She felt that it was a miracle that she survived the laboratory.

And the Kaleidoscope Shaker has made herself break through the powerhouse of quasi-shadow, so Qianshou Taohua is very grateful to the people who helped her.

Hearing this, Qianshou Tobirama said with a smile: "Who else could be, of course, the ancestor of the panda."

"When the Qianshou family is in danger, we can turn evil into good fortune, and we can all turn evil into good fortune when we are in danger. The ancestor of the panda is worthy of the ancestor of the panda!" exclaimed again.


Sure enough, with blood purer than the Uchiha family's blood line, the experiment will be successful.


Ancestor panda saved me?

Qianshou Taohua showed a look of surprise on her face, because she went to tell the ancestors of pandas to find the managers who manage the panda department and the panda company as soon as possible.

The panda ancestor didn't disclose the news. Although he didn't disclose the news, he saved her at a critical moment.

This made Qianshou Taohua's heart filled with gratitude again.

Qianshou Tobirama nodded, turned and walked to the table, pointed at the teacup with a little blood left, and said, "Well, in the afternoon, the boss called me and gave me blood."

"The old ancestor has the physique of an immortal, and his blood is purer than Uchiha's blood. Tobirama said, it wasn't his credit that he didn't grab it.

The blood of the ancestors of the panda was indeed at a critical juncture, saving Qianshou Taohua.

Otherwise, even Senju Tobirama himself could not imagine what would happen in the course of this experiment.

At this time, Qianshou Taohua was silent.

The scarlet-red kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes then turned into pitch-black eyes.

It seemed that there was nothing unusual about it as usual, but there was a hint of tenderness and a touch of emotion in those beautiful eyes.

She felt infinite warmth from this incident.

Qianshou Taohua also experienced a feeling of being protected by others. If the panda ancestor had not rescued him at a critical moment, he would have died long ago.

The ancestor of the panda is such a panda who silently protects others and does not take credit for others.

As if this panda had a humanized tool or else, thinking so in his heart, his eyes became gentle as water.

At this time, Qianshou Taohua thought that he actually possessed the blood of the panda ancestors in his body.

This made the bloodlines of the two people more similar. After the blood from the panda ancestor's body was injected into Qianshou Taohua's body, it also made the two people have an inexplicable sense of similarity.

This feeling spread in Qianshou Taohua's heart, and then even his mind changed in different ways.

"Ancestor panda, I will stay by your side in the future to protect you." At this moment, Qianshou Taohua swore secretly in her heart.

The small white hands secretly clenched into fists in the cuffs.

And just when Qianshou Taohua secretly vowed to protect Qianshou Zhujian in the days to come, Qianshou Zhujian sat leisurely under the tree after eating and drinking.

The two bear paws are placed behind the panda's head, and the short legs are stretched out, posing a comfortable and leisurely posture.

It looks funny and cute, especially the round body that has become round again as the amount of food increases.

"This day, it would be great to enjoy it like this every day, and the outside finally stopped."

As Senju Bamboo's reputation grew louder and louder among Konoha, different ninjas came to Senju Bamboo's door every day, looking at the door with admiration and envy.

It was as if one could see the shadows of the bamboos among the thousand hands through the gate.

Several ninjas were still talking about the heroic posture of Senju Bamboo's battle and the many secrets on his body. These gossips disturbed Senju Bamboo's sleep.

A few days passed, and the ninjas finally stopped.

Time flies like water, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two years, Konoha continued to maintain a peaceful state on the surface, and several major families continued to train under this peaceful state. …

Even a few of them are secretly competing in secret.

After all, only a few powerful families can gain a firm foothold in the entire village.

In the past two years, Anbu has also developed and grown. The ninjas of Anbu are not only the clan of the Senju clan, but also the ninjas of other clans. Among them, there are many ninjas of the Hatake clan.

There are not a few ninjas in the Mitre family, and there are not a few people in the Sarutobi family. In the past two years, a large number of poor masters have joined Anbu.

Making Anbu's strength more and more powerful, this move not only increased the civilian masters, but also increased the strength of Anbu, so that the strength of the entire Konoha has made a rapid progress.

The increase in Anbu's strength also means that the strength of the Senju family increases, and Senju Hashirama has lived a leisurely life in the past two years.

After all, Konoha's peace made him feel happy, and he always hoped that Konoha could maintain the current peace and continue to be peaceful together.

But the workaholic Qianshou Tobirama is always busy every day.

Both the school and Anbu are in good order under his management, and other villages have become more stable under the control of Senju Tobirama.

