The founding of Hydra dates back to antiquity.

During that period, an unprecedented powerful Inhuman was born on Earth, called the ‘Hive’.

Unfortunately, because his abilities are too strong, he arouses the jealousy of the Kree and eventually exils him to a desolate planet on the edge of the interstellar.

And his Inhuman minions have been trying to return the most powerful Inhumans in history to Earth, for which they formed the original ‘Hydra’ organization.

Over the long years, the ‘Hydra’ continued to develop, the organization gradually diverged, and during the Second World War, the Red Skull, Baron Strack and Baron Zemo, who began to emerge, were not from the original Inhuman family, and did not have any reverence for the Inhuman ancestor ‘Hive’.

After they took power of the Hydra, they had no interest in welcoming the Hive back to Earth, and they focused all their energy on ruling the Earth.

Only the senate, these families that were bred from the original Inhumans, have always adhered to the original concept and are obsessed with rescuing the ‘Hive’ of the Inhumans’ ancestors.

Originally, the Senate possessed the ‘Teleportation Black Stone’ made by the Kree, and every once in a while the portal opened, the Inhumans would send their clansmen into the portal to find the ancestor’s ‘Hive’.

Unfortunately, during World War II, the ‘Teleportation Blackstone’ was taken by the Allies, and for the next hundred years, it was hidden in the secret warehouse of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Losing the Black Stone, it also lost the connection with the ancestor’s ‘Hive’, and the Elders were very anxious and mobilized all the power of the ‘Hydra’ to find the ‘Teleportation Black Stone’.

However, Captain America’s girlfriend Peggy Katy listed ‘Teleporting Blackstone’ as the highest level of secret, and even those Hydra members who infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. through the ‘Paper Clip’ program could not know the hiding location of ‘Teleporting Blackstone’.

Until Su Qi made a move, he easily recovered this significant black stone that had been lost for more than a hundred years for the senate.

Baron Strack’s face was gloomy, and his heart had sunk to the bottom.

He knew that this time it would be difficult to persuade the senate to change its decision.

Transmitting black stones is the key item to rescue the ancestor’s ‘beehive’, and the senate has been searching for this for more than a hundred years, but has never found anything.

Now Su Qi retrieved this black stone for them, and this kind of credit was better than anything else in the eyes of the senate.

“I agree to give AIM to Su Qi.”

Malik, the elder of the Senate, was the first to open his mouth.

I agree.

“I agree.”

“I agree.”


The rest of the senate members expressed their support for Su Qi.

The dust has settled!

With the support of all the members of the Senate, even Baron Strack would be of no use opposing it.

AIM, the most powerful department in the ‘Hydra’ organization, belongs to Su Qi.

Su Qi stood up and smiled and thanked the senators.

“Su Qi, I am optimistic about you, the ‘Hydra’ will definitely be able to develop and grow even more in your hands in the future!”

Malik, the elder of the Senate, smiled.

Hearing these words, Baron Strack clenched his fists angrily, and his eyes were almost spitting fire.

“Damn, these old immortal guys! All against me, biased towards this red-skinned monster. ”

Despite ten thousand disobediences in his heart, Baron Strack did not dare to defy the decision of the senate.

He could only silently accept this result.

Baron Strack looked at Su Qi viciously.

Su Qi already controlled a huge force, and now he has a high-tech department like AIM, which is simply a tiger with wings and a higher level of strength.

Moreover, the senators would have great faith in him and spare no effort to support him.

At this time, Baron Strack had personally felt a great threat.

If this continues, his plan to ascend to the throne of the head of the Hydra Organization will be in vain.

“Wait and see, Su Qi, I won’t let you go!”

Baron Strack thought through gritted teeth.


Wait until Baron Strack angrily leaves the Totland Industrial Building.

Su Qi leisurely returned to the office.

“Sir, that old guy in Strack is obviously unconvinced in his heart, and I am worried that he will use means in secret to your disadvantage.”

The delicate face of the “Viper” female Ophelia wrinkled slightly, and said with some concern.

“Don’t worry.”

Su Qi waved his hand.

Baron Strack is already an extremely powerful figure among humans, but in his eyes, he is just an insignificant small character.

He stayed in hell, clocked in for so many years, accumulated countless treasures, and arranged countless backhands.

Even those superheroes on Earth, he doesn’t really put it in his eyes.

The opponents he really beware of are those cosmic overlords who destroy the sky and the earth at every turn.

Star Swallowing, Marquis of Death, Serratok, Dimensional Infinite, Nemesis, Transcendent Protoss, Phoenix Power, Court of Life…

As soon as he thought of these perverted figures at the extinction level, Su Qi had a headache.

(PS: The plot of “Hive” comes from “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”, but the power is very scum, and in the plot later in the book, the strongest Inhuman will appear, but his ability will be enhanced to make him fit into the identity of a villain boss.) )

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