Chapter 92 Desperate Warrior!!

Miami, South Florida.

Hydra’s secret base.

Crossbone’ is directing his men to move newly purchased weapons into the arsenal.

Since he betrayed Baron Strack and chose to follow the ‘original sin’ Cynthia Schmidt, he has become the number one person under Cynthia.

During this time, he has been assisting Cynthia in recruiting troops and frantically expanding her strength.

As Baron Strack’s old subordinate, ‘Crossbone’ knows very well in his heart that the other party’s heart is cruel, and Baron Strack will definitely not give up on the matter of Cynthia setting up her own portal.

He must be prepared for retaliation that could come at any moment.

Of course, the enemies he will face are not only Baron Strack, but also the threat of other Hydra factions, such as Baron Zemo, who has always been low-key and mysterious, and Su Qi, the ‘son of hell’ who has recently risen rapidly.

At present, compared with Baron Strack, Baron Zemo and Su Qi, the power of Original Sin’s side is still too weak.

However, Crossbones does not regret his choice.

He recalled the first time he saw Cynthia.

That day, dressed in a Third Reich-era uniform, with black leather boots on her feet, she walked proudly past the crossbones, her face skinless, bare red flesh and blood, and looked exactly like her father, the Red Skull.

She has no fair skin, and even that skeleton face, in the eyes of outsiders, it is extremely hideous, but Crossbone’ does not care, in his eyes, ‘Original Sin’ has a temperament that is enough to eclipse any beauty.

Unlike the mediocre rulers inside ‘Hydra’, ‘Original Sin’ inherits the kingly style of her father, Red Skull’, and she has natural boldness and vision.

Crossbones decided that she was the only most qualified to be the leader of Hydra.

Therefore, after learning that the ‘original sin’ declared itself to be self-reliant, he took his subordinates to her and followed her to Miami.

They want to use this as a base to establish their power.

At this moment, a roar came from the sky, and the ‘crossbone’ ears moved, and he turned sharply and looked up at the sky.

I saw that among the thin clouds, a transport plane painted with dark brown color was approaching.

The side of the transport plane is painted with a black skeleton with nine-headed octopus-like tentacles sticking out underneath, which is the symbol of ‘Hydra’.

Seeing this scene, Crossbones’ immediately reacted, this is an enemy attack!

At this time, the cabin door in the sky opened, and a man jumped out directly and jumped down from the sky hundreds of meters.


“Someone jumped off?”

The subordinates behind Crossbones all looked at the sky in amazement.

I saw that the figure streaked through a space of 100 meters, almost without any interval, and directly smashed to the ground.

‘Bang! ‘

“With a loud noise, accompanied by the smoke and dust in the sky, the entire base square seemed to tremble!”


Many members of the ‘Original Sin’ faction were stunned, these were experienced agents, but this was the first time that someone could jump directly from a plane without using a parachute.

That’s hundreds of meters in the air?

He jumped down like this, and he was still unharmed, could it be that his body was made of iron?

Just when everyone was in shock, ‘Cross Bone’ noticed that on the face of the man in front of him, a dark red light mass surged under the skin, as if lava flowed in his body.


Crossbones’ reacted instantly, he already knew the identity of the attacker in front of him.

“Fire quickly! He’s a desperate warrior’! ”

Crossbone’ roared desperately as he raised his heavy submachine gun and bullets poured out at the other side.

As Baron Strack’s former right-hand man, Crossbone’ naturally knows the desperate plan and the existence of the desperate warrior.

However, ‘the desperate plan is Baron Strack’s most important secret, and everything about the desperate plan’ is strictly confidential, which is also crossbones’

First time to see the Desperate Warrior’s true face.

Next, he saw an incredible scene.

The dense bullets penetrated the opponent’s body, immediately piercing the body of the man in front of him, and his whole body was full of bullet holes, like a sieve.

However, the ‘Desperate Warrior’ in front of him did not die, he still walked forward steadily with an expressionless face.

The magma-like hot light under his skin rushed through, and at the location of the wounds that were torn and pierced by the bullet, one after another granulation began to squirm, repairing the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Crossbone’s eyes shrank and shouted, “Kill him!” ”

For a moment, the subordinates behind him opened fire at the same time, and the fierce flames flashed, and the dense bullets poured down like a rainstorm.

The ‘Desperate Warrior’ not far away raised his head, his eyes scarlet and flashing with a strange light.

I saw that his eyes were glued to the crossbones, which made the crossbones suddenly perceive a sense of crisis.

Just as he was about to flee, a blazing flame spewed out from the mouth of the ‘Desperate Warrior’s mouth, like a fire dragon descending into the world. Incinerate everything.

The subordinates behind the ‘crossbone’ did not have time to dodge, and were immediately enveloped in scorching flames, and in a moment their bodies were burned into a ball of char…




At the same time, a succession of ‘desperate warriors’ fell from the sky, smashing the ground into cobweb-like cracks.

Looking at the increasing number of desperate warriors in front of him’, ‘Crossbone’ felt his hair tingle.

“There are so many of them!”

He immediately knew that he was still too underestimated the hole card in Baron Strack’s hand, and it was obvious that the legion of desperate warriors in front of him was the true power that Baron Strack hidden.

I saw that the desperate warriors after landing quickly joined the battle group, these people are extremely fast, and at the same time have terrifying power, they do not use firearms in their hands, and their strong flesh is their best weapon.

At this time, the desperate warrior’s figure in front of him flashed violently, dragging out an afterimage, and had already rushed towards the crossed bones.

“Too fast!”

Before the ‘crossed bone’ could react, the entire body had flown out upside down and smashed on the base gate more than ten meters later, and the entire iron gate was suddenly distorted and deformed.

Crossbones’ lay up with difficulty, there was a clear fist mark directly on the chest, directly dented, the light exoskeleton armor he wore outside his body had been shattered, and it was this armor that absorbed most of the power of the opponent’s punch, which allowed him to pick up a life and was not directly disemboweled.

However, the subordinates around him were not so lucky, and in the face of ‘desperate warriors’ who were not afraid of bullets, they could only be unilaterally slaughtered.

In less than five minutes, hundreds of his subordinates died tragically at the hands of the desperate warriors.


The ‘Crossbone’ wearing a skull mask clenched his teeth, these subordinates were the ‘Hydra’ elite he personally recruited, these people were loyal to the ‘Original Sin’ Cynthia, and they were the first army under Cynthia.

However, now, most of the elite troops loyal to Cynthia have been killed and wounded, and many corpses have fallen in pools of blood.

At this moment, a figure rose from inside the base and jumped directly into the air.

She was covered in armor flowing with silver light, and held a warhammer with a strange shape in her hand.

It is the ‘original sin’ Cynthia Schmidt!

She was suspended in mid-air, her eyes were full of jumping lightning, and her gaze swept away, and she had already taken in the situation on the battlefield.

‘Original Sin’ shivered her entire face, she waved her arm, and danced the Scati God Hammer in her hand, and a cold ice suddenly spread out from the ground, turning the desperate warriors who were killing wantonly into one ice sculpture after another.

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