Thinking that when Konoha was founded, several large villages were also established one after another.

And Konoha Guiwei is the head of several large villages, both in terms of strength and economic development by leaps and bounds.

Those same villages also followed Konoha and started to set up schools and Anbu.

The same management of the entire village, the management of the entire village in an orderly manner and continue to strengthen training.

In the past two years, especially the second generation of the film has strengthened the management of the village.

Since Konoha is so strong both in terms of economy and strength.

They can develop better by imitating Konoha. Similarly, they have also begun to train excellent talents, and they have also continuously selected experts from the commoners.

In the past two years, several villages have been busy strengthening the strength of their own villages, thus maintaining the appearance of Hengping and there have been no major battles between the villages.

Qianshou Bamboo's life is naturally more leisurely and unrestrained. At this time, after he drank a cup of tea leisurely, Qianshou Taohua walked in from the door.

She was wearing a pink dress today, and her high ponytail made her even more handsome.

And the soft clothes showed that it was extremely gentle, and the two different styles were reflected in Qianshou Taohua's body.

Qianshou Zhujian glanced at it, and said indifferently in his heart, don't say it, it's too beautiful.

But there is another doubt in my heart, why the number of times Qianshou Taohua has run to his side in the past two years has become more and more frequent, and it seems that he can't see himself for a day, and he seems to think that he doesn't want it.

what's the situation?

Ever since Qianshou Taohua learned that the panda ancestor was his savior, he has come to see Qianshou Zhujian's house every day.

And from time to time, I bring apples, barbecued meat, bone marrow and other foods, in short, there are delicious food here.

Qianshou Taohua will never let the panda ancestors go hungry, and occasionally comes to clean the yard and wash the big panda pants for Qianshou Zhujian.

In a word, the shadow of Qianshou Taohua can be seen almost every day in Qianshou Zhujian's home, and as two years have passed, Qianshou Zhujian has also become accustomed to the existence of Qianshou Taohua. .

Chapter 88

"Are you ready?" Seeing Qianshou Zhujian still posing a leisurely look, he could not help but ask aloud.

Today is a different day. Qianshou Lingyu is about to give birth, which means Qianshou Tsunade is about to be born.

This is a happy event for the entire Senju family, and it is even more exciting for Senju Hashirama, who is finally going to be a grandfather.

Qianshou Zhujian then sat up on the panda body, looked at the sun above his head and said, "Have you been born?"

"Not yet, the entire Qianshou clan is waiting in the first generation of fire theater, we should go and see, I don't know whether the baby is a boy or a girl." Qianshou Taohua said expectantly.

Bear paw touched his chin, Qianshou Zhujian stood up and said, "Girl doll."


"Because it is God's will!"


After hearing this, Qianshou Taohua didn't care too much.

She guessed in her heart that it might be the ancestor of the panda, hoping to be born a female doll.

Then, one person and one panda walked side by side towards Qianshou Hashima's house.

At this time, Qianshou Zhujian was already surrounded by Qianshou clan people at home, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement, ecstasy, anticipation and excitement.

This is not often because a new life is born to the Senju family, but because this is the descendant of the god-like man of the first generation of Naruto.

With a special line of blood, the descendants born of Senju Hashirama are bound to be celebrated by the entire Senju family.

At the same time, Qianshou Zhuma was also guarding the door at this time.

Uzumaki Mito has already entered the room, and 26 Uzumaki Mito with superb medical ninjutsu is there, and there is no danger to the thousand-handed jade.

His grandfather-to-be was secretly waiting for his grandson or granddaughter to be born.

While waiting anxiously outside, the atmosphere in the room was full of tension.

Qianshou Lingyu was lying on the bed, her face pale.

She opened her mouth and was breathing heavily.

Because giving birth is like peeling a piece of meat from your body, the pain is beyond anyone's imagination.

But as a mother for the first time, she could feel the baby struggling inside her.

If you want to open your eyes and take a look at the world, you have to use all your strength.

"Lingyu, come on, the child will come out soon. After the child comes out, you can take a look at the child's appearance." Uzumaki Mito held a white handkerchief and kept wiping his daughter's forehead.

She cheered and cheered beside Qianshou Lingyu, Qianshou Lingyu nodded, bit her already white lips, and grabbed the quilt with both hands.

Maternal love is great!

At this time, when she thought of being able to see the appearance of her own child, her whole body seemed to have strength.

She grabbed the sheet with both hands and tried again, this time as if she had used all her strength.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp cry resounded throughout the room.


With a huge and loud cry, a baby girl was born!

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