Unfortunately, even this does not change the problem of traffic jams.


Wolverine slammed the steering wheel angrily and cursed loudly.

Not only is he scolding the road, but he is also scolding himself.

He originally thought that nothing happened and left the venue, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

If something happens to the boss, then it's all your own responsibility!

Looking at the intensity of the fight, I'm afraid it won't be much better in the exposition.

Now Wolverine is a little regretful why he left.

As for the threat to Nick Fury, it is enough to have Ghost Rider, why don't you join in the fun!

In a hurry, Wolverine kicked the car door directly.

If the car can't be used, then run over with your legs!

There was really no way forward, and he jumped over the roofs of the cars.

With his claws fully extended, he was ready to reveal his identity.

The boss can't have an accident!

This time the problem was with me.

The big deal is that I will continue to wander in the future, but also to ensure the safety of the boss!

18. The final battle! Where did it go?

in the control center.

Those defending this place have fallen to the ground.

A red-haired stunner was sitting in front of the control system, manipulating the platform panel, where Iron Man's face appeared on the side of the platform.

"Isn't it lifted yet? I'm not joking this time. If I don't lift it, I will be smashed to pieces!"

His condition is really bad.

It has now flown to a canyon, and there is no shelter around it, and its form is precarious.

If it weren't for the fact that his skills in driving the battle suit were really excellent, I'm afraid it wouldn't last now.

"Okay, the control of the war machine has been completed!" Just as Iron Man urged, Black Widow finally came into contact with the control of the war machine.

The war machine that was still chasing the Iron Man just now successfully "reverse the water" and killed a steel warrior closest to him.

"Welcome back, how does it feel to be a villain?"

Iron Man, who had no pressure, made a joke again.

War Machine did not respond to him at all, and the feeling of being controlled made him very uncomfortable!

The two cooperated with each other, and finally they were able to show their true strength and successfully gained the upper hand.

Just when Iron Man was excited, Black Widow poured him a ladle of cold water at this moment.

"Sheet! It seems that the other party has discovered it, and the system has been completely locked! Moreover, the other party has also issued an assembly order, it should be going to you, get ready!"

At this moment, in front of her, the control panel that was supposed to be blue turned dangerous red!

You can only see what order the other party has issued, but you have no right to change it.

Ivan Vanke is mobilizing those iron soldiers, who else can they be besides targeting Iron Man!

"Tony! You need to be ready!"

The Iron Soldiers are indeed gathering. Those Army Iron Soldiers who wantonly slaughtered, the remaining Navy Iron Soldiers, and the Marine Corps Iron Soldiers as a reserve force are all on their way to gather.

It's a pity that the target of the gathering is not Iron Man, but the exposition that everyone can't avoid!

In the private room area of ​​the expo, there was no one else except Ye Han.

Either killed by those steel soldiers, or have fled.

Seeing more and more steel soldiers around, Ye Han couldn't help frowning.

This time I really didn't want to do anything, just watch a play and pass the time.

The result was inexplicably targeted by the other party!

In fact, Ye Han has no superfluous views on Ivan Vanke.

This is an anti-social lunatic, and he is not willing to have the same knowledge as a lunatic.

Even if he kills a lot of people, these people are still the backbone of society, and they are likely to disrupt the stable order and make American imperial society go backwards.

But what does this have to do with Ye Han!

How can it not affect Ye Han's life!

However, Ivan Vanke seemed to have a problem, he had to lead a group of steel soldiers to dangle in front of him.

Do you really think he won't be angry?

Ivan Vanke was also a little surprised to see Ye Han in front of him

Although Ye Han's figure is also very predictable, he belongs to the slender type.

Now wearing a slim white suit, the appearance can only be described as elegant.

But in the eyes of Ivan Vanke, this is the figure of the weak.

With such a weak body, and there is no steel battle suit, it is absolutely impossible to defeat your own steel soldiers!

Are there other people nearby?

Or that this person has a powerful weapon!

Having never seen the abilities of mutants, nor the power of gods, Ivan Vanke is like a child in a 'village', and he has never let go of his vision!

