After raising his eyelids and looking at Lin Cheng and the others, he gave them a room card and told them that this room card could open three rooms.

"You are all big men. Even if you open up this aspect, there is nothing to say. There are still people watching here downstairs." 5.4

"Just go up there. If you want to eat here tomorrow night, you must also pay for the food. It's a total of $300. Thank you..."

Originally, the old man had a calm expression on his face, but after the old woman finished saying these words, the old woman was completely restless, and she could not accept the price that the old woman offered her. .

Chapter 391

"What are you kidding me? You're just staying here for one night. Besides, you guys are so shabby here."

"To ask us $300, you are setting up a big opening. I would rather sleep outside for a night than stay in your dilapidated hotel..."

After Lin Cheng heard this, he hurriedly stopped his father. They had to follow the clues and know what the little snake had arranged behind the scenes. Now they can only do as the little snake and the others said. "If you don't want to live here, you can leave now for a while."

"But there are a lot of people who want to go to Anhui, and my room can be sold for $40,002 at night. I don't know what time it is."

"I'm afraid you old man doesn't know what a market is. If you're so poor, just get out. It's okay to find a bench outside to play with."

"You dead old woman, I think you are destined to be lonely and widowed. I think you are a star, and there is a black air around you. In the recent period, you must have been provoked by those ghosts, right?" The doctor and others thought that when the old woman heard this, she would abduct them directly from the restaurant.

Who knew that this old woman suddenly grabbed Dad's hands, and suddenly began to burst into tears.

Tell her that a large number of ghosts have appeared on the entire street recently, and she hopes her father can help her solve these problems. "Sir, if you really have a way to help me and drive out all the ghosts in the entire tavern." "I can provide accommodation and food for free, and I can even provide you with a picture to travel to. Anhui's map..." After Ye Han had dealt with all the people in the warehouse, Shi Shi had already walked in from the other side.

What he was holding in his hand was still the dead and dry old puffer fish, who pushed his eyes and gave Ye Han a thumbs-up gesture.

Don't say that at ordinary times, this old man's mouth is a bit owed.

But sometimes when I see her, I think this old man is quite cute.

"I have already dealt with all those people outside. They thought that this oriental magic could only see the ghosts in this house."

"There are so many ghost fathers living in this castle. I am already old, and I have to let me drive these things away, and I don't care about the old man." "But it doesn't matter, little one. Bai has now hypnotized all those things, and you can now kill as much as you like here." "Those people outside should be people in the hands of Magneto, and those gangsters have already come around from outside."

"Their purpose must be to rob us because we were too exposed in the tavern outside early in the morning, I told you." "When performing tasks outside, you must take these valuables on your body. All are hidden, you have to learn to cover up like Xiao Bai." When he said this, he unfolded the clothes on his body.

The socks that were beginning to be worn out were exposed, and the way it used to cover up was to pull out all the worn out things on his body.

The fat woman who woke up just now fainted again when she smelled the smell. .

Chapter 392

Xiaobai also reluctantly stuffed his stinky socks into his pocket again, and after smelling his hands, he still looked calm.

"Xiaobai often washes her feet. I will wash my feet every once in a while. How can it smell as bad as she imagined? It's just too exaggerated. I don't care about them. I'll go to the second floor first to see if there are any What other evidence, you go down first

When Ye Han had been following those black shadows, he found that all these black shadows had entered the warehouse.

The warehouse is full of flammable and explosive things, and the messengers of **** cannot be allowed in, otherwise the things in this place will be burnt up by them.

The heavy truck that Magneto prepared is already waiting outside.

They should just want to kill them with this heavy truck and transport them away.

Now in the surrounding port area, just tie them to a rock and drop them straight.

No one will find out that their group of foreigners died in this port in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

At this time, the little snake and Ye Han had joined together, and the two of them watched the kung fu around here.

He didn't see the shadows of those people at all, and the little snake only knew when he looked at Ye Han at this time.

Ye Han already knew his identity from the very first time they met in this bar.

However, he was still somewhat grateful. At such a critical moment just now, Ye Han was able to stand up and help him in time, otherwise he would die at the hands of those killers.

"Although we have some unhappy pasts between the two of us, I still have to thank you for this matter, if it wasn't for your timely appearance just now/"~. "

"I may have died at the hands of that killer. I have always known how to repay grievances with virtue. Don't worry, now I owe you a favor, and I will return this favor to you in the future." Ye Han dragged The little snake quickly hid in the warehouse on the side, and the two of them searched around the warehouse.

It turns out that there is no lighting equipment in this warehouse at all, and it may be said that it is old.

The wires of these lighting fixtures in the warehouse have long been eaten by those rats.

According to what the old woman said, during this period of time, the whole castle started to be haunted.

He was also very worried that he would directly block all this piece.

In the darkness of the entire underground warehouse, there was also a rotten smell after the wooden planks had rotted.

After walking here, the little snake pinched his nose and said with some disgust.

"I've smelled this weird smell several times since I came in just now. "

"I also smelled that strange smell when I came in just now, (Hao Zhao) but this strange smell just disappeared after a short time outside." "You still have to be careful, These things outside are quite lethal..."

He nodded after hearing what Ye Han said. He also knew that the things in it were very destructive.

He also knew that those things came from assassination organizations, and these black shadows were most likely sent by Magneto and the others. .

Chapter 393

This is something they must be very vigilant about.

The two of them walked around the warehouse for a while, but they still didn't find anything.

I was really anxious to go, and the little snake made an opinion at this time.

