The battle between the Hulk and Abomination is not over.

The whole neighborhood was already in shambles under the destruction of two giant monsters, full of crushed vehicles, damaged houses, and the whole scene was like a hurricane passing by, extremely chaotic.

At this time, the roar of a gunship sounded in the distance.

The military of country M has finally been dispatched!

Several black dots appeared in the sky.

The military helicopters had not yet reached the battlefield, a few kilometers apart, by which time the operational commander had ordered an attack.


Burst into flames!

Small missiles mounted on the helicopter shot out.

The tails of a dozen rockets spewed flames at supersonic speeds towards the Hulk and Abomination.

Indiscriminate blows!

The military apparently wanted to put both men to death at the same time.

I don’t know what Dr. Banner feels in the body of the Hulk at this moment, he originally came to stop the destruction of abomination, and he belongs to the righteous side.

However, the military is obviously lazy to distinguish these, and both are feared monsters in the eyes of the military.

At this time, the rockets launched by the helicopter group had rushed in front of the two and then exploded.

In the sky, it seemed that dozens of brilliant fireworks were lit up instantly.

The entire airspace with a radius of hundreds of meters was shrouded in surging air waves, explosive power, and vigorous steel ball fragments.

In every rocket, there are countless steel balls.

These steel balls were exploded by the power of gunpowder, and instantly turned into bullets, like a rain of bullets, which is the sharpest and most effective killing move used by armed helicopters to deal with ground infantry.

The huge wave of qi directly overturned the two mutant giants who were fighting hand-to-hand.

In the midst of the raging flames, the Hulk jumped out, his green skin without the slightest scar on it, and it was clear that the rockets that were enough to destroy a tall building were of no use to him.

On the other side, the figure of hatred also appeared at the same time.

Seeing that the two monsters were not destroyed, the military immediately began a second round of attacks.


A kilometer apart, a dozen helicopters lined up in arrays and fired directly.

The high-speed firing M197 cannon pulled out hundreds of meters of fire in the air, like the scythe of death, swept over the ground and extended towards the Hulk.

Any stones, trees, and railings, in the face of this firelight, were quickly destroyed like paper paste.

And there was more than one helicopter, more than a dozen helicopters fired at the same time, each with two cannons, and the sky was suddenly shrouded in dozens of fires, like a net.

Under the dense fire attack of the rainstorm, the abomination’s whole body was covered in flames, and the cannonballs rained down on his body, giving him no chance to breathe at all.

He turned his head sideways and glanced at the military gunship group in the sky, and after weighing it, he did not choose to fight with the military and chose to avoid.

I saw Abomination turn his body, step on the ground with his feet, and his whole body soared into the sky, jumping out of a distance of tens of meters, and then he made several vertical leaps, and soon disappeared from vision.

After losing his opponent, the Hulk roared unwillingly.

Hulk looked angrily at the military helicopter hovering in the distance, if these people hadn’t interrupted the battle, Abomination wouldn’t have run away at all.

He grabbed a car on the side of the road and directly slammed the one-and-a-half-ton car into the sky.

At this time, Dr. Banner in his body, he has always been a good and orderly law-abiding citizen, he tries to control Hulk’s behavior and avoid conflict with the military.

Under Banner’s control, Hulk reluctantly took a huge step and turned away from the messy battlefield.


The great battle on the streets of Manhattan came to an end.

According to the development of the plot, Banner will be wanted by the military, and he will not return until the invasion of Zitauri’s army and the first assembly of the Avengers.

Su Qi’s family watched the entire battle up close in the luxurious cabin of the stealth fighter.

Looking at the four children who were in deep thought, Su Qi was very satisfied with the effect of this on-site teaching.

“That’s good! Let these little ones know that there are still such terrible opponents in the world, so that they will not be arrogant and complacent in the future. ”

Su Qi thought in his heart.

This old father of his own, for the healthy growth of his children, is simply heartbroken.

Unbeknownst to him, his four children were secretly sending messages in private at this time.

Charlotte Lingling: I want that Hulk as a pet!

Tom: That guy called Abomination has strong muscles and doesn’t my sister like it?

Charlotte Lingling: No, he’s so ugly!

Tom:……… (This world of looks is not good.) )。

Tom: Sister, this kind of thing, my father will definitely not agree.

Orochimaru: I just want the serum in that big guy’s body, so it’s better to hide it from my father and do it secretly.

Charlotte Lingling: Okay! Yay! I approve.

Yoshikage Kira: I am the only one in this matter, and although I am not interested in the big guy, I think it should be interesting to capture this guy.

Orochimaru: Okay, then it’s decided, tonight after my father sleeps, let’s start moving.

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