair of huge white flame wings.

Its body floated up naturally, and its momentum was rising steadily.

At this moment, his body seemed to be integrated with the Zanpakutō in his hand, and his aura already covered everything around him.

Even Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha who were fighting couldn't help but stop and look over.

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

"This is, the ancestors are actually good at such a powerful swordsmanship!"

"Boom!" At this moment, a black chakra beam shot out directly from Jiuwei's mouth, flying straight to the Qianshou Bamboo.

Tail Beast Cannon!

Condensed to the extreme, the powerful tailed beast Chakra, the destructive power seems to tear the space, and it will directly destroy everything in front.

Revealing the horror of destroying everything!

At this time, Qianshou Bamboo shot in the air.

The white wings spread out, and his figure disappeared instantly.

A white burning sword light traversed the sky and opened the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it already hit the black tailed beast cannon beam.

The final scene? The White Emperor Sword!


The strongest attacks from both sides collided.

In an instant, a huge sword light erupted, directly penetrating the beam of the black tailed beast cannon.

This beam of light did not cause any damage to the thousand-handed Bamboo Realm with the unity of the human and the sword!

Only a black beam of light could be seen in the air, and it looked like a thousand-handed bamboo room had been shattered into dust.


But if you look closely, you can see that there is a white sword light in the black, penetrating from the end of the beam.

Rapidly shoot towards the starting point of the beam, Nine Tails!

"Boom!" A hundred meters away, the flat top of the mountain was directly bombarded into two sections by the huge tailed beast cannon, forming a huge valley.

At this time, the white sword light had completely penetrated the beam, and the sword in Qianshou Zhujian suddenly slashed, and the huge sword light slashed directly into Jiuwei's body! .

Chapter 8

Because, just when Qianshou Bamboo was about to smash Jiuwei's head.

Kyuubi's reaction was fast enough, and he tilted his head quickly.


A sword.

Starting from the neck of the nine tails and reaching the right forelimb, the body of the nine tails was directly split in half!

Jinghong's sword fell in an instant, and the powerful nine tails, who were not afraid of any ninjutsu attack, were directly slashed by this sword!

Nine Tails let out a huge roar of pain, and panic flashed in his eyes.

Since his birth, only Qianshou Hashirama has suppressed and sealed him, and he has not been hurt.

Now, the ant-like little beast in his eyes actually hit him with a single sword!

Then, the directly split third of the nine-tailed body fell to the side, shattered with a bang, turned into a black-tailed beast Chakra, and quickly poured into the nine-tailed body.

Its severed limbs and body grow rapidly.

However, at this time, his body size has suddenly shrunk, and his momentum has also been reduced in vain.

At this time, Nine Tails' originally crazy eyes appeared sober.

The sword of Qianshou Zhuma directly split Uchiha Madara's control over the nine tails.

Afterwards, Nine-Tails glanced at Qianshou Zhujian with fear, and instead of attacking again, he turned and ran away!

The mighty nine tails, run away!

"Hashimoto, hurry!" Qianshou Zhuma shouted.

Just as Jiuwei turned around, suddenly, a large number of wooden stakes burst out of the ground around him.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless vines and stumps flew out, directly entangling Nine Tails' limbs, tails, and body.

"Plop!" Jiuwei, who had just lifted his foot, was pulled and fell to the ground.

"Roar!" Jiuwei roared, trying his best to break free from the entanglement of the vines.

Unfortunately, the more he struggled, the more he was suppressed.

In the end, the huge wooden hemisphere completely suppressed the nine tails.

Kuo'an dropped his hand!

At this time, the word "Zuo" appeared in the palm of Qianshouzhujian, and slapped the ground.

A huge wooden arm flew out next to the wooden hemisphere that suppressed the nine tails.

Directly slap the hemisphere, a huge "seat" character appears, and then a series of strange seals are centered around this, flowing around, directly wrapping the entire wooden hemisphere.

Nine tails are sealed!

"Fortunately, the ancestors seriously injured the nine tails. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to seal the nine tails in my current state. Even when they were in their prime, they had to work hard to seal them. Now that there are no nine tails, this battle is almost over."

Madara Uchiha frowned, just now he wanted to stop Chishou Hashima's shot, but unfortunately the other party shot too fast and it was too late.

At this time, Qianshou Hasuma looked at Madara Uchiha and said, "Madara, Konoha was created together by us. In your current state, it's not enough. And you don't want to really destroy Konoha, right? This is what we created together. Home. Come back! Let's develop Konoha together."

"No! That's yours, not mine. Huh! A group of hypocritical people, this Konoha doesn't belong to me or Uchiha from the beginning. I want to come back, but not to develop, but to destroy Konoha . As for you and me, who is stronger? You won't know until you fight! Do you really think you can beat me [-]%?"

Madara Uchiha shouted angrily, and then rushed to Senju Hasuma again.

Qianshou Zhujian, who is thousands of meters away, was about to rush forward to take a shot, but Qianshou Zhujian said loudly: "Old Ancestor, this is our duel, I can do it!"

"Okay, let's go!" Qianshou Zhujian was helpless.

The Senju Hashirama, who fought Uchiha Madara and Nine Tails alone, is now only against Uchiha Madara, and the battle situation is almost set.

Let these two brothers decide the winner!

Then, Qianshou Zhujian appeared a hundred meters away and looked around.

Although the battle situation is set, he is not sure whether there is black Jue in the dark.

Really Hei Jue suddenly rushed out and attacked and killed Qianshou Hashirama, which was not what he hoped.

After all, he grew up watching him.

The two most peak existences in the ninja world are fighting again...

time flies.

At the moment when the long sword of Hasuma pierced into Madara Uchiha's heart.

The battle is over!

"You won..." Uchiha Madara bleeds from the corner of his mouth, and fell weakly into the water.

Senju Takema has been paying attention to the battle situation to prevent Uchiha Madara from biting Senju Takema's flesh.

He didn't want those stories to happen again in the future.

It may be because of the lack of nine tails, Qianshou Hasuma defeated Uchiha Madara this time, and did not give the opponent a chance to bite him.

"This time it's the panda effect! Without the reincarnation eye, there won't be so many troubles. However, there are other ways... Forget it! It's useless to think so much, let's destroy the corpse and destroy the traces for Madam Banh later! "Thousands of Bamboos appeared more than ten meters away from the two of them, thinking.

Seeing Madara Uchiha lying in the water, Senju Hasuma's face was pale, and her eyes were full of grief.

I won!

But at this time, he was not happy at all.

This is not the result he wanted!


Back then, we fought together and worked together to create a home.

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