This is the fact that no matter how high his IQ is, it cannot be changed.

You can only use your own barren thinking to define everything in front of you.

It's a pity that some things can't be judged by routine. For example, he doesn't know how high the upper limit of this world is, and he doesn't know that there are countless secrets hidden even on the earth.

It is even more impossible to know that Ye Han's strength is not something he can estimate!

"Are you here to protect these people? Give it up! How can human flesh and blood be comparable to machinery!"

Although he didn't quite believe in Ye Han's strength, he didn't plan to fight unprepared.

So the Iron Warriors raised their machine guns and the missile launchers started aiming.

Those high-ranking officials and wealthy people nearby have already started to flee under the **** of bodyguards, and they must deal with each other as soon as possible.

He had a good idea, but unfortunately he chose the wrong person.

No one likes being pointed at by a gun, even Ye Han.

Ivan Vanke didn't notice Ye Han's expression and ordered to shoot directly.

Facing himself, Ye Han's eyes were only indifference!

Such a gesture made Ivan Vanke a little angry.

You can scold him, you can hate him, but you can't ignore him!

No matter what backhand you are hiding, there is a price to pay for your actions.

Shoot them all!

The machine gun began to turn, and a large number of bullet casings fell like raindrops, and the bullets tinkled on the ground.

The ex-wife's missile also shot into the house where Ye Han was.

The missile expanded and exploded, and the private room turned into a ruin in an instant.

None of those fleeing looked back, and the loud noise urged them to run faster.

The gunfire faded away, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Ivan Vanke's anger also dissipated a lot.

No matter who you are, disturbing my plan, then you can only be killed!

After that, he turned on the thermal scanning device, making sure that the other party died was a good habit.


Cold sweat appeared in an instant.

There is no heat energy of Ye Han in the ruins!

Even if a person dies, the person's thermal energy remains for a period of time, unlike the rapid dissipation of thermal energy after a missile explodes.

That guy is not dead!

Ivan Vanke hurriedly looked around, and finally found the trace of Ye Han.

At the highest end of the building, where he also needed to look up, Ye Han stood there and looked down at him.

The suit on his body was still spotless, without a single fold.

When did this man go up!

With such a strong firepower coverage, there was no damage at all.

Seeing this, Ivan Vanke's heart suddenly began to panic.

He is a scientist who likes to use science to answer everything.

But the current situation, this is not scientific!

No, this person's strength is definitely beyond my estimation, and all the steel soldiers must be assembled.

Ivan Vanke, who was frightened by Ye Han, also summoned the iron soldiers who attacked Iron Man.

Although revenge is important, life-saving is more important!

Iron Man and Iron Warrior are now training these computer-controlled iron bumps.

With the cooperation of the two, two more steel soldiers were shot down, and now there are only five left on the opposite side.

The two became more and more at ease, but the assembled steel warriors have always been a heavy stone in their hearts.

But in the next instant, these steel warriors suddenly changed direction and went into the distance.

"How is this going?"

Iron Man asked Black Widow, and the strange behavior of the other party made him even more uneasy.

"Be careful, this is the tranquility before the big waves!"

Black Widow looked at the assembly instructions on the panel and gave this answer.

19. Black Widow: All the iron soldiers disappeared?

Iron Man and War Machine are waiting for each other in the canyon. Although the other party has too many troops, it is difficult for them to resist the other party's attack.

But neither chose to escape.

Iron Man sneaks a peek at a war machine.

Your life has entered the countdown, and at the last moment, sacrifice yourself!

But while the two were waiting, the steel soldiers had already rushed back to the venue.

More than 20 steel soldiers, together with Ivan Vanke who had already launched into the air, began to spread out and surrounded Ye Han from all angles.

If there are no extra words, all the steel soldiers are venting their firepower at this moment.

Ivan Vanke didn't dare to speak any more.

All he wanted to think about was, kill this weird man quickly!

The muzzle was sprayed with ammunition, and the bullets swept in like a metal storm.

Those steel soldiers carrying missiles no longer kept their hands, and all the missiles were sent out in an instant.

Such power is already comparable to the sum of an aircraft carrier fleet.

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