The panda's body was particularly obvious under the warm yellow light.

He grinned: "I've been waiting for a long time, everyone, I'm too full to eat, so I moved a bit."


finally come!

The words of Qianshou Zhujian were not taken seriously by everyone.

It doesn't matter if he is too full or not, as long as the panda is in place.

"The ancestors are here, let's start the meeting now." The elder Qianshou said.

His heart was full of excitement, it wasn't that he never thought of being a Hokage for so many years.

It's just that Qianshou Zhuma's reputation and strength are enough to crush the entire ninja world.

The Thousand Hands Great Elder is much inferior, but now it is different!

The most exciting moment is here!

All of them are sitting in the conference room.



The surroundings were extremely quiet, but the atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing.

Senju Tobirama and Qianshou Great Elder formed two factions, sitting on the left and the right.

Hearing the words of the elder Qianshou, Qianshou Tobirama glanced at it and said nothing.

Qianshou Zhujian grinned and said, "It seems that you are all ready?"

"It's ready." Thousand-handed elder said.

Qianshou Tobirama also nodded: "Okay!"

"Well, let's not talk too much, let's start." Qianshou Zhujian was too lazy to say more, and he preferred the meeting to end early.

If you have time, you might as well nibble on some apples, eat some barbecue, and sleep comfortably.


Such a serious meeting, using the word long-winded?

But Qianshou Zhujian, the old panda ancestor, since they said so, what else can they say?

"All right!"

"Who is involved in the second-generation Hokage campaign?" Chiju Takema asked directly.

Although the other families have their own plans, since Senju Bamboo wants to preside over the meeting of the second Hokage, it is natural to be polite.

"I choose Elder Qianshou. He is an old man in the clan and is suitable to be the manager of Konoha." The patriarch of the Hyuga clan said.

"I have one vote too!" Uchiha Fulin said.

"And I…"

"a ticket!"

"I vote too!"

At this moment, the Hyuga family, Uchiha Fulin, the oil girl family, the Kurama family and others had a total of 8 votes.

At this moment, all the members of the family on the chair on the right voted for the Great Elder Senju.

On the left and right sides, there are a total of eight families.

There are currently eight supporters of Senju Great Elder, and this means that they have the same number of votes as the supporters of Senju Tobirama.


Eight votes?

Great action!

It seems that the elders of Qianshou are not less fiddling in the back. At this moment, Qianshou Zhujian pondered in his heart.

Similarly, he felt that there was a problem within the Qianshou family.

And over the years, Senju Tobirama has become farther and farther away from the Senju family.

Therefore, the elders of Qianshou have become more and more dissatisfied with Qianshou Tobirama.

And those who do not support Senju Tobirama will inevitably stand on the opposite side of Senpa Tobirama.

And once the Great Elder of Thousand Hands becomes the second Hokage, the power of the family supporting him will rise in vain.

Especially the Uchiha family!

"Tsk tsk, is the Great Elder Qianshou showing off his head?" Qianshou Zhujian sneered in his heart.

However, he didn't care what the Great Elder Qianshou was thinking about. .

Chapter 104

In short, he absolutely cannot sit in the position of the second-generation Hokage!


The patriarch Yamanaka glanced at everyone, and said, "Lord Tobirama, he has spent all his blood for Konoha for so many years, and he should become the second Hokage!"

"I vote too, the second Hokage!"

"I vote too!"

"Count me in!"

In an instant, the Sarutobi clan chief, Uzumaki Mito, Nara clan and Akimichi clan, plus Senju Tobirama and others, had a total of seven votes.

At this time.

Everyone looked at Qianshou Zhujian, because Qianshou Zhujian had one vote in his hand!

"Ancestor, who do you vote for?" Thousand-handed elder said.

And there is hope in his eyes, because Qianshou Zhujian is a psychic beast of the Qianshou family.

If you can support yourself, you will definitely be able to stand on your feet in Konoha in the future!



At this moment, the eyes of the Great Elder Qianshou looked at Qianshou Zhujian again.

And all the supporters of the Great Elder Qianshou also looked back at Qianshou Zhujian.

At this time.

When these words were asked, Qianshou Bamboo's round eyes looked at the elder Qianshou and said, "Me?"

Still on my head?

"Guess!?" Qianshou Zhujian grinned.


Thousand-handed elder, suddenly stunned!

"The election of Hokage must be fair, so since I preside over it, it should be even more fair!" Qianshou Zhujian said.


Panda's palm slammed on the table at once, and then pointed at the Great Elder Qianshou and said, "You!"


The atmosphere in the entire meeting was instantly complicated.

And the people who originally supported Qianshou Tobirama saw that the panda ancestor pointed to the elder Qianshou and voted for him, and at that moment his jaw dropped.

However, Qianshou Tobirama was still indifferent, just watching this scene calmly.

Likewise, Uzumaki Mito is even more calm!

The elder Qianshou was instantly excited, and he obviously did not expect Qianshou Zhujian to vote for him.

At this moment, his heart is not just as simple as being excited, the next second is more like a storm.

You must know that in Qianshou Zhujian, if you cast one vote for Qianshou Great Elder, it is only nine votes.

Compared with the words of Senju Tobirama, it directly exceeds the Senju Tobirama by two votes.

That's why, everyone is staring at Qianshou Zhujian, because his vote is really crucial.

If you vote for Senju, that means Senju Tobirama has eight votes.

The two of them are on an equal footing, but once they vote for the Great Elder Qianshou, it is obvious that the Great Elder Qianshou is the next second Hokage.

this moment.

All those who supported the Great Elder Qianshou were both puzzled and excited the moment they watched Qianshou Bamboo vote for the Great Elder Qianshou.

The patriarch of the Hyuga clan, obviously a little doubtful in his heart, has simply become the second Hokage?

He has counted the number of votes held by the Thousand Hands Great Elder, and he has a total of eight votes.

And Senju Tobirama plus himself, is also eight votes.

In short, this time the meeting to elect the second-generation Hokage, if the situation remains unchanged.

Then, Senju Tobirama cannot successfully become the second Hokage, so this meeting should be invalid.

In short, it is right not to let Senju Tobirama become the second Hokage.

But he did not think that the vote in the hands of the panda ancestor was unexpectedly not voted for Qianshou Tobirama?

Did the pie fall from the sky?

"What the hell is this panda doing~¨?" Uchiha Fulin thought to himself.

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