He suddenly stopped and said to Ye Han.

"The current situation is already here, and the two of us have no way out. Either we can go in directly from this place, or we will find another circle outside. Those things in the warehouse are not It may disappear out of thin air..."

Ye Han nodded in approval.

"You're right, those things in the warehouse can't just disappear like that."

"The things in the warehouse must still be here, otherwise they would have gone to other places through other passages..." If this is the case, it is also a matter worth investigating.

There are so many hidden passages in the entire warehouse. Was this house used as a base from the beginning?

And what about the ghost mentioned by the fat woman who suddenly fainted outside?

"Let's do it now, we will act separately now, and in about 10 minutes or so, we will gather here again."

"I'll bring you this watch. This watch has a special chip I developed. The chip on it can accurately determine your location."

"If you are suddenly kidnapped, I can directly find your way in the shortest time. If you don't want to wear this thing, then you can return this watch to me..." Originally, those two people were not on the same road, they were here for the same purpose.

Since those black shadows wanted to **** things away from Ye Han's hands, he just had to wait patiently here.

Xiao She felt that what Ye Han said was justified and continued to waste time here.

Soon it will be dawn, and those black shadows will go out from this place sooner or later.

They must settle this matter before dawn, and they cannot let those in the tavern know that they are acting alone.

He borrowed the watch from Ye Han's hand and put it on his wrist.

Showing off to Ye Han, he found that the watch looked pretty good on his wrist.

"If you told me that this watch was a token of love you gave me, I think my mood would be a little better, and now I know, this watch is for me, but Is it just a bondage?" He seemed a little sad when he said these words.

But Ye Han didn't take it to heart. What's so sad? It's deceiving himself.

When he continued to walk outside along the outer set of windows, he could immediately smell the fishy smell of the ocean outside.

This port is connected to the outside, so there is often some sea water flooding in from their sewers.

After the sea water floods in, it will bring out some of the garbage in the sewers.

Some foul smells will fill their environment, and this foul smell is really unacceptable. .

Chapter 394

He even wondered if someone had died and jumped from the sea level and floated into the sewer.

Just as Ye Han walked forward along this alley.

When I was about to turn back, I suddenly saw a black shadow that suddenly fell from the sky.

The puppy kicked the black shadow instinctively.

When it kicked past, it was discovered that this black shadow turned out to be a dead person who was kicked by him - a dead person.

After rolling around on the ground, he directly smashed the broken wooden box on the side.

It also shattered to reveal the antiques of blue and white porcelain inside.

When he saw these antique blue-and-white porcelains, Ye Han also felt that his eyes lit up.

After all, such high-quality antiques are now very rare.

Only some large auction houses can see these famous antiques of blue and white porcelain in China when the war broke out.

Most of them have been destroyed, and the antiques that are left now represent not only its craftsmanship, but also the end of an era.

But why did this corpse fall from the top of his head?

The place above the head is nothing but a room light.

If he had been in this place early in the morning, he would have fallen down long ago, and it was impossible to wait for him to arrive here so delicately.

Ye Han took out the flashlight from his arms and walked towards the guy.

At the same time, he raised his ears to observe the changes in the surrounding environment, without any changes in assets.

After making sure that no one was by his side, Ye Han shone a flashlight on that person's face.

After shining the flashlight on the man's face, Ye Han was also taken aback, the death of this man was extremely tragic.

His entire body is now like a silkworm chrysalis, which is directly bound by circles of steel wires.

The most important wound was left on his neck, and it should have been directly given to him with a steel wire for similar dramas.

As far as Ye Han knows, the small snake's tool for committing crimes is the steel wire in his hand. Could it be that this person was killed by the small snake?

Checked again this guy may have been subjected to some torture to the body before dying.

The entire surface of the skin has begun to have large-scale ruptures, but where did he die before? 0·Seeking flowers·

Why is the degree of decay different for each part of the body?

When Ye Han was about to dispose of the corpse, he suddenly heard the sound of small footsteps.

The man tried his best to suppress the sound of his footsteps, but the wooden boards here were in disrepair.


As long as something slightly heavy is stepped on it, it will make a creaking sound.

When the puppy raised his head, he saw a man with a tall bust standing in front of him.

The man appeared to be about two meters tall.

However, the lights in the entire basement were still very dark, and Ye Han did not immediately call the snake over.

He wants to know what the origin of this person is, this guy has a big face.

His face was pitch black and he couldn't see clearly, but he could tell that this person brought him a relatively strong sense of oppression.

There are also several skulls and crossbones hanging on this guy's neck, as well as a special English sign. wide.

Chapter 395

After seeing this special English logo, Ye Han knew that it was another evil organization from northern Europe.

This evil organization had followed behind Magneto before.

Later, after Magneto chose to defect to Loki, the two of them also cut off contact.

Did Dao say they followed Magneto directly to Loki this time?

"I'm sorry, this friend doesn't know why you "zero four zero" suddenly appeared here, I don't want to know about the things here, how clear it is." "I just want to take it away. The things that belonged to me, your people took away my things, you should give me an explanation..." The other party did not expect that Ye Han would suddenly make such a request to him.

Amitabha waved his fist after a slight fever. He was originally from the Marine Corps and has special combat abilities.

Especially his immense joy, every time he is outside, he just needs to stop there to make people feel right.

And the way he kills is 10 points cruel, because he is the one who came down on the battlefield.

So he knew how to punish his husband. The man just now died at his hands, because she felt that he was disobedient.

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