Chapter 86 ‘Moon Star’ and Manifestation!!

Thick smoke billowing and crackling sounds everywhere, ‘Moon Star’ Danielle woke up from her sleep in horror, through the window, she saw billowing flames everywhere, thick smoke poured into the room, and soon filled her throat and lungs, and she suddenly felt that her whole body was burning.

“I… Where am I? What happened? ”

‘Moon Star’ looked at everything around him in confusion.

A man burst into the room and grabbed the ‘Moon Star’.

“Here it comes! Let’s run away immediately! ”

The man grabbed her and ran towards the door.


‘Moon Star’ Danielle looked incredulously at the face of the man in front of her.


“Why are you here? Aren’t you already dead? ”

Danielle’s face was full of confusion, and she clearly remembered that her father had long died.

However, the man did not have any explanation, he anxiously pulled the ‘moon star’, through the corridor outside the room, rushed towards the door, violent shaking came, the whole room was shaky, the fire outside the window was everywhere, and the terrified screams of people were mixed in.

“What happened?”

“There is no time to explain, run away, it’s coming!”


Danielle was puzzled.

“No need to let go of my hand!”

The man kicked open the door of the house and rushed out with ‘Yuexing’.

The streets were chaotic, and everywhere you could see neighbors fleeing in a panic, and the three-story detached attic behind the ‘Moon Star’ exploded, and the flames that rose up lit up the entire night sky.

The huge air flow almost knocked the two to the ground.

Yuexing turned her head, and she saw a huge figure appear in the midst of the raging fire.

What is that?!

Her mind was in chaos, but a fear from the depths of her soul spread to her body.

Her father dragged her desperately forward, and along the way, one house after another exploded, and people with flames on their bodies rushed out of the collapsed ruins, rolling wildly on the snow, and letting out desperate wails.

Father pulled Moon Star’ through town and into the woods.

“Here, you hide here, don’t come out!”

Her father stuffed her into a tree hole.

“What the hell happened?”

‘Moon Star’ asked anxiously.

However, before the man in front of him could answer, a white blur flashed, and his body split in front of the moon star, his body was broken into three pieces, and one by one slipped silently, and his internal organs mixed with blood flowed all over the ground.


‘Moon Star’ let out a mournful roar.

At this time, the heavy beast snort sounded, and the huge figure slowly rose, and a pair of scarlet eyes were particularly conspicuous in the darkness.

She finally saw clearly!

That’s where her dream demons come from.

A giant bear that is 100 meters tall!

In the laboratory, the body of ‘Yuexing’ twitched wildly, the monitoring instrument installed on her head, the red light flashed wildly, and the alarm sounded continuously.

The monitoring instrument pops up a red warning of ‘psi-on-icenergy-elevated’.

And in another closed room.

A huge brown bear 100 meters tall is roaring madly, lifting its car-sized bear paws and slamming it on the enclosed chamber made of steel.




“The spiritual energy in this girl is growing rapidly and has broken through the limits of history.”

Dr. Monica looked at the data continuously transmitted back from the monitoring instrument and said with a look of excitement.

As the spiritual energy gushing out of the ‘Moon Star’ continued to surge, the body of the terrifying giant bear that appeared was also constantly expanding.

Just a few minutes later, its size expanded in a large circle, and the heavy iron door outside the closed chamber began to shake violently, and one after another convex marks appeared on the steel plate.

Obviously, if the giant bear’s size continues to grow, sooner or later it will break through the steel door that sealed it and rush out of the secret room.

At this time, suddenly, one snowflake after another fell.

Strangely, these snowflakes were all blood-red, as if they had been soaked in blood.


Kira Yoshikage narrowed his eyes and looked up in the direction of the sky, at this moment, everyone was in the underground secret room, but those snowflakes strangely passed through the reinforced concrete floor slab and fell directly.

The snowflakes did not stop, getting bigger and bigger, and soon a thick layer of blood-colored ice and snow accumulated on the ground.

“Has the scope of ability influence increased?”

Kira Yoshikage looked at the ‘Moon Star’ who was still trapped in the dream demon in the laboratory, and thought silently.

“As her father expected, this girl has great potential, and if she can control this ability, she can materialize the objects of the dream world into the real world.”

New Mexico, in the middle of the desert.

A colorful rainbow bridge bursts through the sky and descends to the earth.

Wait until all the light disperses.

A tall and mighty man holding a silver hammer, wearing silver armor and a red cloak behind him appeared in place.

He is the son of Odin, the god of Asgard, the famous thunder god Thor.

This time, he was commissioned by his father to come to the atrium (Earth) to find the lost godhead of the ‘Goddess of Winter’ Scati here.

Thor has dazzling blonde hair and looks very extraordinary, in the past tens of thousands of years, he has come to the atrium (Earth) several times, but a thousand years have passed since he last came to the atrium (Earth), and he is full of strangeness to the world in front of him.

“That old fellow of Zeus is still in the atrium (earth), and my father told me to be careful and watch out for him.”

For the past thousand years, those guys from Mount Olympus have been entrenched in the atrium (earth), Zeus’s intention is obvious, he wants to dominate the earth, does not allow Odin to interfere with anything in the atrium, the two sides are on the same fire, and have been fighting with each other.

Tolle pondered for a moment, he had planned to fly directly to Antarctica by directly driving the Hammer of Thunder, but this move was too swaggering, and he was afraid that he would be discovered by Zeus immediately.

“Perhaps, I should first go find some mortal servants and let them find out the news for me and find Scati’s lost godhead.”

But who to go to?

Thor racked his brain, and at this moment, he remembered that once drinking in the palace, he had heard the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge and his friend Sif’s brother Heimdall mention that among these mortals there had been an organization called ‘Hydra’.

Maybe I should go to those ‘hydras’ for help.

‘Thor’ Thor silently said billion.

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