Chapter 78 The Second True Destiny Girl!!

Su Qi walked slowly on the campus of New York University.

At this time, he had changed from a demon form to the appearance of an ordinary human.

At present, his identity is all forged by ‘Hydra, his character is an international student from a remote city of the Celestial Empire, he is studying in the School of Bioengineering, and usually spends most of his time interning in the lizard laboratory of Osborne Industries except after classes.

Su Qi was very satisfied with his current identity as an ordinary person, strolling around the campus, looking at the students who were full of youthful vitality coming and going, he seemed to return to the world before he traveled.

Since moving into Gwen’s apartment and getting along day and night, the relationship between the two has quickly warmed up, and he has become the goddess Gwen’s regular boyfriend.

As the common goddess in the minds of all boys in the entire university, Gwen not only has outstanding appearance, but also has a superior family, and is also the drummer of the band, and every performance turns the boy fans in the audience into fascination.

However, all along, Goddess Gwen was single and never accepted any boy’s courtship.

Therefore, when Gwen’s love affair was exposed, the entire campus was sensational, and everyone did not expect that the cold and proud goddess in everyone’s mind would be easily captured by Su Qi, a boy from the Celestial Empire, and deceived Fangxin.

Now, Su Qi is going to pick up Gwen who is about to leave class, since the relationship between the two lovers is confirmed, Gwen has immediately changed from Spider-Woman to a little girl in love, especially likes to stick to Su Qi, and is not willing to be separated for a minute, and can’t wait to stick together every day.

Su Qi was walking without hurry, when he suddenly heard a loud noise overhead.

He raised his head and saw the building in front of him, and a big hole exploded in the outer wall?!

Su Qi was slightly puzzled, and at this moment, he saw a slim figure jumping down from the top of the building, falling straight down, and rushing towards the position where he was standing.

‘Shockwave Girl’ Daisy?!

Su Qi instantly recognized the identity of the girl who jumped out of the stairs.

Why is she here?

What happened?

Just as he was wondering, Su Qi suddenly noticed out of the corner of his eyes that at the crack where the outer wall of the building exploded, a stone statue with a crown on its head, wings on its back, and an angel-like appearance appeared.


Weeping angel?!


This kind of thing also appeared in this world?!

Can the world still be better?

At the moment when he was distracted, Daisy’s body had already smashed down.

The body pressed directly on his face.


The next moment, Su Qi lay directly on the ground, his eyes closed, and he seemed to faint.

He possesses the demon drive and is extremely hard, even if a bullet hits his body, it will not leave the slightest scar.

This impact is simply a trivial matter for him, but Su Qi remembers his current identity, just an ordinary international student, naturally he can’t show too abnormality.

So, he fell to the ground. Pretend to be unconscious.

“Huh?! Are you okay? ”

At this time, Daisy stood up straight and saw Su Qi lying on the side with his eyes closed, and suddenly became anxious.

He accidentally knocked down innocent passers-by.

Daisy hurriedly raised the communicator on her wrist, and after getting out of the Weeping Angel’s sphere of influence, communication returned to normal.

Daisy contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and ten minutes later, a Kun-type fighter broke through the air and slowly landed on the ground.

Daisy bent down, picked Su Qi up, and walked quickly towards the open hatch.

Su Qi’s head happened to be buried in the position of the shockwave woman’s chest, and only a faint aroma was smelled in her nostrils.

Eh, and this perk!

Su Qi snickered in his heart.

He stole the fate of ‘Thunderfire’ and replaced ‘Thunderfire’ as Daisy’s fate.

Su Qi had fantasized more than once about when and where he would meet Daisy.

Unexpectedly, the first encounter between the two of them would begin in such a dramatic way.

“He was injured and immediately sent to the headquarters for treatment.”

Daisy put Su Qi in the cabin of the Kun-type fighter and loudly ordered the agents inside to come to the rescue.

Daisy then rushed towards the room where the Weeping Angel statue was located, with reinforcements.

With the first lesson, Daisy has figured out the law of these stone statues, as long as someone keeps watching them, the weeping angel is an immovable stone statue.

Seizing this weakness, Daisy divides the reinforced agents into four groups, two groups of agents gathered around the Weeping Angel statue and are responsible for keeping an eye on it, and the other two groups are responsible for loading them into containers.

With the assistance of many people, even if one of them blinks, because the rest are still staring at the stone statue, it cannot mutate.

In this way, soon the two strange stone statues were sealed in a black sealed metal box and transported to the Kun-style fighter.

According to the process, they will be sent to the laboratory at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters for study, graded according to the level of danger, and then decided whether to destroy or seal.

Su Qi lay in the cold medical cabin.

This is an advanced medical technology unique to S.H.I.E.L.D., designed to deal with the various injuries suffered by agents in the line of duty.

One of my ‘hydra’ bosses will be sent to the headquarters of my old rival, S.H.I.E.L.D.

It’s amazing to think about it.

Su Qi thought silently.

Of course, he is well aware that there are a large number of ‘Hydra agents’ lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. now.

In order to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of S.H.I.E.L.D., peggy Kartan, the co-founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., launched a program called ‘Paper Clip’, recruiting a large number of captured enemy scientists into S.H.I.E.L.D., which also led to Hydra’s forces infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, the door of the medical room automatically opened, and a sound of footsteps came.

“You’re awake.”

‘Shock Wave Girl’ Daisy walked to Su Qi’s side and slowly spoke.

“I’m sorry to hurt you, your body has no effect, right?”

Su Qi looked at Daisy in front of her, she had short and refined hair, wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent uniform, her posture was sturdy, and she looked heroic.

“I think it’s okay.”

Su Qi smiled lightly.

Looking at the boy in front of her, Daisy suddenly felt a wonderful feeling in her heart, as if the two had known each other for a long time.

She naturally didn’t know that this was the effect of the power of fate, which made her involuntarily feel close to Su Qi.

Daisy smiled, she took out a card from her pocket and handed it to Su Qi.

“This is my business card with my phone on it, and as an apology, I would like to invite you to lunch.”

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